
  • 网络the Tyne;river tyne;Tyne River
  1. 当年我出生时,泰恩河(Tyne)上有23家造船厂。

    When I was born , there were 23 shipyards on the river Tyne .

  2. 千禧桥不仅仅是泰恩河上唯一一座可以供行人和自行车共同通行的桥梁,它优美的外形和美丽的夜景也吸引着各地游客。

    The Millennium not only serves a functional purpose as the River Tyne 's only foot and cycle bridge , but its grace outline and beautiful night scene attract people from all over the world .

  3. 纽卡斯尔大学,官方誉为泰恩河纽卡斯尔大学,是英国20强名校之一。

    Newcastle University , formally known as the University of Newcastle upon Tyne , has long been recognized as one of the top 20 UK universities .

  4. 这种在中国和日本被视为美味的蟹种已经在英国的泰晤士河、亨伯河和泰恩河都被发现。

    They are considered a delicacy in China and Japan when eaten raw and are already present in some British rivers including the Thames , Humber and Tyne .

  5. 丹尼住在泰恩河旁边的纽卡斯尔市,他已经有六个月呆在家自拍没出屋了。照片拍得不完美时,他甚至试过服药过量自杀。

    He did not leave his house in Newcastle upon Tyne for six months , and when he failed to take the flawless shot , he tried to kill himself by taking an overdose .