
  • 网络gross error;thick error;parasitic error
  1. 介绍了粗大误差的四个判定准则,基于判定准则和VB编程技术设计了粗大误差判定系统。

    Four judgment criteria for gross error are introduced . The judgment system for gross error is designed on the basis of criteria and VB program technique .

  2. 一种智能电子测量系统中粗大误差的处理方法

    A Processing Method of Gross Error in Intelligent Electronic Measuring System

  3. 轨道数据库可以用来辅助列车定位,用于纠正GPS单独进行列车定位过程中的定位漂移和粗大误差。

    Track database can be used to assist train positioning , correct the positioning drift and gross deviation in the process of train positioning by GPS alone .

  4. 探讨了高精度测试分析方法的优化与选择,X射线荧光光谱法标准物质回归曲线对标准物质的含量与数量的要求;以实例说明了质量监控粗大误差对F检验的影响;

    The selection of the analytical methods and their optimization in high precision measurements , the standard reference materials used in X-ray fluorescence analysis , the effect of gross errors on F-test are discussed .

  5. 由于测量对象存在制造误差,测量时也产生误差,提出多次使用Chauvenet准则来剔除粗大误差的方法。

    For there is manufacture error and inspect error during the data , so we bring forward that we can use Chauvenet rule for several times to-eliminate unsuitability data .

  6. 基于小波变换的粗大误差去除算法

    Method for eliminating the measured bulky errors based on wavelet transformation

  7. 不等精度测量粗大误差判别法则

    The Rules to Distinguish the Unequal Precision Measurement of the Large Error

  8. 基于测量信息论的小样本粗大误差处理研究

    Processing of Gross Error in Small Samples Based on Measurement Information Theory

  9. 测量误差及粗大误差的判别与消除

    How to Differentiate and Correct the Error of Measurement and Gross Error

  10. 应用格罗布斯准则判定测量结果中的粗大误差

    The application of Grubbs criterion in determinant the gross error of measuring result

  11. 核物理实验中粗大误差的计算机处理

    Computer disposal on crassitude error in the physics experiment

  12. 测量误差中粗大误差的判别与处理

    Determination and Treatment of Measurement Error Due to Negligence

  13. 一种有效的粗大误差判别方法

    An Effective Method for Distinguishing the Gross Error

  14. 测量数据粗大误差的非统计判别

    Non-Statistical Distinguish of Gross Errors in Measurement Values

  15. 智能测量系统中粗大误差的处理

    Gross Error Processing in Intelligent Measuring System

  16. 公差实验中粗大误差的发现及剔除

    The Discovery of Gross Errors in the Experiment of Tolerance and Their Ways to Eliminate

  17. 测试数据中粗大误差的判定技术及其软件实现

    Gross Error Judging Technology in Test System

  18. 仪表误差中粗大误差可通过统计学的方法以剔除。

    Some coarse errors belong to instrument error can be removed easily with the statistic method .

  19. 在计量测试领域中,离群值就是含粗差即粗大误差或过失误差的测量值。

    The outliers are the measured values including gross errors or fault errors in the metrology field .

  20. 小样本试验数据的概率分布特征难以确定,使用传统的粗大误差判别方法存在较大风险。

    There are some risks to use traditional probability theory to distinguish gross error of small samples .

  21. 在物理实验中主要分为系统误差、随机误差、粗大误差。

    The errors in physical experiment are classified as system error , random error and negligence error .

  22. 本文提出了基于一阶差分的分位数粗大误差剔除方法。

    This paper presents a new quartile method of outlier detection and correction based on first order differential .

  23. 阐述了小波阈值去噪的基本原理,通过对阈值的不同选取分别对数据中的粗大误差点和随机误差点进行去除。

    Paper elaborates the wavelet threshold de-noising principle , and chooses the different threshold for the gross error and the random error .

  24. 对于粗大误差采用的是格拉布斯准则与狄克逊准则,在给定测量精度范围对超过精度要求的数据进行排除。

    The research succeeds in getting rid of the big error in limited precision by Grubbs ' criterion and Dixon ' criterion .

  25. 在智能电子测量系统中,常会使测量数据产生粗大误差,含有粗大误差的数据必须剔除。

    Usually , there is some gross error data in the intelligent electronic measuring system ; the gross error data should be eliminated .

  26. 为了提高大直径测量仪的测量精度,文章分析比较了常用处理粗大误差的方法,从而通过异常数据处理软件,找到解决系统测量精度的合适方法。

    The author analysis the method of test of outlier usually , and then find the suitable method in LDMA by the software .

  27. 对产量数据中的粗大误差数据采用值域过滤和3σ法则进行滤波处理;

    Identify and handle the existing problems . Operate the big errors on yield data with the method of data filter and 3a theorem .

  28. 为保证测量数据能真实反映零件表面状况,进行了粗大误差的剔除。

    To ensure that measurement data can reflect the true state of the surface , the error has been eliminated by using intuitive methods .

  29. 为了提高测量系统测量的精度,在测量系统的实验数据处理中提出了一种基于灰色系统理论的粗大误差判别法。

    Then one new method for deleting gross error based on Grey System Theory is proposed in experiment data processing to improve the measuring accuracy .

  30. 利用这一概念,可剔除含粗大误差的数据,从而简化数据处理,提高测量结果的精确度。

    Accoding to the concept , datum contained careless error are rejected , data management is simplified and measure of precision of measurement result is raised .