
zhōnɡ ɡuó mín fǎ
  • Chinese civil law
  1. 德国民法对中国民法的影响在德国打工

    Germany Influence of German Civil Law on Chinese Civil Law

  2. 中国民法现代化的目标与实现途径

    The Goal and the Realization way of the Chinese Civil law Modernization

  3. 中国民法的发展和外国的影响——走进中国的本土民法

    Civil Codification and Foreign Influence in China-Towards China 's Own Civil Code ?

  4. WTO与中国民法理念之发展

    WTO and the Development of China Civil Law Principle

  5. 中国民法法典化与生态保护

    The Formulation of Chinese Civil Code and the Protection of Ecology

  6. 中国民法现代化历程中的三个误区

    Three Mistaken Ideas during the Modernization of China 's Civil Law

  7. 市民社会、市民人性与中国民法典思考

    Civil Society , Civil Humanity and Reflection on China 's Civil Code

  8. 法社会学思想对旧中国民法的影响

    The Impact of Legal Sociology on Civil Law of Republic of China

  9. 民法社会化与中国民法的法典化

    Socialization of Civil Law and Codification of the Civil Law of China

  10. 私法原则与中国民法近代化

    Principles of Private Law and Modernization of Chinese Civil Law

  11. 其次探讨了中国民法法典化的模式,指出应以德国五编制为基础;

    The codification of China 's private law should model itself on German one .

  12. 中国民法法典化的脚步己不可阻遏地向前行进。

    The Codification of China 's civil law is right on its way unconversably .

  13. 未来的中国民法典也应当采取这一无需再行检验的现代经典进路。

    The future Chinese Civil Code should take the modern " classic " approach .

  14. 21世纪中国民法之展望&海峡两岸学术研讨会综述

    Prospect of Chinese Civil Law in 21st Century & Summary of Cross-Straits Academic Seminar

  15. 占有制度与中国民法的发展

    Possession System and Development of Chinese Civil Law

  16. 人格权制度在中国民法典中的地位

    The Position of the System of the Right of Personality in Chinese Civil Code

  17. 对中国民法学研究方法的思考

    Thought of Methods in Studying Chinese Civil Law

  18. 近代中国民法的社会本位立法简评

    A Brief Review On Civil Law Legislation Focusing On Social Interest During Modern Times In China

  19. 回顾与展望:中国民法与市场经济建设30年

    Retrospect and Prospect : the Civil Law and Market Economy in China since Reform and Opening up

  20. 科学、逻辑且先进的中国民法典也应当采取这样的体系。

    A real modern , logical and scientific Chinese civil code should also adopt such a statutory framework .

  21. 最后本文尝试性地对中国民法法典化的必要和可能做了一个简单的论述。

    Finally , trying to discuss the necessity and possibility of the Codification of the Chinese Civil Law briefly .

  22. 对中国民法学学术路向的初步思考&过分侧重制度性研究的缺陷及其克服

    A Reflection on the Academic Approach of Chinese Civil Law : The Defects of over Emphasizing the Institutional Research and its Remedy

  23. 受其影响,中国民法在近代化的过程中,实行社会本位的立法原则。

    As an effect of that , focusing on social interest had been the lawmaking principle during the modernization of civil law of China .

  24. 随着我国法律规范的逐渐完善,中国民法的发展将进入到第二阶段&法律的解释与适用阶段。

    Along with our country legal norms perfected gradually , the development of Chinese civil law will enter into the second stage-legal interpretation and application .

  25. 总结经验教训,21世纪的中国民法应当在这条路上继续走下去,创造中国民法的辉煌,造福于21世纪的中国人民。

    Summing up experience and lessons , the civil law in China should go along this road and create its glory and benefit the Chinese people .

  26. 法典化开启了中国民法现代化进程,法典化亦成为民法现代化变革的主旋律。

    Codification which began the course of the modernization of the Chinese civil law is also the main theme of the reformation of the civil law modernization .

  27. 制订中国民法典应采取以权利本位为主,以社会本位为辅的立法思想。

    Codification of the civil law of China should be guided by the idea of giving priority to the right standard with the social standard as complement .

  28. 面对民法价值模式的变迁,确定我们的民法价值观的选择,以实现中国民法典目的和理想。

    Faced with the changes of value modes of civil law , we should decide on our value of civil law to realize the aim and ideal of the Civil Code of China .

  29. 这次演说旨在为大家提供一些有关阿根廷民法典的信息,并且希望始终对中国民法法典化进程有所裨益。

    The purpose of this lecture is to give information about the Argentine Civil Code . Moreover , we expect this lecture could bring advantage all along the civil codification process in China .

  30. 德国民法是世界立法史上一颗璀璨的明珠,德国民法对中国民法的重要影响已是法学家的共识。

    It is common sense for law experts that Chinese civil law has been greatly influenced by German civil law , which has been a bright pearl in the legislation history of the world .