
  • 网络workload;operational quantity;Activity-drivers;Quantity of Homework
  1. 他说跟高中相比,哈佛的作业量是小菜一碟。

    who thought that compared to high school the workload here was easy .

  2. 但是一些父母担心过多的作业量正使孩子们在夏天的乐趣消失。

    But some parents worry that the workload is making summer fun slip away .

  3. 例句在我开始上这门新课程的时候,培训老师对我们要完成的作业量给出了非常明确的预期。

    When I started my new course , the trainer set very clear expectations about the workload1 we would be facing .

  4. 在输入资源,输出作业量的基础上,DEA模型可以评价作业消耗资源的效率,并为作业改进提供有价值的信息。

    Based on resources input and activity volumes output , the DEA model evaluates the resources utilization efficiency of ( activity . )

  5. 该评价基准不但能反映心理动态特征的共性,还能根据被测者的UK作业量曲线方便地计算出被测验者的评价基准曲线,从而对受测者进行心理动态特征的评价。

    The metewand can reflect not only the dynamic characteristics in general , but can also conveniently give , according to the work curve of the subject , curves of evaluation of the subject under test .

  6. 调车作业量发生规律研究及选编模型优化

    Rules for Amount of Operations in Shunting and its Optimization

  7. 调查表明现在学生的作业量增加了。

    A survey shows that students today have more assignments to do .

  8. 铁路货场装卸作业量的灰色预测模型

    The Gray Forecast Model Used to Forecast the Handling Volume in Railway Freight Yards

  9. 集装箱航线优化运行中的在港均衡作业量研究

    Equilibrium Quantities Loaded / Unloaded at Calling Ports for Container Shipping Line Optimization Operation

  10. 他们对作业量都怨声载道。

    They were all morning and groaning about the amount of homework they had .

  11. 物料搬运系统配备机械化设备的临界作业量计算方法的探讨

    A Research on Critical Operative Volume Calculation of Mechanic Equipment Fitted with Materials Handling System

  12. 物流园区规模从严格意义上分为作业量规模、用地规模、投资规模。

    Logistics park scale from strict sense into work scale , land use scale and investment .

  13. 最后,对综合客运枢纽站务作业量进行预测。三、综合客运枢纽布局规划。

    Finally the hub station capacity is forecasted . 3 . Comprehensive passenger hub layout plan .

  14. 集装箱环绕航线均衡运行原理及作业量函数模型

    Balancing circular principle on container line and function model of stevedore quantity at ports on line

  15. 近期种植业机械化受农村经营体制改革的影响,机耕、机播等主要作业量长期下降,1988年才超过历史水平。

    Under the influence of the rural reform , the area of mechanical tillage , planting , etc.

  16. 结果心理量表的技术发展有3条线索,一是评定法、二是作业量表法、三是问卷法。

    Results There are three clews in psychometric technique development : Rating method , performance scaling and survey method .

  17. 在网络论坛上,学生们对停课三天中必须完成的作业量发出了哀叹。

    In online forums , students bemoaned the amount of work they had to complete over the three-day break .

  18. 平凉南站位于正在建设中的宝中线上,作业量较大。

    The Pingliang South Station is located at the Bao-Zhong Line being constructed , and has a big traffic volume .

  19. 起重机机上及远程管理系统有助于企业完善管理、增加作业量、提升设备的利用率。

    Crane machine and the remote management system helps companies improve management , increase operational capacity , improve equipment utilization .

  20. 然而现实的境况是,学生的家庭作业量远远超出了学生的承受能力。

    However , the fact is that the amount of students ' homework is far beyond the bearing capacity of students .

  21. 改编能力是衡量编组站作业量大小的重要指标。

    The factors of influencing resorting capacity include yard and shunting equipment types , transportation organization way and single operation factor .

  22. 策克铁路口岸建成之后,进出口作业量大幅提高。

    Upon completion , the Ceke railway station port is expected to raise the operation amount of import and export trade .

  23. 管外封隔器的使用及分段完井技术的应用,可以有效减少投产前的作业量。

    The application of the external packer and the technique of segregated completion can decrease the job throughput before putting into production .

  24. 并得到了平均故障间隔作业量、平均故障间隔作业小时的估计量。

    The estimating value of the amount of ork of man failure interval and work hour of mean failure interval were obtained .

  25. 在分析编组站调车作业量影响因素的基础上,构建了调车作业算法模型。

    On the basis of analyzing the influence factors of shunting operation volume in marshalling station , the algorithm model of shunting operation is established .

  26. 此外,家长给孩子报辅导班等额外增加的作业量,间接地抵消甚至超过了学校给学生减负的任务。

    Besides , additional assignments parents bring to students through extra interest classes have indirectly cancelled out or exceed the workload that schools have reduced .

  27. 因此,学生只需在计算机前输入自己的团体选课信息即可完成原来几倍的作业量。

    Therefore , student so long as inputs own in front of the computer candidate class information then to complete the original several time of work requirements .

  28. 文件中说明,对小学生的作业量不宜超过一个小时,对小学一,二年级的学生不能有写作这样的作业。

    It said homework for primary school students should not cost more than one hour while kids in grades one and two should be free from writing assignments .

  29. 大型分布式实时系统执行的环境的不断变化,包括作业量的变化,资源的不可用,或主机故障等等。

    Changing environment for the implementation of large-scale distributed real-time system , including changes in the amount of work , resources unavailable or host failure and so on .

  30. 对于中学生来说,每天的作业量真是太大了,所以有太多的学生认为完成太大量的作业真是无趣。

    For middle school students , there is too much homework , so too many students think that it 's boring to do too much homework every day .