
chū zī bǐ lì
  • Contribution ratio;ratio of investments;proportion of subscribed capital
  1. 中国可以提议成立一个新的全球环境基金,各国按照其历史累积的大致污染量来划分出资比例,而不是按照目前的GDP来出资。

    China could propose a new global environmental fund , with each nation 's donations given in proportion to its historical contribution to pollution , rather than in proportion to its current GDP .

  2. 与此同时,跨国车企——面向中国日益壮大的中产阶层销售汽车已使它们获利丰厚——正在考虑如何提高自身在合资企业中的出资比例,在某些情况下则是持有合资伙伴的股权。大众与中国国有企业一汽(FAW)组成了合资公司。

    At the same time , global brands that have become very rich selling cars to China 's growing middle class are considering ways to take a bigger slice of their joint ventures , and in some cases , joint-venture partners .

  3. 股东有权按照出资比例分取红利;

    Shareholders shall draw dividends in proportion to their capital contribution ;

  4. 您能告诉我贵方的出资比例吗?

    Will you is so king as to let me know the percentage of your contribution ?

  5. 股东按照出资比例分取红利。

    Shareholders are entitled to receive dividends in accordance with the proportions of their capital contributions .

  6. 各国出资比例相等,因而将拥有同等投票权,这一结构跟世界银行形成了鲜明的对比。

    Equalising contributions would give the institution an equal voting structure , in sharp contrast to the world bank .

  7. 股东应依照出资比例于股东会会议行使表决权。

    Shareholders shall , in accordance with the proportions of their capital contribution , exercise voting rights at shareholders'meetings .

  8. 而从我国相关规定可以看出我国的立法对出资比例问题持谨慎的态度。

    But the cautious legislation on the funding of the ratio can be seen from the relevant provisions in our countries .

  9. 通过定性分析和定量分析相结合的方法,本文对我国农村合作医疗各筹资渠道的资金供给能力和出资比例状况进行了宏观上的评价。

    Adopting quantitative and qualitative methods , it appraises the financing ability and proportion in contribution of funds by each fund-raising channel .

  10. 恢复布雷顿森林机构的合法性,要求大规模重新分配国家配额(决定投票权重的出资比例)。

    Restoring legitimacy to the Bretton Woods institutions requires a significant reallocation of country quotas ( capital shares that determine voting weights ) .

  11. 因此,应将股东首付的法定出资比例提高至40%至50%,并适当缩短缴清出资的期限。

    Therefore , the proportion of initial capital contribution of the shareholders should be increased to 40 % - 50 % and the payment term should be shortened .

  12. 农村合作银行多跨地级市发起;注册资本的平均水平较高,但分布无规律;主发起人的出资比例较低。

    Rural cooperative banks cline to intercity ; with higher but irregular average level of registered capital ; the ratio of capital invested by the main shareholder is low .

  13. 因此,本章的结论是:知识产权出资比例的多少留给公司根据其营业需要来确定如何呢?3.知识产权出资评估。

    This chapter arrives at the conclusion that is it workable for the company to designate the proportion of intellectual property investment according to its operational needs ? 3 .

  14. 第三十五条合伙的债务,由合伙人按照出资比例或者协议的约定,以各自的财产承担清偿责任。

    Article 35 A partnership 's debts shall be secured with the partners ' property in proportion to their respective contributions to the investment or according to the agreement made .

  15. 两个以上股东主张行使优先购买权的,协商确定各自的购买比例;协商不成的,按照转让时各自的出资比例行使。

    Two above shareholders advocated that exercises first purchases the power , the consultation determines the respective purchase proportion ; Consults inadequately , according to transfer when the respective investment proportion exercises .

  16. 董事名额的分配由合营各方参照出资比例协商确定。

    The apportionment of the number of directors shall be determined through consultation between the parties to the venture , taking into account the ratio of their respective investments in the joint venture .

  17. 在遵守上述规定的情况下,双方有权按他们对“合资公司”注册资本的出资比例分享“合资公司”的利润,以及分担“合资公司”的损失和风险。

    Subject to the foregoing , any profits , losses or risks shall be enjoyed or borne by the Parties in proportion to their respective contributions made to the registered capital of the JV Company .

