
  • 网络Tate;Tate Britain;Tate Modern;The Tate Gallery
  1. 所以这位艺术商清理了画面,把它拿给重要的康斯特布尔专家&安妮·莱尔斯(AnneLyles),她曾是英国泰特美术馆的策展人。

    So the dealer had it cleaned and took it to a leading Constable expert , Anne Lyles , a former curator at Tate Britain .

  2. 杉本博司的作品在纽约大都会艺术博物馆(MetropolitanMuseumofArt)和伦敦泰特美术馆(TateGallery)都有收藏。杉本博司说,爱马仕继承人、艺术总监迪马(Pierre-AlexisDumas)几年前到东京拜访了他,之后他同意与爱马仕开展项目合作。

    Mr. Sugimoto , whose work is included in the collections of the Metropolitan Museum of Artin New York and Tate Gallery in London , said that he agreed to the project after Hermes heir and artistic director Pierre-Alexis Dumas visited him in Tokyo a few years ago .

  3. 博物馆包括大英博物馆,维多利亚和阿尔伯特博物馆,国家美术馆,泰特美术馆的,收集的华莱士,该研究所的当代艺术,并Saachi画廊。

    Museums include the British Museum , the Victoria and Albert Museum , the National Gallery , the Tate Gallery , the Wallace Collection , the Institute of Contemporary Art , and the Saachi Gallery .

  4. 在对泰特美术馆中展出的赫斯特作品目录进行介绍时,SheikhaMayassa这样写道:“艺术—即使是备受争议的艺术—能开启不同国家,不同民族和不同历史间的交流。”未来将对她的决定—也是卡塔尔的,作出检验。

    In her introduction to the Tate 's Hirst catalogue , Sheikha Mayassa writes that " Art - even controversial art - can unlock communication between diverse nations , peoples and histories . " The years ahead will test her resolve - Qatar 's too .

  5. 英国伦敦国家剧院泰特美术馆,伦敦,英国

    National Theatre london , england Tate britain , london , uk , 2002

  6. 然而1994年泰特美术馆的一场回顾展引来了针对个人的尖刻评论。

    A retrospective at the Tate Gallery in 1994 had drawn caustic personal reviews .

  7. 英国本土艺术家的作品在这里自然得到了很好的展示。此外,泰特美术馆还收藏了一些现代作品,其中包括一些外国艺术家的雕刻作品。

    English artists are naturally well represented here , and the Tate also has a range of modern works , including some sculptures by foreign artists .

  8. 周日,维多利亚的2019秋冬时装展在伦敦泰特美术馆举办。贝克汉姆全家前往为她助阵。

    The Beckham clan threw their support behind matriarch Victoria during her Autumn / Winter 2019 collection showcase , held at London 's Tate Britain on Sunday .

  9. 英国国家艺术展览馆(人们通常称之为泰特美术馆)是由一个富有的糖商亨利•泰特爵士捐献给国家的。泰特爵士在美术鉴赏方面具有非常高的品味。

    The National Gallery of British Art , better known as the Tate Gallery , was given to the nation by a rich sugar merchant , Sir Henry Tate , who had a taste for the fine arts .

  10. 巴黎的蓬皮杜艺术中心将在明年春天借出100幅左右的作品,举办联展。英国泰特美术馆的“艺术与帝国”英国殖民艺术回顾展将在明年10月移师新加坡。

    The Centre Georges Pompidou in Paris will lend about 100 works to a joint exhibition next spring , and " Arts and Empire , " a retrospective of British colonialism at Tate Britain , will move to Singapore next October .

  11. 2010年,拉科维茨的这一系列作品在泰特现代美术馆(TateModern)他的个展上展出。

    In 2010 , Mr. Rakowitz 's piece became part of an exhibition of his work at the Tate Modern .

  12. 最近的这次叫做“Panorama”,刚刚在位于伦敦的泰特现代美术馆中展出,并即将在柏林和巴黎举行。

    The latest ," Panorama ", has just opened at Tate Modern in London and will travel to Berlin and Paris .

  13. 泰特现代美术馆馆长希娜瓦格斯塔夫(sheenawagstaff)表示,这件作品将“精湛的工艺水平与史诗般的规模”结合起来。

    Sheena Wagstaff , chief curator at Tate Modern , said the work combined " an epic sense of scale with an exquisite level of craftsmanship " .

  14. 其他作品分别收藏于纽约现代艺术博物馆和伦敦泰特现代美术馆。

    Others hang at New York 's Museum of Modern Art and London 's Tate Modern .

  15. 伦敦的泰特现代美术馆与泰特利物浦艺术馆、泰特英国美术馆、泰特圣艾夫斯美术馆及泰特在线美术馆一同隶属于英国泰特集团。

    London 's Tate Modern forms part of Britain 's Tate group , along with Tate Liverpool , Britain , St Ives and Tate Online .

  16. 泰特现代美术馆致力于现代艺术,但是它却成为当地人和游客最受欢迎的景点。

    Yet this gallery devoted to modern art effortlessly pulls in the locals as well as the tourists , and ranks among London 's most-visited attractions .

  17. 据艺术评论家乔纳森·琼斯介绍,电影《大都会》和《银翼杀手》的布景都受到皮拉内西的监狱的启发,它甚至影响了现实世界中伦敦的泰特现代美术馆和朱比里线的设计。

    According to art critic Jonathan Jones , Piranesi 's prisons directly inspired the movie architecture for Metropolis and Blade Runner and even influenced London 's real-life Tate Modern and Jubilee Line .

  18. 一座类似于海运集装箱的巨大铁屋今天在泰特现代美术馆揭幕。参观者们走上一个斜坡,进入到一个黑暗的空间。

    An enormous steel chamber , not unlike a sea container , was today unveiled at Tate Modern , with visitors invited to walk up a ramp and enter a black void .

  19. 《拥抱似水年华》的作者、哲人阿兰•德•波顿和泰特现代美术馆的前馆长索菲•豪沃思都是这个学校的教职人员。

    The philosopher Alain de Botton , author of How Proust Can Change Your Life , and Sophie Howarth , a former curator at the Tate Modern Gallery , are among the faculty members .

  20. 泰特现代美术馆展出了一系列风格迥异的大师作品,如毕加索、保罗•克利、吉尔伯特和乔治的代表作,这些作品完全是一场占据了一整层画廊的重大回顾展出。

    The Tate Modern is host to an ever changing array of exhibitions by artists including Picasso , Klee and Gilbert & George - a retrospective display which consumed an entire floor of the gallery .

  21. 泰特现代美术馆专门收藏20世纪至今的国内外当代艺术品,每年能够吸引大概530万的旅客前来参观,远超事先预期。

    Its collection is made up of national and international contemporary art dating from 1900 to present day . Tate Modern annually attracts around 5.3 million visitors annually , a number far higher than originally expected .

  22. 麦奎斯奥美达是今年三个重返决赛的入围者之一,他们迅速的成长(伦敦时装周时在泰特英国美术馆有精湛的表演),肯定会让他们成为这次参赛的强有力的竞争者。

    Marques ' Almeida are among three returning finalists this year , and their rapacious growth ( and a superb show at Tate Britain at London Fashion Week ), will surely mark them as real contenders this time around .