
zuò cí
  • Wording;write words
作词[zuò cí]
  1. 由罗杰斯和哈特作词作曲

    music and lyrics by Rodgers and Hart

  2. 不会再溺入爱海--希拉里·林赛,LadyGaga作词

    I 'll never love again By Hilary lindsay , Lady Gaga

  3. 我需要作词者,只有Colin才能胜任。

    And I need a lyricist . And it 's never worked with anyone except Colin .

  4. 日本奥组委本周受到的另一个打击是,日本最负盛名的女子大学之一的校长谴责由专业歌词作者秋元康(YasushiAkimoto)作词的一首歌性别歧视和落后于时代;秋元康是东京奥运会理事。

    In a more recent blow this week , the president of one of Japan 's most prestigious women 's universities condemned as sexist and anachronistic a song written by Yasushi Akimoto , a professional songwriter who sits on the executive board for the Tokyo Olympics .

  5. 演唱兼作词的歌手保罗·桑恩出生于美国威斯康星州,在密西西比州长大。

    Singer-songwriter Paul Thorn was born in Wisconsin and raised in Miss .

  6. 你对那些有抱负的作词家有什么建议吗?

    What advice do you have for aspiring songwriters ?

  7. 以及作词家,1993年,迈克尔杰克逊在亚洲进行了一场巡回演出。

    And song writer Michael Jackson performs during a1993 concert tour in asia .

  8. 谈沈义父的作词标准

    On Shen Yifu 's Criterion of Writing Words

  9. 他还为自己的歌作词。

    He even wrote his song 's lyrics .

  10. 王力宏获得新城电台最佳作词者。

    Lee-Hom Wang won Metro Radio Producer .

  11. 他是一个伟大的作词人。

    He is a great lyricist .

  12. 查德负责作词,其他小伙子则一起谱曲。

    Chad Kroeger wrote lyrics while the rest of the guys worked together on the music .

  13. 这段录象是丽塔在浙江丽水为国际摄影艺术节开幕式专门作词、作曲、配器、演唱的歌。

    This video depicts the opening ceremony of Lishui International Photo Festival in Zhejiang Province , China .

  14. 我周五前就需要一首歌,要找到一个清醒明智的作词者太难了。

    I need a song by Friday and it is amazingly difficult to find a sane lyricist .

  15. 该系统要求信赖成本资料,并通过审计成本而得以强化。省略不必要的词,并作词序调整。

    This system requires confidence in the cost information , and this is reinforced by cost auditing .

  16. 明人作词与选词都有与《花间集》关系密切者。

    The composition and selection of Ci in Ming Dynasty have close relations with Hua Man Ji .

  17. 清代的士大夫在游事活动中,往往会吟诗作词,这让他们的活动更多了些文化韵味。

    Qing scholars in these activities often can write lyricist , which makes their activities more attractive in culture .

  18. 他凭借他的单曲《给自己的歌》横扫最佳年度歌曲奖,最佳作曲奖和最佳作词奖三个奖项。

    He swept Song of the Year , Best Composer and Best Lyricist for his single Jonathan 's Song .

  19. 这张专辑由碧梨和哥哥菲尼亚斯作词、制作和录制,成为了双白金唱片。

    The album - written , produced and recorded by Billie and her brother Finneas - went double platinum .

  20. 如果我觉得作词和作曲都不错,我也会唱其他人写的歌。

    I will also sing songs that others write when I think the lyrics or the music is good .

  21. 他为他的歌剧作词谱曲。他的歌剧是以古代德国的故事为基础的。

    He wrote both the words and the music for his operas , which are based on ancient German stories .

  22. 她的作词,颇受纳什维尔词曲作家协会和作曲家名人堂的赞赏。

    As a songwriter , she has been honored by the Nashville Songwriters Association and the Songwriters Hall of Fame .

  23. 在1812年战时,弗朗西斯•斯科特•基为将要成为美国国歌的曲子作词。

    During the war of 1812 , Francis Scott Key wrote the words that will become America 's national anthem .

  24. 这里再次见识到蓝侬独特的作词魔力,另外在合声与吉他的部分同样有十分精彩的表现。

    There 's something magical about Lennon 's lyrics again and the background vocals and guitar parts are just as amazing .

  25. 根据肖华同志作词长征组歌编演的歌唱节目。

    Song series program reedited and acted according to " Song Series of Long March " composed by comrade Xiao Hua .

  26. 去年他获美国出版、作词及作曲家协会颁发奖项。

    Hong Kong and Europe , last year received an award from the American Authors , Composers and Publishers Society Limited .

  27. 其次,词作“调外有题序”的特征显示了“四学士”时作词“自遣”这一意识的强化;

    Secondly , the character of " title and preface adding to Diao " enhanced the idea of " expressing myself " .

  28. 参赛歌曲的作词者,作曲者及编曲者不得持有任何唱片公司或唱片版权公司的合约在身。

    Composers , lyricists and arrangers of the submitted song must not have any existing contract with any recording or publishing company .

  29. 与著名的独唱歌星们不同,他们自己作词作曲,而不是由别人去做。

    Unlike the famous solo stars who had their songs written for them , the Beatles wrote their own words and music .

  30. 需在谱上注明原作词、作曲者、新心版权所有文字,并请勿更改原歌词及旋律。

    On all reproduction , please include name of the original composers , lyricists ; please also include New Heart copyright information .