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cū bèn
  • clumsy;awkward;unwidely
粗笨 [cū bèn]
  • (1) [clumsy]∶笨拙;不灵巧的

  • 动作粗笨

  • (2) [unwidely]∶笨重;不精细

  • 粗笨的橱柜

粗笨[cū bèn]
  1. 杰克的一双手很粗笨。

    Jack is clumsy with his hands .

  2. 我手里的武器摸上去很粗笨。

    The weapon felt clumsy in my hand .

  3. 赖尼把他粗笨的手浸到水里(约翰斯坦贝克)

    Lennie dabbled his big paw in the water ( John Steinbeck )

  4. 不规则线的外观粗笨的100%。

    The irregular line will look lumpy at100 % .

  5. 楼梯也许很粗笨,厨房的位置可能很糟糕。

    Stairs may be awkward , kitchens badly positioned .

  6. 10年前,他是个长相粗笨的少年。

    Ten years ago he was a gawky teenager .

  7. 但董事会名额是一种粗笨的武器。

    But board quotas are a blunt instrument .

  8. 他只不过是个粗笨的大汉。

    He is nothing but an ape .

  9. 你有一位笨手笨脚粗心大意的使女。杰克的一双手很粗笨。

    You have a clumsy and careless servant girl . Jack is clumsy with his hands .

  10. 主要沿河生长的有点儿歪的枫香树,;持久耐用的微红色的成材应用于粗笨建筑物。

    Somewhat crooked red gum tree growing chiefly along rivers ; has durable reddish lumber used in heavy construction .

  11. 他那肌肉结实的高大身躯显得松驰了,腰围也开始粗笨起来。

    His big body with its hard swelling muscles looked soft and slack and his waist line began to thicken .

  12. 这样,你还可以从土地的粗笨的蛴螬进而看到活泼的,翩跹的蝴蝶。

    Thus , also , you pass from the lumpish grub in the earth to the airy and fluttering butterfly .

  13. 而略带粗笨的古典色彩则因现代的轻盈亮丽注入而变得温馨干净。

    And what take ponderosity slightly is classic because colour criterion is contemporary lightsome bright beautiful infuse and become sweet and clean .

  14. 它很粗笨,可是用了很多年,才全部浸满了水,此后也许已沉到湖底去了。

    It was very clumsy , but lasted a great many years before it became water-logged and perhaps sank to the bottom .

  15. 现代工业产品不应再给人粗笨的感觉,只强调力量感已远远不够。

    The modern industrial products should not give somebody a clumsy feeling again , only emphasize the strength sense has been already far from enough .

  16. 如果你穿患上许多,那么你肯定是会湿身&到时辰你就穿戴一堆粗笨的湿衣服。

    If you 're wearing lots of layers , you won 't stay dry & you 'll just be wearing more wet , heavy clothes .

  17. 但是,庞大而粗笨的中国经济仍然隐含着危机,能否在摇摆中顺利实现软着陆,一时尚难以预料。

    But , giant and the Chinese economy of ponderosity is implicit still crisis , whether realize soft landing smoothly in sway , one vogue expects hard .

  18. 被隔离[解除隔离]每隔一段较大的距离便有一盏粗笨的路灯,用绳和滑车吊在街心。

    Go into [ come out of ] quarantine Across the streets , at wide intervals , one clumsy lamp was slung by a rope and pulley ;

  19. 去年8月,一只粗笨的铝制飞鸟掠过海王星北极,它什么也不用,只用无线电发报机通报它到达了这颗行星。

    With nothing but a radio transmitter to herald its arrival , a gawky aluminum bird swooped over the north pole of the planet Neptune last august .

  20. 接着蚱蜢就出场了,它的确很粗笨,但它的身体很好看。它穿着它那套天生的绿制服。

    Then came the Grasshopper : he was certainly much heavier , but he had a good figure , and wore the green uniform that was born with him .

  21. 它的组成部分是一条装在两个巨轮上的粗笨铁轴和一条嵌在轴上的粗笨辕木。

    This fore-carriage was composed of a massive iron axle-tree with a pivot , into which was fitted a heavy shaft , and which was supported by two huge wheels .

  22. 在英国一家芭蕾舞公司的艺术指导看来,孕妇并不粗笨、迟缓、笨拙,相反,她们经常十分漂亮迷人、宁静安详。

    Far from being heavy , lumbering and clumsy , pregnant women are often fascinating , beautiful and serene , according to the artistic director of one British ballet company .

  23. 这匹马是一匹走得快的马。像匹烈马受到一个陌生而粗笨的骑手摆弄似的,这时思嘉火了,眼看要暴跳起来了。

    This horse is a fast traveler . By this time Scarlett was boiling , ready to rear like a horse at the touch of a strange rough hand on its bridle .

  24. 通过对生产数据的分析,阐述了焦化粗笨进入加氢精制装置前,需进一步预蒸馏,有效去除高沸点组分的必要性。

    Based on the analysis to production data , it is pointed out that coking crude benzol should be further pre-distilled to effectively remove the high-boiling-point composition before entering the hydrogen-adding refining device .

  25. 这是她成年后参加的第一个大型社交活动,许多皇室成员对这个当初还是个粗笨难看的丫头,现如今却出落成如此成熟美丽的女人颇感惊讶。

    It was the first major social occasion that Diana attended as a young woman . And many of the royals were surprised at how beautiful and mature the once-gawky girl had become .

  26. 六月,来自古巴的罗伯斯&戴着超大的金十字架、一块粗笨的表和一副眼镜的家伙很随便的就打破了刘翔两年前创造的世界记录。

    In June , Cuba 's Dayron Robles wearing an oversize gold cross , a chunky watch and a pair of glasses almost casually broke the world record that Liu had set two years earlier .

  27. 他永远也不会知道这个秘密,因为自爱伦以下直到最粗笨的大田劳工,都在暗中串通一起,让他始终相信自己的话便是圣旨。.

    It was a secret he would never learn , for everyone from Ellen down to the stupidest field hand was in a tacit and kindly conspiracy to keep him believing that his word was law .

  28. 六月,来自古巴的罗伯斯——戴着超大的金十字架、一块粗笨的表和一副眼镜的家伙很随便的就打破了刘翔两年前创造的世界记录。

    In June , Cuba 's Dayron Robles - wearing an oversize gold cross , a chunky watch and a pair of glasses - almost casually broke the world record that Liu had set two years earlier .