
  1. 我们使用的软件已按我们的需要作过修改。

    The software we use has been modified for us .

  2. 她还为一部关于基洛夫芭蕾舞学院的纪录片作过解说。

    She also narrated a documentary about the Kirov Ballet School .

  3. 他再也没有向波特神甫作过告解。

    He never went to Father Porter for confession again .

  4. 如果你曾经跟他作过对,就别想了,你没戏了。

    If you ever cross him , forget it , you 're finished .

  5. 在44年间仅有一名女性作过讲座,这真令人震惊。

    It is shocking that only one woman has delivered the lecture in 44 years .

  6. 我已依文字作过推理论证。

    I 've argued deductively from the text

  7. 我从未作过任何重大决定。

    I never make any big decisions

  8. 他坐马车作过不少旅行。

    He travelled a great deal by coach .

  9. 她作过环球航行。

    She has sailed round the world .

  10. 他给近1.5万部音乐作品作过注解。

    He supplied annotations to nearly 15000 musical works .

  11. 其中6例布鲁菌病患者于6年前作过同部位CT扫描。

    In which , 6 brucellar spondylitis were examined by CT in same position 6 years ago .

  12. 作者作过一些在si表面注入的B的定量深度剖面图。

    Auther did a number of quantitative depth profiles of B implanted in the surface region of silicon crystals .

  13. 本文将不对bot作过多介绍&只顺便说一句,bot是wave中的一个自动参与者。

    This article doesn 't cover bots & suffice it to say that a bot is an automated participant in a wave .

  14. 文献[1]曾对Fisher方程解的性质作过讨论。

    The properties of the solution for Fisher equation have been discussed in [ 1 ] .

  15. GDP向上修正的幅度一般在1%至2%之间,尽管希腊和意大利以前都曾作过较大修订。

    Typically , such upward GDP revisions are of between 1-2 per cent , although Greece and Italy have each previously made big revisions .

  16. 结果作过CT检查的52例急性阑尾炎均经手术及病理检查,病理报告显示急性化脓性阑尾炎35例,阑尾坏疽伴穿孔7例,急性单纯性阑尾炎9例,麦克尔憩室1例。

    Results 35 cases of them were acute suppurative appendicitis , 7 cases appendices gangrene accompanied with perforation , 9 cases of acute simple appendicitis , one cases was the Michael 's diverticulum .

  17. 影响IPO价格的因素很多,有确定因素和不确定因素,国内外学者对此已作过很多分析。

    The new stock , s price can be affected by certain and uncertain factors which have been studied by domestic and foreign scholars .

  18. 数年前,我曾作过一家CO2激光仪公司的顾问,该仪器用于不同类型的整容及皮肤手术。

    Several years ago I served as a consultant for a company that produces CO2 lasers , which are used for different kinds of cosmetic and skin surgery .

  19. 6个家系(42人)作过HLA检查,其中4个家系为提供信息家庭,这些家庭中至少有2个子女发病。

    In four of the six families , information of transmission by HLA-antigens can be provided , at least two family members suffering from hypertrophic cardiomyopathy .

  20. 现实中的凯恩斯勋爵(LordKeynes)曾在两次世界大战之间那段时期作过一系列经济思想入门书籍的编辑,并为这些书籍编写了共用的序言。

    The real Lord Keynes was the editor of a series of interwar elementary guides to economic ideas , which had a common introduction edited by the master .

  21. 不过,LinkedIn在招股书中承认,公司的股价估算规则已至少作过一次调整。

    That said , the company admits in offering documents that it has moved the goalposts at least once in estimating what its shares are worth .

  22. 特别是N-亚硝基化合物和BaP曾作过详细研究,因为它们只在某个体系的特定器官使之成为恶性。

    In particular , N-nitro compounds and BaP have been studied in detail , since in some system only specific organics become malignant .

  23. 这种振动方式,Mason曾作过详细研究,得到了电导纳表达式以及只适用于基频共振频率附近的简化等效线路。

    Mason researched this mode at first , and he derived the electrical admittance formula and approximate equivalent circuit that is only suitable to the vicinity of the fundmental frequency .

  24. 目前国外对1型糖尿病与红细胞CR1密度相关基因多态性的关系作过一些研究,然而对2型糖尿病患者红细胞CR1密度相关基因多态性的研究,国内外尚无人涉及。

    But for the research of CR1 genomic polymorphism of type 2 DM , nobody has touched both in home and abroad until now .

  25. 对于SOAP请求在网络传输过程中的访问控制,要用应用网关过滤掉一些非法的SOAP请求,没有作过多阐述,需要做进一步研究。

    For the access control of the SOAP requests in the process of the network , using the applied net passing percolation to drop some illegal SOAP requests , we don 't make excessive explanation , which needs to do a further study .

  26. 近几年,有关大黄治疗慢性肾功能衰竭(CRF)的临床报道很多,国内外都有人对其机理作过研究,但对其活性成分的报道不多。

    In recent years , many clinical and laboratory studies on the rhubarb in the treatment of Chronic Renal Failure ( CRF ) have been reported , and its mechanism also has been extensively studied .

  27. 文章结合本世纪文献报道作过卵性诊断的Rb双生子共33对,计算出同卵双生患病一致率和Rb的遗传指数(76.56%);

    According to the data of 33 pairs of twins with retinoblastoma collected from the literatures during this century , the concordance rate of Rb twins and genetic index of Rb ( 76.56 % ) were calculated .

  28. 有学者在理论上主要基于服务离岸外包在服务提供方式上以及外包主体对GATS的适用的问题作过一定的分析和研究。

    Some scholars theoretically mainly based on service disembark outsourcing , in the service provides in the way as well as the outsourcing main body has made certain analysis and the research to the GATS suitable question .

  29. USPSTF评论说自从2002年作过回顾综述以后,尚没有已完成的高质量的前列腺癌方面的随机对照研究。

    The USPSTF comments that since its last review in2002 , no good-quality randomized controlled trials of screening for prostate cancer have been completed .

  30. Gαq/11信号转导通路在血管紧张素Ⅱ引起心肌肥大中的作用早在1880年,Legg首次报道咬肌肥大畸形,之后Boldt和Coffey又分别于1930年和1942年作过报道;

    Effect of G α q / 11-mediated signal transduction pathway in cardiac hypertrophy induced by angiotensin II Masseter hypermyotrophy had been reported early in 1930 and 1942 , but the etiopathology is not clear .