
zuò jiǎ
  • cheat;falsify;counterfeit;play tricks;behave affectedly
作假 [zuò jiǎ]
  • (1) [falsify;counterfeit]∶制造假冒伪劣商品;以假充真;以次充好

  • 如今作假的东西太多

  • (2) [cheat;play tricks]∶耍手腕;玩弄伎俩

  • 你看不出那是作假吗

  • (3) [behave affectedly]∶为人不坦率,假装客气

  • 来我这儿您可别作假,该吃该喝您随便

作假[zuò jiǎ]
  1. 照相机不会作假。

    The camera cannot lie .

  2. 他因为在纳税申报表上作假而被定罪。

    He was convicted of filing false income tax returns

  3. 他在财务作假的质疑声中辞职了。

    He resigned amid allegations of financial impropriety .

  4. 公正地说,他必须承认她既没有作假也没有偷懒。

    In all fairness he had to admit that she was neither dishonest nor lazy

  5. 小偷声称警方逼迫他作假口供。

    The thief alleged that the police forced him to make a false confession .

  6. 然而近年来,大量的审计师参与会计作假案表明我国审计质量存在着严重的问题。

    He now faces charges for being drunk while in charge of a bicycle and faking a crime .

  7. v.作假击他用左手虚晃一招而用右手打我。

    feint He feinted with his left hand and hit me with his right .

  8. 对《泰晤士名校指南》(timesgooduniversityguide)中113所大学和学院的排名进行分析后发现,在排名前20的高校,毕业生的简历作假率为14%。

    Analysis by rankings , which are taken from the times good university guide of 113 universities and colleges , finds a discrepancy rate of 14 per cent for graduates from the top 20 .

  9. 因此当有传言称,她可能是在假唱,还强迫MarineCorps乐队一起作假,不免让人有些扫兴。

    . and then it went just a bit flat with word that she was probably lip synching , forcing the Marine Corps Band to fake it .

  10. 3月龄成熟SD大鼠88只,随机分卵巢切除组(OVX)及假手术组(Sham-O),切除双侧卵巢或作假手术。

    The authors used 88 3 month old females SD rats , weighing 180 ~ 240g , which were ovariectomized ( OVX ) or sham operated ( Sham O ) .

  11. 安然会计作假遭到揭露,最终导致负责该公司审计的安达信(Andersen)倒闭。当时,安达信声誉所受到的打击促使客户纷纷逃离这家五大审计事务所。

    Revelations of accounting fraud at Enron eventually led to the collapse of its auditor , Andersen , as the blow to its reputation drove clients to flee the Big Five firm .

  12. 今年1月,中国监管机构国家工商总局(SAIC)批评了阿里巴巴平台卖家的违规做法——包括纵容贿赂、假货和被称为“刷信誉”的卖家评价作假。

    In January , the State Administration for Industry and Commerce , a Chinese regulator , criticised Alibaba for violations by its sellers - including tolerating bribery , counterfeit goods and faking seller rankings , known as " brushing . "

  13. 用TM6热红外图象作假彩色等密度分割处理,以提取随海而异的地面温度场和土壤类型垂直分带信息;

    The information of ground thermal field and soil vertical zonality which differ with elevation is extracted by using the TM6 thermal infrared image to make the pseudo-color-equidensity slicing ;

  14. 也许,2012伦敦奥运的主办方会受到这种作假的诱惑。

    The London 2012 organisers may be tempted by this trickery .

  15. 又有几个人站起来作假见证告他,说

    57Then some stood up and gave this false testimony against him

  16. 这样的臆测可能导致受测试者作假。

    This assumption may lead to test-takers cheating on the test .

  17. 你还想着法地在人生计划上作假

    You 've even managed to lie to your life plan !

  18. 都无法知道我们在作假。

    Has no reason to believe we 're setting them up .

  19. 如果他们没有作假,大概不会赢吧。

    If they had not cheated they would not have won .

  20. 股票市场作假欺骗有时被认为是无受害人的罪行。

    Stock market fraud is sometimes regarded as a victimless crime .

  21. 财务作假的关键问题产生于经济环境。

    The key problems of financial fraud are based on economic environment .

  22. 多数选民讲道,选举结果肯定会作假。

    Most voters say the results will be rigged anyway .

  23. 伪造证据、窜改帐目、作假报告。

    Doctor the evidence , the accounts , a report .

  24. 对本森的指控罪名包括作假和逃税。

    The charges against Benson included fraud and tax evasion .

  25. 所以我招认我作假,而不是谋杀。

    So I will confess to fraud , not murder .

  26. 不可作假见证陷害人。

    Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour .

  27. 你不会作假,然而会不公平地取得胜利-莎士比亚。

    Wouldst not play false and yet would wrongly win - Shakespeare .

  28. 如果他没有作假,他会赢吗?

    Would he have won if he hadn 't cheated ?

  29. 不要作假,我们另可接受不行也不愿被欺骗。

    Don 't fake it . We 'd rather be ineffective than deceived .

  30. 他们教你怎么作假了么,嗯?

    They teach you how to cheat , huh ?