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fù jìn
  • in the vicinity;vicinity;nearby;close to;immediately;neighboring;neighbouring;by-
附近 [fù jìn]
  • (1) [nearby;neighboring]∶靠近,离某地不远的

  • (2) [close to;in the vicinity]∶指附近的地方

  • 炸弹落在建筑物附近

附近[fù jìn]
  1. 工厂里的污水被抽到了附近的河里。

    Waste water is pumped from the factory into a nearby river .

  2. 那条河决堤并淹没了附近的城镇。

    The river burst its banks and flooded nearby towns .

  3. 有一只狐狸在鸡群附近徘徊。

    There was a fox on the prowl near the chickens .

  4. 我们在办公处附近发现了一家挺好的新餐馆。

    We 've found a great new restaurant near the office .

  5. 我回家途中去了我住处附近的酒吧。

    I called in at my local on the way home .

  6. 孩子们在学校附近的荒地玩耍。

    The kids were playing on waste ground near the school .

  7. 这座城市附近有许多有意思的地方。

    There are many places of interest near the city .

  8. 那是在城市路与老街的交叉路口附近。

    It was near the junction of City Road and Old Street .

  9. 在街角附近有一家小礼品店。

    There 's a little gift shop around the corner .

  10. 昨夜这附近发生了枪击事件。

    There was a shooting incident near here last night .

  11. 机场附近有很多便宜住处。

    There 's loads of cheap accommodation within cooee of the airport .

  12. 巴黎附近一带的住房极其昂贵。

    Houses in the neighbourhood of Paris are extremely expensive .

  13. 年轻人要在附近找到工作很难。

    It is difficult for young people to find jobs around here .

  14. 我们在附近寻找失踪的男孩儿。

    We searched the surrounding neighbourhood for the missing boy .

  15. 我们在南部海岸附近驾帆船度过了周末。

    We spent the weekend sailing off the south coast .

  16. 我们就住在附近。

    We live just a stone 's throw from here .

  17. 居民不希望在他们附近建新工厂。

    The residents didn 't want a new factory in their backyard .

  18. 那家旅馆坐落在海滩附近,非常方便。

    The hotel is conveniently situated close to the beach .

  19. 附近的一家超市开业后,当地的小商店就没有利润可赚了。

    Small local shops stop being economic when a supermarket opens up nearby .

  20. 这家农舍附近没有别的房屋。

    The farmhouse is remote from any other buildings .

  21. 她照料着在水池附近玩的几个孩子。

    She supervised the children playing near the pool .

  22. 我们有三个儿子,但他们都不住在附近。

    We have three sons but none of them lives / live nearby .

  23. 住在面包店附近的人都很熟悉这种气味。

    The smell is very familiar to everyone who lives near a bakery .

  24. 我想他住在伦敦附近。

    I think he lives somewhere over London way .

  25. 大火是星期六晚些时候在斯内克河附近干枯的草地上燃起的。

    The fire started late Saturday in tinder-dry grass near the Snake River .

  26. 警方在现场附近发现了玻璃碎片。

    Police found fragments of glass near the scene .

  27. 附近没有医院。

    There is no hospital in the immediate vicinity .

  28. 她母亲住在附近一个小镇上。

    Her mother lived in a nearby town .

  29. 子弹从附近的一面墙上弹飞了。

    The bullet ricocheted off a nearby wall .

  30. 她的房子就在附近。

    Her house is just around the corner .