
On top of that , we have an export shock from the spreading European recession that is only now starting to show through in the data , such as the plunge in US purchasing managers ' orders .
Not threatening domestic production in livestock husbandry and export of livestock and poultry products ;
The green directives EU issued in recent years became green trade barriers of our country export .
Economists are right to point out that exports are now more diversified than when Japan was the dominant buyer .
On the other side , more recent research has examined the structural change in export composition as an important source of a country economic growth rather the export volume .
For the eurozone that means that currency overvaluation against the dollar puts pressure not just on exports to the US , but on exports to most of the rest of the world .
I would sympathise far more , however , if China 's foreign currency interventions , combined with the sterilisation of their natural monetary effects , was not such a massive subsidy to its exports .
Customs measures taken by EU and America have greatly obstructed export of some product in china .
S.lawmakers have long contended that China 's tightly controlled exchange rate gives unfair support to its exporters .
As with Japan in the 1980s , China 's export growth relative to the rest of the world has created one of its most serious mismatches .
A number of anti-dumping behaviors directed to china on the international market have posed the more and more serious threat to the export enterprises in our country .
Anti-circumvention measures are taken by the developed countries like EU and USA to resist China , and have put forward much harder challenges upon China 's export business .
They effectively inhibit oil market integration on a global basis . Oil consuming countries also adopt oil import substitution measures , which might distort comparative advantages in international oil trade and bring threats to oil demands for exporters .
Related to the practice of developing foreign exchange earnings from agricultural products in Guangdong province , this article illuminates the broad spectrum in which advanced technology is essential to keeping the leading position of agricultural and processed products in export .
Global interest in inflation in China has increased over the past year amid concerns that it could feed into higher prices elsewhere , although economists argue that inflation is just one of a number of factors putting pressure on Chinese export prices .
Part II analyzes composition of export cost ;
In our export products , Textile industry is always one beautiful branch , which has made great contribution to the economic development .
The article selected the balance of consumer credit , GDP , disposable income of urban residents , the real estate investment and net exports as variables .
An exception has been South Korea , where a weaker won is underpinning export robustness .
Final demands are formed four parts with the consumption of resident , government consumption , fixed capital and the net export .
To punish this crime and to correctly adopt the law , it is necessary to clarify the constructed elements of crime of obtaining export tax drawback from the state , and to identify the differences from other crimes .
The reduction of central control over the quantity , composition and pricing of china 's exports occurred at the same time that increasing global competitiveness was becoming more and more apparent to the world 's more highly developed economies .
The Effect of FDI on China 's Export Increase and Composition of Export Commodities
Since 1985 , while its export has been increasing rapidly , the composition of China 's export commodities has experienced great changes : from the export of mainly primary products and products of low technology to that of mainly products of low , medium , and high technology .
On the Industry circumstance , the reduce of export benefit policies , the influence of each competitive side , the development of e-business , all become the real press to drill bits export enterprises .
Traditional classification on export goods is not suitable for now . So we use the exports sophistication to re-analysis the composition of China exports according to Rodrick ( 2006 ) .