  18. 本部分提出了多元化筹资机制的构想并对筹资渠道、出资比例、筹资水平进行了论证,并提出了一系列基金筹集的保障措施。

    This part has brought forward the idea diversifying financing mechanism , capital proportion , financing level and demonstrating it in progress , and having brought forward a series of ensure measure of raising fund .

  19. 通过对相关指标的考察,得到流域下游各地区在生态补偿中的出资比例,并与第一部分测算出的生态补偿额相乘确定出资额。

    Take the contribution ratio of the river downstream in ecological compensation through the examination of relevant indicators firstly , and then multiply the amount of ecological compensation calculated in the first part to determine the capital contributions .

  20. 13.合资公司注册资本由甲、乙方按其出资比例b>分b>_____期缴付。这笔分期付款应在每季度末支付。

    The registered capital of the joint venture company shall be paid in ___________ installments by Party A and Party B according to their respective proportion of their investment . The instalment is payable at the end of each quarter .

  21. 合营企业清偿债务后的剩余财产按照合营各方的出资比例进行分配,但合营企业协议、合同、章程另有规定的除外。

    The remaining property after liquidation of the debts of the joint venture shall be distributed to the parties in proportion to their capital contribution , unless otherwise provided for in the joint venture agreement , contract or articles of association .

  22. 外国投资者与被并购境内公司原其他股东,在境内公司资产评估的基础上,确定各自在外商投资企业注册资本中的出资比例。

    The foreign investor and other original shareholders of the merged domestic company shall , on the basis of the asset valuation of the domestic company , determine the proportions of their respectively contributed investments in the foreign-funded enterprise 's registered capital .

  23. 与此同时,可能因为出资比例的不同而形成所谓的大股东和小股东,在公司管理模式上也可能形成股东中心主义和董事中心主义的对立。

    At the same time , probably because of the different investment proportion and form the so-called " big shareholder " and " small shareholders ", in company management pattern may also be formed " stockholder centralism " and " Directors centralism " opposites .

  24. 并进一步提出了分配效果评价的方法,构筑了分配效果评价模型,设计了评价指标与判据,建立了合理分配效果的各利益主体出资比例模型,使分配效果评价在实践上具有可操作性。

    Furthermore , this paper presents the method of benefit distributional evaluation , constructs the evaluation model , designs the evaluation indexes and criteria , and builds the equity model of each related entity , which make the benefit distributional evaluation have applicability in practice .

  25. 作者根据已有理论成果,提出了一个新的理论命题,并在此基础上重新审视了依照出资比例分配控制权的已有结论,突破了同股、同权、同利的基本原则。

    The author puts forward a new theory proposition according to already theory achievements , examines the existed conclusion assign the control power according to proportion of investment again on this basis , and breaks through the basic principle of same stock , same right , same profit .

  26. 但该资本制度的缺点是股东首付的法定出资比例稍低,缴清全部出资的期限稍长,特别是在我国信用制度不健全的背景下,不利于交易安全。

    The disadvantage of this new capital system is that the proportion is low of ini - tial capital contribution of the shareholders , the term of whole capital payment is rather long , which is not propitious to business security especially on the background of insufficient credit system .

  27. 另外,在实体法方面还重点论述了专利权出资的比例以及专利权出资的法律责任、风险承担方面的问题,并提出了笔者自己的几点看法。

    In addition , the substantive law also focuses on the proportion of patents and patent investment funded legal liability , risk issues , and made my own arguments .

  28. 首先对于债权出资的比例进行限制,有助于在承认债权出资合法性的情况下,保障公司的经营活动的顺利经营发展。

    First of all for limiting the proportion of debt-funded , helps in recognizing cases of debt-funded legitimacy , guarantee the smooth operation of the business activities of the company development .

  29. 中方拟出资方式及比例:中方以土地、基础设施出资,外方以现汇、设备出资。

    The investment way and proportion of Sino-side : invest in land , factory building and cash , accounting for30 % of total investment .

  30. 在此背景下,我国对《公司法》进行了修改,顺应形势,取消或修改了对出资形式和比例的很多限制。

    In this context , the " Company Law " has been modified to conform to the situation , to cancel or modify many of the limitations on the contribution of form and proportion .