
jiǎ chāo
  • bogus money;counterfeit currency;counterfeit note;fake paper currency
  1. 噢,我们发现这是一张假钞。

    Oh , we find it is a counterfeit note .

  2. 真、假钞的X荧光鉴别法用总量X荧光法勘查铜矿

    The total content X-ray fluorescence method for prospecting copper deposits

  3. 我给你$200000假钞。

    I 'll give you $ 200000 of my bogus money .

  4. 我的妻子和我不知道这是假钞。

    My wife and I had no idea the money was counterfeit .

  5. 当天深夜他把这笔假钞藏在自己的房间里。

    Later that night he hid the counterfeit money in his room .

  6. 假钞在油布下面的盒子里。

    The fake bills were in boxes under a tarp .

  7. 不管怎样,我觉得这不可能是假钞。

    Anyway , I don 't think it can be a fake .

  8. 你说这是假钞。你在开玩笑吧。

    You mean this is funny money ? You gotta be kidding .

  9. 商店要求收款员注意假钞。

    Cashiers need to watch out for fake bills .

  10. 是的,经过技术检验,我们发现这张钞票是假钞。

    Yes , after technical examination , we find this note is counterfeit .

  11. 自他给了我一张5镑的假钞后我不信任他了。

    I haven 't trusted him since he passed me a forged fiver .

  12. 他们给了我一张面值一美元的假钞。

    They gave me a dud dollar bill .

  13. 许多假钞在流通。

    Many forged notes are in circulation .

  14. 而序列号又难以复制,因此通过它可以检验出假钞。

    Since they 're difficult to copy , the serial number should tip off a counterfeit bill .

  15. 可是有一天警察到家里来了,他们找到了一些假钞。

    But the police came to the house one day , and they found some of the notes .

  16. 本实用新型为一种由光学方法鉴别真、假钞的装置。

    The utility model relates to a device using an optical method for identifying true and false paper money .

  17. 英格兰银行今年发行了两张这样面值的钞票。不管怎样,它不可能是假钞。

    Two notes in this amount have been issued by the Bank of England this year . Anyway , it can 't be fake .

  18. 所以那些假钞上的线总是由于被弄断而互相交错,或者其它某些线模糊或有污迹。

    Those who try usually pause some of the lines to run into each other , or else some of them blur or blot .

  19. 这些假钞是用彩色复印品代替真钞的中间一段,并用胶条粘牢。

    The phony bills are made by replacing the middle strip of genuine notes with a color photocopy , and securing them with tape .

  20. 我们会给您开收据,这张收据能证明您的钞票是假钞,且已被我行没收。

    We 'll issue a receipt to you certifying that the note We'you presented to us is counterfeit , and has been confiscated by the bank .

  21. 它希望以此表明,与一个被控造假钞和洗黑钱的国家打交道并不危险。

    It wants the move to be taken to show that there is no danger in doing business with a state accused of counterfeiting and money laundering .