
  • 网络Alexandria;alexander;ALEXANDRE
  1. 他救灾亚力山大,他控制这座陵墓。

    He is in Alexandria and he 's got the control of the mausoleum .

  2. 他23岁的儿子亚力山大(Alexander)坐在椅子的扶手上,拨弄着他父亲的头发告别。

    Alexander , his 23-year-old son , perched on the arm of his chair and ruffled his father 's hair in farewell .

  3. 证人在亚力山大和六街的发烧夜总会。

    Witness is in a club called fever , sixth and alexandria .

  4. 我是亚力山大佩特洛夫斯基,想找凯莉布雷萧

    This is Aleksandr Petrovsky calling ... for Carrie Bradshaw .

  5. 亚力山大是名,克林顿是姓。

    Alexander is his first name and Clinton is his last name .

  6. 亚力山大:过来,给我一只手,我的孩子。

    Alexander : come here and give me a hand , my boy .

  7. 1870年,亚力山大。贝尔申请了电话的专利权。

    In1870 , Alexander Graham Bell patented the telephone .

  8. 亚力山大直丝弓矫治技术在拔牙病例中的应用

    The application of Alexander discipline in extraction cases

  9. 亚力山大很着急,不知道该怎么办。

    Alexander wondered agitatedly what he should do .

  10. 亚力山大以亚里斯多德教给他的慷慨大度,决定亲自去拜访戴奥吉尼斯。

    With that generosity which Aristotle had taught him , Alexander determined to call upon Diogenes .

  11. 第二天早上,亚力山大普洛文和我拖着书去分发,免费的。

    The next morning , Alexander Provan and I lugged the books for distribution , gratis .

  12. 亚力山大告别恋人安妮,独自回到阔别十六年的家乡。

    Pictures : Anne Alexander goodbye lover , alone back home after an absence of sixteen years .

  13. 亚力山大不愿看到战争的杀戮,救出萨美娜后被疯狂的本族人打死。

    Alexander want to see the killing of war , rescued after Sa Mina tribe killed the wild .

  14. 亚力山大城市里的桃花源

    Alexander Wonderland in City

  15. 俄罗斯雪橇联合会主席亚力山大-祖布科夫周二表示,他对(国际奥委会)这一决定感到“震惊”。

    Russian bobsleigh federation president Alexander Zubkov said on Tuesday he was " shocked " by the decision .

  16. 亚力山大走后,安妮准备离开丈夫尼克随亚力山大而去,但就在他们约会的餐馆中尼克被乱枪打死。

    Alexander had gone , leaving Anne with husband Nick Alexander away , but they were dating Nick restaurant Luanqiang killed .

  17. 现代历史学家争论说:当亚力山大的士兵们到达了富饶的美索不达米亚地区并看到了巴比伦时,他们深为(眼前的美景)所震撼。

    Modern historians argue that when Alexander 's soldiers reached the fertile land of Mesopotamia and saw Babylon , they were impressed .

  18. 徒四6又有大祭司亚那和该亚法、约翰、亚力山大、并所有大祭司的亲族,都在那里。

    Acts 4:6 As well as Annas the high priest and Caiaphas and John and Alexander and as many as were of high-priestly descent .

  19. 莫斯科国立国际关系学院的亚力山大·鲁金说,两国关系现在处于历史最好时期。

    Now , says Alexander Lukin , of the Moscow State Institute of International Relations , relations between the two states are at an all-time high .

  20. 纽约州罗切斯特大学的肖恩格林、亚力山大普杰和达芙妮巴夫利尔试图找到答案。

    Shawn green , Alexandre pouget and Daphne Bavelier , from the University of Rochester , in New York State , set out to find an answer .

  21. 试著阅读亚力山大技巧,一种上台准备方法,它教导我们去除身体不需要的力气,而不是增加,往往这样我们才会有更好的表现。

    Try reading about the Alexander Technique , a method of preparing for the stage that teaches us that we often perform better by removing unnecessary physical effort , not adding more .

  22. 当时有称利百地拿会堂的几个人,并有古利奈、亚力山大、基利家、亚西亚、各处会堂的几个人,都起来和司提反辩论。

    Then there arose certain of the synagogue , which is called the synagogue of the Libertines , and Cyrenians , and Alexandrians , and of them of Cilicia and of Asia , disputing with Stephen .

  23. 徒二八11过了三个月,我们上了一只亚力山大的船,这船以丢斯双子为记,是在那岛上过了冬的。

    Acts 28:11 And after it had been three months , we put out to sea in an Alexandrian ship which had wintered in the island , with the twin sons of Zeus for its figurehead .

  24. 有一个古利奈人西门,就是亚力山大和鲁孚的父亲,从乡下来,经过那地方。他们就勉强他同去,好背着耶稣的十字架。

    And they made one , Simon of cyrene , the father of Alexander and rufus , who was going by , coming from the country , go with them , so that he might take his cross .

  25. 当被问到土耳其是否会把亚力山大的大理石棺交还黎巴嫩,居纳伊和他的译员选择了回避土耳其人的态度过分坚决,并没能把自己描绘成文化压迫的受害者,他们也不认同国外博物馆和考古学家拯救了他们的文物。

    Asked whether Alexander 's sarcophagus would be returned to Lebanon , Mr Gunay and his interpreter simply ignore the question . The Turks are too determined to depict themselves as victims of cultural oppression to accept that foreign museums and archaeologists have also played a part in saving their treasures .