首页 / 词典 / good


tīng cóng
  • listen to;obey;heed;deference;comply with;mind;accept
听从 [tīng cóng]
  • [obey;listen to;accept;heed;comply with] 接受并服从

  • 听从他的劝告

听从[tīng cóng]
  1. 狗可以训练得听从命令。

    Dogs can be trained to obey orders .

  2. 当后卫不肯听从队长的命令时,队长说他不允许这样。

    When the fullback refused to obey the captain , the captain said he would have none of that .

  3. 她看到他们听从了自己的建议,感到很欣慰。

    She was gratified to find that they had followed her advice .

  4. 我听从他们的建议申请了这份工作。

    On their advice I applied for the job .

  5. 我决定假意听从她的意见。

    I decided to play along with her idea .

  6. 她只听从总裁的吩咐。

    She takes orders only from the president .

  7. 我听从您的吩咐——您要我做什么?

    I 'm at your command ─ what would you like me to do ?

  8. 他想自己拿主意,而不是盲目听从他父母的意见。

    He wanted to decide for himself instead of blindly following his parents ' advice .

  9. 部长不必非得听从委员会的建议。

    Ministers are under no obligation to follow the committee 's recommendations .

  10. 也许他已经听从了她的建议去河边散步了。

    Perhaps he 'd followed her suggestion of a stroll to the river

  11. 我真笨,竟然听从了她的劝说。

    I was a fool to have let her talk me into it .

  12. 在许多社会,子女结婚仍然只能听从父母之命。

    In many societies children still marry someone of their parents ' choice .

  13. 大部分医生希望病人能听从医嘱。

    Most doctors want their patients to be submissive .

  14. 他让自己听从上帝的意志。

    He has submitted himself to the will of God

  15. 你需要向布赖恩汇报,听从他的指挥。

    You are to answer to Brian , to take your orders from him .

  16. 我告诉他们这个主意糟糕透顶,但是他们却拒不听从。

    I told them it was a lousy idea , but I was overruled .

  17. 鼓励医生听从专家的意见。

    Doctors are encouraged to defer to experts .

  18. 她没有听从自己心里的话,弗兰克因此死了。

    She hadn 't followed her instinct and because of this Frank was dead .

  19. 我真希望自己当时听从了别人的劝告,没去做手术。

    I wish I 'd listened to the people who warned me against having the operation

  20. 大多数外国人听从本国政府的建议离开了该国。

    Most foreign nationals have now left the country on the advice of their governments .

  21. 我本该听从自己的第一反应,不接受这次采访的。

    I should 've gone with my first instinct , which was not to do the interview

  22. 克里斯本应听从那句老话——“千万不要恩将仇报”。

    Chris would have been well advised to heed the old saying ' Never bite the hand that feeds you . '

  23. 他听从医生的劝告戒烟了。

    He took the doctor 's advice to give up smoking .

  24. 我不知道他能否听从您的劝说。

    I wonder if he can take your advice .

  25. 听从长辈们的劝告吧。

    Listen to the counsel of your elders .

  26. 他们拒绝听从他的指挥。

    They refuse to dance to his tune .

  27. 他听从了我的劝说。

    He gave in to my persuasion .

  28. 不能听从你,但是我感谢你说了这番话。

    I can 't follow your advice . nevertheless , thank you for giving it .

  29. 相反,如果你肯听从我的劝告,你会发现对你来说,这比八个八十块钱还要值钱呢!

    On the contrary , if you will but follow my advice , you will find it worth more than eight times eighty dollars to you .

  30. 他补充道,“悲剧在于他没有听从自己的建议”。

    He adds , " The tragedy is that he didn 't follow his own advice . "