
  1. 在新的研究中,研究人员分析了一百八十多万人的DNA,以寻找决定身高的基因变异。

    In the new study , researchers analyzed DNA from more than 180,000 people , looking for genetic differences that dictate height .

  2. 人类性状遗传研究中心的企业集团(GIANT)的科学家找到了180个掌管身高的基因区。

    The scientists , part of a consortium called the Genetic Investigation of Anthropocentric Traits ( or GIANT ), found 180 gene regions that govern how tall we get .

  3. 对那些喜欢以高个子为主角的奇谈故事的人来说,决定人类身高的基因变异种类突然井喷般增加了很多。

    For those of you who love a tall tale , the list of genetic variations that determine human height has just experienced a growth spurt .

  4. 成年人的身高由基因和早期生活环境决定,而环境因素会影响人基因决定的遗传潜能。

    Adult height is determined both by genetics and by early life exposures , and environmental circumstances in fl uence the attainment of one 's genetic potential .

  5. 目的探讨染色体异常和身高的多基因遗传因素在身材矮小女童中对矮小身材产生的作用。

    Objective To explore the effect of chromosomal abnormality and polygenic inheritance factor in female children with short stature .

  6. 人的身高是基于多种基因的表达调控和环境影响的复杂性状。

    Human Height is a complex character that controlled by the expression of many genes and environment .