
shēn gāo
  • height;stature;height of a person
身高 [shēn gāo]
  • [height of a person] 动物躯体的高度,尤指人的身高

  • 一个身高两米的男子

身高[shēn gāo]
  1. 他的与众不同之处不光是他的身高。

    It 's more than his physical stature that makes him remarkable

  2. 他身高5英尺5英寸。

    He is five feet five inches in stature .

  3. 他的身高成为他相对于对手的先天优势。

    His height gives him an inbuilt advantage over his opponent .

  4. 他身高六英尺,体重200磅。

    He 's six feet tall and weighs 200 pounds .

  5. 干这项工作,他的身高是明显优势。

    His height was a decided advantage in the job .

  6. 他身高约六英尺,没什么特别的记号。

    He was about six feet tall , with no distinguishing marks .

  7. 她的两个兄弟都是四十多岁,身高体壮。

    Her brothers were both hefty men in their forties .

  8. 就其身高而言,她的体重还差几磅。

    She is a few pounds underweight for her height .

  9. 他身高体宽,双肩隆起。

    He was tall and broad with humped shoulders .

  10. 绘制一张身高与年龄对照的曲线图。

    Plot a graph of height against age .

  11. 他身高体宽,肌肉发达。

    He is tall , broad and muscular .

  12. 他的身高使他具有明显的优势。

    His height gives him a clear advantage .

  13. 请说明身高和体重。

    Please state your height and weight .

  14. 你身高多少?

    How tall are you ?

  15. 我姐姐是一样的身高,不过只穿12号的。

    My sister is the same height but only a size 12

  16. 我得报出自己的身高是几英尺几英寸。

    I have to give my height in feet and inches .

  17. 他身高6英尺4英寸,瘦高个儿,大长腿。

    He was six feet four , all lanky and leggy .

  18. 配偶之间政治观点上的相似度要大于他们身高的相似程度。

    The political opinions of spouses correlate more closely than their heights

  19. 她身高5英尺5英寸,体重120磅。

    She stood five feet five inches tall and weighed 120 pounds

  20. 我从来没有担心过自己的身高。

    I have never had a complex about my height .

  21. 显示你身高的指针在右上角。

    The needles that indicate your height are at the top right-hand corner

  22. 身高6英尺3英寸有些明显的不便之处!

    Being 6ft 3in tall has some distinct disadvantages !

  23. 他只有5英尺9英寸高,刚刚达到当警察的最低身高要求。

    He was only five feet nine , the minimum height for a policeman .

  24. 他身高6英尺3英寸,肌肉发达。

    He is 6ft 3ins with bulging muscles .

  25. 我身高5英尺6英寸。

    I am 5 '6 ' ' in height

  26. 按她的身高,她的体重基本正常。

    Her weight is about normal for her height

  27. 你的身高和体重是多少?

    What is your height and weight ?

  28. 他中等身高、中等身材、灰褐色头发,长着一张过目即忘的脸。

    He was average height , average build , with mousy hair and a forgettable face .

  29. 事实上,第一组人对这名男子身高的估计完全正确。

    In fact , the first group were absolutely correct in their estimation of this man 's height .

  30. 从身高来看,我算是中等身材。但我还是觉得自己胖了点。

    I 'm average for my height . But I still feel I 'm fatter than I should be