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shù lì
  • erect;stand;plant;set upright
竖立 [shù lì]
  • [stand;erect;set upright] 长形物体垂直地立在地上

  • 场地上竖立着标杆

  • 纪念塔竖立在广场上

  • 中间竖起一面小黑板,我就站在那里讲课。--孙梨《平原的觉醒》

竖立[shù lì]
  1. 我们巴彻斯特的妇女会给它竖立起一个合适的座子的。

    We ladies of Barchester will erect for it a fitting receptacle .

  2. 欧洲北部和亚洲的一种开红花的草本植物,竖立的总状花序。

    Herb of northern Europe and Asia having erect racemes of red flowers .

  3. 这些猫的哀叫引得我的狗毛发竖立。

    Cats yowl . My dog 's hair bristles in response .

  4. 墓碑三三两两地竖立在地面上。

    Tombstones jutted out of the ground in broken clusters

  5. 一根天线在草地边上竖立着。

    An aerial thrust up from the grass verge

  6. 她的头发一簇簇竖立着。

    Her hair stood out in spikes .

  7. 门前竖立着一根旗杆。

    A flagpole stands outside the gate .

  8. 那座现代的办公大楼昂然地竖立在那片旧建筑物中十分扎眼。

    The modern office block sticks out like a sore thumb among the old buildings in the area .

  9. Surface带有一个支架,能使其竖立在桌子上,此外,在其保护套中还内置有一副键盘。

    The surface comes with a stand to hold it upright on a table and a keyboard integrated into its carrying case .

  10. 我朝消防站的尽头望去,那里竖立l着高高的、金光闪闪的滑杆。

    I looked down to the end of the fire station and there stood , sparkling gold to the sky , the fire pole .

  11. 6月30日,中央公园将竖立一个弹起式的小教堂,提供一名神父和纸杯蛋糕。纽约市市长MichaelBloomberg鼓励人们前往纽约结婚。

    A pop-up chapel will be erected in Central Park on July 30th , providing an officiating person and cupcakes.Michael Bloomberg , New York 's mayor , is encouraging people to come to New York City to get married .

  12. 急性毒性实验:各组小鼠注射聚肌胞后均表现行动迟缓,精神沉郁,畏寒扎堆,被毛竖立,用药后3h呈现不同程度的腹泻,4h后相继出现死亡。

    Acute toxicity test : Many toxic symptoms of the mice were observed after poly I : C including action retardation , gloomy spirit , chilly , clothing hair erection , and diarrhoea 3 hours after medication and death one by one 4 hours later .

  13. 研究了氡在不同介质模型中的运移情况,实验得出:氡及其子体在竖立的封闭空气模型中,运移距离大大超过27m,远远超过扩散作用达到的范围;

    This paper studies the behavior of radon migration in different media . The experiment results indicate that the migration distance of radon and its daughters in vertical sealed device filled in air is much farther than 27 m and greatly exceeds the range that diffusion can reach .

  14. 我们站在曼梯里家人为他竖立的石碑旁。

    We stood at the stone the family had placed for ml.

  15. 这些竖立的石头是某种古代宗教的遗迹。

    These upright stones are the vestiges of some ancient religion .

  16. 运输平巷上方的煤柱柱子竖立在狭窄的地基上。

    Pillar of ground The column stands on a narrow base .

  17. 村口竖立着一尊石像。

    A stone idol stood at the entrance of the village .

  18. 他是如此地震惊,以至于头发似乎都竖立起来了。

    He was so frightened that his hair seemed to bristle .

  19. 竖立品牌个性,增加品牌在市场中的竞争优势。

    Building brand personality , increasing the competition in market .

  20. 花园里、建筑物和商店外面竖立着奇形怪状的雕塑形体。

    Strange forms stand in gardens , and outside buildings and shops .

  21. 当罪在我们和神之间竖立起障碍。

    When sin erects a barrier between us and God .

  22. 人们从没有心要竖立它。

    Folks never had the heart to put it up .

  23. 他的红冠竖立起来,很像国王的皇冠。

    His red comb was standing up like a king 's crown .

  24. 她逝世后为她竖立了一座纪念碑。

    A memorial to her was erected after her death .

  25. 废墟中几根柱子依然顽强竖立着。

    Seeral columns among the ruins still stood defiantly upright .

  26. 公元前1600年方尖碑首先竖立在埃及赫利奥波利斯。

    The obelisks was erected first in Heliopolis , Egypt , in1600 B.

  27. 我们把篱笆竖立起来并固定住。

    We raised the fence and fixed it in position .

  28. 属于、关于巨石或竖立巨石的人的。

    Of or relating to megaliths or the people who erected megaliths .

  29. 他们还负责勘测土地,竖立路标和距离示意牌。

    They surveyed land and erected signposts and distance indicators .

  30. 在广场中央竖立着一座高塔。

    There stands a tall tower in the middle of the square .