
xiū xī rì
  • Rest Day;holiday;day off;day of rest;non-business day
  1. 这是星期六,是我们的休息日。

    It is Saturday , our holiday .

  2. 不过很多人会把周五作为休息日,那样他们可以在感恩节后呆在家里好好休息一下。

    But a lot of people take Friday as a holiday , so they can stay at home and rest after thanksgiving .

  3. 明天是休息日,没有比赛,但星期一继续比赛。

    There are no matches tomorrow , which is a rest day , but the tournament resumes on Monday .

  4. 我的工作天,我的休息日,

    My working week and my Sunday rest ,

  5. bankholiday银行公休日国定休息日如果发薪日正好碰上了国休日那该怎么办

    What happens if payday falls on a bank holiday ?

  6. Frank拒绝了,并且提醒他今天是他的休息日。

    Frank said no and reminded him that it was his day off .

  7. 在小强的休息日,他跟Edgar可能会打打篮球并且一起去吃冰激凌。

    On Jack 's day off , he and Edgar would shoot hoops and get ice cream together .

  8. 结论工作场所条件不舒适、每天工作时间超过8h、每周没有休息日是外出打工者肺结核病的危险因素;

    Conclusion Poor workplace conditions , long work hours ( > 8 hours / day ) and not having a rest day each week are all work-related risk factors of pulmonary TB among rural adults out-migrating for work .

  9. 对于周末休息日,提出基于免疫粒子群优化的最小二乘支持向量机(IPSO-LS-SVM)预测模型。

    For the weekend forecasting , an immune particle swam optimization based least support vector machine ( IPSO-LS-SVM ) is proposed .

  10. 法国圣洛朗德拉-卡布勒里斯——在今年的环法自行车赛中,极具亲和力的冲刺冠军马塞尔·基特尔(MarcelKittel)在三个赛段中胜出,因此,他在周一的比赛休息日吸引了大量记者也不足为奇。

    ST. LAURENT DE LA CABRERISSE , France - It was predictable that Marcel Kittel , the amiable sprinter who has won three stages in this year 's Tour de France , attracted a large crowd of reporters on the race 's rest day Monday .

  11. 你现在在上海记得休息日要给奶奶打电话,要懂礼貌。

    Remember give your Grandma calls at weekends , be polite .

  12. 纽特知道你在休息日干什么吗?

    Does newt know what you do on your days off ?

  13. 周五是穆斯林人唯一的休息日

    Friday is the only day off in the Islamic week .

  14. 在休息日,您的肌肉不断地增长和修复。

    Your muscles build and repair themselves during your rest days .

  15. 原来就打算让汤姆在星期六休息日干活的决心。

    Her resolution to turn his Saturday holiday into captivity .

  16. 上帝六天劳作,第七天才定为休息日。

    God six days labor , the seventh days as rest days .

  17. 宝贝,那是我唯一的休息日。

    Honey , that 's my only day off work .

  18. 依我看,尼克在他的休息日晚得不开心。

    Nick didn 't have fun on his day off .

  19. 在惯常的训练程式中加入交叉训练和休息日。

    Incorporate cross training and rest days into your routine .

  20. 今天是星期六,是一个休息日。

    Today is Saturday . It 's a day off .

  21. 没有休息日,给我起来,起来。

    There are no days off , so get up ! Get up !

  22. 在我的上休息日,我去爬了泰山。

    On my last day off , I went to climb Mountain Tai .

  23. 许多青年人放弃休息日去参加义务劳动。

    Many young workers turned in their days off to do voluntary labour .

  24. 在我休息日请你不要来。

    Only stay away for my day of rest .

  25. 我们每周有两天休息日。

    We have two days off a week .

  26. 今天是女仆的休息日。

    It 's the maid 's day off .

  27. 星期天是传统的休息日,用太阳来给这一天命名的。

    Sunday is the day of the Sun , a traditional day of rest .

  28. “安息日”不是休息日吗?可以叫外卖

    Doesn 't Shabbos mean " day of rest , " i.e. ordering in ?

  29. 我只是想弄明白我是否在休息日上了班。

    I just wanted to make sure I wasn 't working on my day off .

  30. 你喜欢哪天来都行,除了我的休息日。

    You can come here any day you like except the day of my rest .