
  1. 在有和无心血管疾病情况下,男性女性生命期望值分别相差7.8年和8.4年。

    The differences in life expectancy free of CVD were 7.8 and 8.4 years , respectively .

  2. 结论:糖尿病引起心血管疾病发生风险和死亡风险升高,这意味着生命期望值和无心血管疾病情况下的生命期望值的下降。

    Conclusions The increase in the risk of CVD and mortality from diabetes represents an important decrease in life expectancy and life expectancy free of CVD .

  3. 三品系间,以广州品系轮虫的净生殖率、世代时间、生命期望值和平均寿命最大,芜湖品系最短。

    Net reproductive rate , generation time , life expectancy , and average lifespan of Guangzhou strain was all the maximum , and that of Wuhu strain minimum among the three strains .

  4. 食物浓度仅对轮虫的生命期望值和平均寿命有显著影响,品系对轮虫的净生殖率、世代时间、生命期望值和平均寿命也有显著影响。

    There were significant effects of food concentration on life expectancy and average lifespan . The effect of strain on net reproductive rate , generation time , life expectancy and average lifespan was also significant .