首页 / 词典 / good


chū sè
  • outstanding;remarkable;fine;distinguished;splendid;stand out
出色 [chū sè]
  • (1) [distinguished]∶卓越

  • 在这位将军的出色的领导之下

  • (2) [outstanding]∶杰出;出类拔萃

  • 出色的外交家

  • (3) [fine]∶在结构、制作、设计或表现方式上高人一等的

  • 一件出色的艺术作品

  • 一件出色的裙子

出色[chū sè]
  1. 他被评选为这次运动会表现最出色的运动员。

    He was singled out as the outstanding performer of the games .

  2. 工作做得可以,但不出色。

    The work is satisfactory but not outstanding .

  3. 他会干得很出色的——他干劲冲天。

    He 'll do very well ─ he has tremendous drive .

  4. 他是我训练过的最出色的足球运动员。

    He 's the best football player I 've ever coached .

  5. 学校为这次出色的考试成绩感到骄傲,这是理所当然的。

    The school was rightly proud of the excellent exam results .

  6. 你应该为你出色的工作感到自豪。

    You can congratulate yourself on having done an excellent job .

  7. 她是同辈中最出色的网球运动员之一。

    She was one of the best tennis players of her generation .

  8. 这支队在比赛中表现出色。

    The team gave a good account of themselves in the match .

  9. 她是将德彪西的音乐演绎得最出色的演奏者之一。

    She is one of the finest interpreters of Debussy 's music .

  10. 她在那种情况下仍把工作干得很出色。

    She did the job very well in the circumstances .

  11. 狄更斯在其同时期英国作家中最为出色。

    Dickens was pre-eminent among English writers of his day .

  12. 结果表明她是一个非常出色的组织者。

    She turned out to be an organizer par excellence .

  13. 这位演员因表演出色而被认为有望获得奥斯卡奖。

    The actor is tipped to win an Oscar for his performance .

  14. 求职人员出色的能力给他留下了深刻印象。

    He was impressed by the high calibre of applicants for the job .

  15. 警方的这一行动非常出色。

    It was a copybook operation by the police .

  16. 作为爵士乐歌手,她比大多数同行都要出色。

    As a jazz singer she 's in a class of her own .

  17. 考试中拼写和语法出色者将受到表扬。

    Credit will be given in the exam for good spelling and grammar .

  18. 他是世上最出色的运动员。

    He 's the greatest player who ever lived .

  19. 在决赛中,德国队发挥得几乎和阿根廷队一样出色。

    Germany ran Argentina very close in the final .

  20. 她非常出色地赢得了那场赛跑。

    She did bloody well to win that race .

  21. 你们活儿干得都很出色。

    You 've all done a magnificent job .

  22. 她的成绩表明她是全国最出色的骑手之一。

    Her success has stamped her as one of the country 's top riders .

  23. 他的母亲是画家,他本人也是很出色的艺术家。

    His mother was a painter , and he 's no mean artist himself .

  24. 她工作出色,我毫无保留地把她推荐给你。

    She is an excellent worker and I commend her to you without reservation .

  25. 他的出色表现使球队士气大振,以5:0大获全胜。

    His superb play inspired the team to a thrilling 5 – 0 win .

  26. 他在考试中表现出色。

    He acquitted himself brilliantly in the exams .

  27. 她在面试中表现得十分出色。

    She was very impressive in the interview .

  28. 他虽然经验最少,却是最出色的老师。

    He 's the best teacher , even though he has the least experience .

  29. 他在最近的一部电影中扮演疯狂的理科教师,表现出色。

    He 's right on form as a crazy science teacher in his latest movie .

  30. 他是一名出色的网球选手。

    He 's a mean tennis player .