
  1. 除此之外,欧洲经济衰退范围扩大还对美国出口构成冲击,目前这种影响刚刚开始体现在数据上,例如美国采购经理指数(PMI)中的新订单分类指数近期显著下跌。

    On top of that , we have an export shock from the spreading European recession that is only now starting to show through in the data , such as the plunge in US purchasing managers ' orders .

  2. 不对境内畜牧业生产和畜禽产品出口构成威胁;

    Not threatening domestic production in livestock husbandry and export of livestock and poultry products ;

  3. 欧盟近年来颁布的绿色指令对我国产品的出口构成了严厉的贸易壁垒。

    The green directives EU issued in recent years became green trade barriers of our country export .

  4. 经济学家指出,如今出口构成更加多样化,不像以前日本是主要买家,这没错。

    Economists are right to point out that exports are now more diversified than when Japan was the dominant buyer .

  5. 而另一方面,近期更多的研究则认为出口构成中的结构性变化而非出口量是一个国家的经济增长的更重要的因素。

    On the other side , more recent research has examined the structural change in export composition as an important source of a country economic growth rather the export volume .

  6. 这对欧元区意味着,欧元兑美元估值过高,不仅对欧元区向美国的出口构成了压力,也对欧元区向全球其它多数地区的出口形成了压力。

    For the eurozone that means that currency overvaluation against the dollar puts pressure not just on exports to the US , but on exports to most of the rest of the world .

  7. 然而,如果中国的外汇干预以及对由此产生的货币效应的冲销未对其出口构成大幅补贴的话,我会更支持他。

    I would sympathise far more , however , if China 's foreign currency interventions , combined with the sterilisation of their natural monetary effects , was not such a massive subsidy to its exports .

  8. 欧盟和美国的海关措施对我国的一些产品的出口已经构成了极大的阻挡作用。

    Customs measures taken by EU and America have greatly obstructed export of some product in china .

  9. 很多美国议员长期认为,中国严格管制的汇率对其出口企业构成了不公平的支持。

    S.lawmakers have long contended that China 's tightly controlled exchange rate gives unfair support to its exporters .

  10. 正如日本在上世纪80年代的情况一样,中国相对于世界其他地区的出口增长构成了最严重的不相称状况之一。

    As with Japan in the 1980s , China 's export growth relative to the rest of the world has created one of its most serious mismatches .

  11. 国际市场上对中国的大量反倾销行为对我国出口企业构成了越来越严重的威胁。

    A number of anti-dumping behaviors directed to china on the international market have posed the more and more serious threat to the export enterprises in our country .

  12. 欧美等发达国家采用反规避措施,对我国出口贸易构成了严峻的挑战。

    Anti-circumvention measures are taken by the developed countries like EU and USA to resist China , and have put forward much harder challenges upon China 's export business .

  13. 石油消费国同样实施各类石油进口替代措施以制衡,抑制石油国际贸易中的比较优势,对出口国构成需求安全的威胁。

    They effectively inhibit oil market integration on a global basis . Oil consuming countries also adopt oil import substitution measures , which might distort comparative advantages in international oil trade and bring threats to oil demands for exporters .

  14. 本文从广东发展创汇农业的实际,论述以先进技术把农业武装起来,使农产品及其加工品在今后出口商品构成中,继续占有重要地位。

    Related to the practice of developing foreign exchange earnings from agricultural products in Guangdong province , this article illuminates the broad spectrum in which advanced technology is essential to keeping the leading position of agricultural and processed products in export .

  15. 过去一年,全球对中国通胀的关注程度有所上升,原因是人们担忧,这可能导致其它地区价格上涨,不过一些经济学家辩称,在诸多对中国出口价格构成压力的因素中,通胀只是其中之一。

    Global interest in inflation in China has increased over the past year amid concerns that it could feed into higher prices elsewhere , although economists argue that inflation is just one of a number of factors putting pressure on Chinese export prices .

  16. 第二部分分析外贸出口的成本构成;

    Part II analyzes composition of export cost ;

  17. 在我国出口的产品构成中,纺织业可以说是一枝独秀,一直为经济的发展做出了很大的贡献。

    In our export products , Textile industry is always one beautiful branch , which has made great contribution to the economic development .

  18. 文章选取消费信贷余额、GDP,城镇居民可支配收入、房地产投资和净出口五个个变量构成计量模型。

    The article selected the balance of consumer credit , GDP , disposable income of urban residents , the real estate investment and net exports as variables .

  19. 韩国是一个例外。韩元走软正在对出口的强劲增长构成支撑。

    An exception has been South Korea , where a weaker won is underpinning export robustness .

  20. 最终需求主要由居民消费、政府消费、固定资本形成与净出口四个部分构成,其中固定资本形成的生产诱发系数最大,说明通过增加这一部分的需求刺激可以更有效地促进总产出的增长。

    Final demands are formed four parts with the consumption of resident , government consumption , fixed capital and the net export .

  21. 为惩治犯罪和正确适用法律,应明确骗取出口退税罪的构成要件,以正确认定与其他犯罪的区别。

    To punish this crime and to correctly adopt the law , it is necessary to clarify the constructed elements of crime of obtaining export tax drawback from the state , and to identify the differences from other crimes .

  22. 在中央政府对出口产品数量、构成和价格的控制不断弱化的同时,世界上较发达国家间的全球性竞争加剧的趋势日益明显。

    The reduction of central control over the quantity , composition and pricing of china 's exports occurred at the same time that increasing global competitiveness was becoming more and more apparent to the world 's more highly developed economies .

  23. FDI对我国出口增长和出口商品构成演变的影响

    The Effect of FDI on China 's Export Increase and Composition of Export Commodities

  24. 1985年以来,我国在出口快速增长的同时,出口商品的构成也发生了很大的变化:从以初级产品和低技术制成品的出口为主演变成以低、中、高技术制成品的出口为主。

    Since 1985 , while its export has been increasing rapidly , the composition of China 's export commodities has experienced great changes : from the export of mainly primary products and products of low technology to that of mainly products of low , medium , and high technology .

  25. 行业环境中,国家出口优惠政策的减少,竞争各方的影响,电子商务的发展都对钻头出口企业构成现实压力。

    On the Industry circumstance , the reduce of export benefit policies , the influence of each competitive side , the development of e-business , all become the real press to drill bits export enterprises .

  26. 出口产品的传统分类法已不适用于当前的贸易形势,为此我们利用Rodrick(2006)提出的出口技术复杂度指数重新分析了中国的出口构成。

    Traditional classification on export goods is not suitable for now . So we use the exports sophistication to re-analysis the composition of China exports according to Rodrick ( 2006 ) .