
  • 网络export competitiveness
  1. 近几年来也有学者从不同角度研究了FDI与出口竞争力的相关性。

    In recent years , some scholars had studied the relative connection of FDI and Export Competitiveness .

  2. 结果表明,长期以来出口竞争力在我国水产品出口增加中起决定性作用,并在加入WTO后,呈进一步加强态势;

    The results show that that export competitiveness is the most important factor in China 's aquatic product export increase , especially after entering into WTO .

  3. FDI是否降低了中国内资企业的出口竞争力?&基于显示比较优势的研究

    Will FDI weaken the competitive power of the export of domestic enterprises ? & Research based on revealed comparative advantage

  4. 这既是为了弥补FDI对湖南出口竞争力影响研究方面的不足,也是为了能够为各省市之间FDI对出口竞争力影响比较研究提供一个可分析的框架。

    It is not only to make up the lack of research in the relationship between FDI and export competitiveness , but also to provide a framework for analysis for other provinces .

  5. 韩国有效的FTA战略使韩国的经济迅速发展,在较短的时间内,不仅获取了更大的市场份额,而且提高了韩国商品的出口竞争力,改善了本国的产业结构。

    Effective FTA policy facilitates the development of Korean economy . Within a short period , Korea not only obtained bigger market share , but also promoted the export competitiveness of their commodity .

  6. 我国的出口竞争力主要来自于低廉的工资成本。

    China 's export competitiveness derives mainly from lower labor cost .

  7. 湖南省民营企业出口竞争力实证分析

    Empirical Study on the Export Competitiveness of the Hunan Private Enterprises

  8. 80年代以来中国服务出口竞争力的国际比较&与主要经济发达国家及印度的比较分析

    A Comparative Study of China 's Services Export Competitiveness since 1980s

  9. 对提高我国农产品出口竞争力的思考

    New idea about increasing competitive ability of Chinese agricultural products export

  10. 民营企业出口竞争力现状分析

    Analysis on the Current Status of Private Companies ' Export Competitiveness

  11. 韩国服装业出口竞争力分析与发展对策

    Analysis on Export Competitiveness in Korean Apparel Industry and Its Development Countermeasure

  12. 我国罗非鱼产业现状分析及提高罗非鱼出口竞争力的措施

    Present situation of tilapia industry and measures of improving export competition power

  13. 降低本国产品的生产成本,提高其出口竞争力。

    Reduce their producing costs and enhance its export competitiveness .

  14. 部分答案在于,这些国家决意保持出口竞争力。

    Part of the answer is their determination to preserve export competitiveness .

  15. 旨在保持出口竞争力的干预主义政策促进了经济增长。

    Interventionist policies aimed at sustaining export competitiveness expand economies .

  16. 东亚经济出口竞争力的比较研究

    A Comparative Study of Export Competitiveness between East Asian Countries

  17. 中国大豆出口竞争力及对策研究

    Study on the Export Competitiveness of Chinese Soybeans and Countermeasure

  18. 中国蔬菜产业出口竞争力的实证研究

    Positive Study on the Export Competitiveness of Chinese Vegetable Industry

  19. 中国民营企业出口竞争力研究

    Research on the Export Competitiveness of Non-State-Run Enterprises in China

  20. 农业龙头企业出口竞争力决定因素与综合评价

    Determinants and Comprehensive Evaluation of Export Competitive Power of Leading Agricultural Enterprises

  21. 欧盟环保指令对我国手机产品出口竞争力的影响分析

    Effects of EU Directives on China 's Export Competitiveness of Electronic Products

  22. 深加工视角下我国水果业的出口竞争力研究

    Export Competitiveness Study of Fruit Industry in China in View of Deep Processing

  23. 中国高技术产品出口竞争力评价研究

    Research on China 's Export Competitiveness of High-tech Products

  24. 提升我国农产品出口竞争力的对策研究

    The Countermeasure Research on to Upgrade the Exporting Competitiveness of Our Agricultural Products

  25. 提高铁路货车出口竞争力

    Improvement of the Export Competitiveness of Railway Freight Cars

  26. 广东产业出口竞争力研究

    A Research on Guangdong 's Industrial Export Competitive Advantage

  27. 这可能会降低这些国家的出口竞争力,可能也会遏制其经济增长。

    This would make their exports less competitive and perhaps curb their growth .

  28. 提升中小企业出口竞争力之对策&关于汕头市中小企业出口竞争力的调查研究

    Investigation and Study to Small and Middle-sized Enterprises ′ Export Competitive Power in Shantou

  29. 我国马铃薯比较优势和出口竞争力分析

    An analysis on the comparative advantages and export competitive capability of potatoes in China

  30. 我国中小企业出口竞争力实证分析

    Empirical study on the export competition power of the Chinese small and medium enterprises