
fǎ lǜ jì shù
  • Legal Technology;technique of law
  1. 感知有用性和法律技术环境因素对消费者C2C网络购物信任的影响作用不明显。最后,在研究结论的基础上,本文提出了对C2C网上卖家和购物网站的几点管理建议。

    Perceived usefulness and legal-technical environmental factors on consumer confidence in the impact of C2C online shopping is not obvious . Finally , some suggestions are put forward for the online-shop and C2C web basing the research .

  2. 形式合理的宪政是通过宪法规范的至上性、宪法适用机构的中立性、宪政运行的程序性与法律技术的规范性等机制来实现的。这一技术可以增加3dB带宽。

    Contemporary legal countries mostly actualize the constitution 's formal rationality through these mechanisms : supremacy of constitutional norm , neutralization of organization taking charge in constitutional law application , due process and standardization of law technique .

  3. 人格概念的伦理价值判断功能应该让位于它的法律技术功能。

    The ethical judgments of personality should be submitted to its legal function .

  4. 近、现代民法的个人人格,是在伦理基础之上的法律技术的产物。

    Individual personality in civil law results from the legal technology based on ethic .

  5. 指出非财产性损害虽然具有主观性,不像财产损害那样直观,但是难以证明、无法计算只是技术操作问题,法律技术可以在实践当中去丰富、发展。

    We can develop the legal technology , despite the difficulty of counting and proving the non-pecuniary .

  6. 是一项有着深厚制度底蕴和法律技术支撑的重要原则。

    Publication of real right is an important principle which has many systems and legal technology supporting it .

  7. 本部分通过对堪称典范的《德国民法典》中法律技术的介绍,突出中国要制定自己的民法典必须要关注的法律技术问题。

    This section emphasis on technical issues through introduces of legal technology in " German Civil Code " .

  8. 这些法律技术促成了罗马法役权基础上用益物权体系的建立,为近代大陆法系民法所借鉴,并对我国物权立法具有启迪意义。

    Today , the legal technology the Roman Law has adopted enlightens on enacting Chinese real right code .

  9. 但是,相较于之前权利与诉讼是融为一体的,请求权的法律技术具有里程碑式的意义。

    But the legal technology of claims has milestone value different from that rights and suits exist in one system .

  10. 在法治原则下无罪推定不是必须的法律技术设计。

    The principle of presumption of innocence is not an absolutely necessary designation in legal technique under the principle of rule of law .

  11. 夫妻约定财产制系在男女平等之理念下,旨在规范夫妻财产关系的一种法律技术。

    Marital Property System in the Department of the gender equality concept , designed to regulate the relationship between marital properties , a legal technology .

  12. 这样的怀疑并非学者摆弄文字,而是有着深刻的历史的、现实的、法律技术的原因。

    This is not the suspected scholars playing with words , but there is a profound history , the reality of the legal technical reasons .

  13. 因此,就环境公害的解决方式而言,各国都将群众诉讼视为能够保护环境权的最有效的法律技术。

    Therefore , it is environmental hazards solution speaking , countries will mass action to protect the environment right as the most effective legal technology .

  14. 确保司法独立、重视法律技术和确保程序公正、全面提高司法者的素质,是实现司法公正的三个要件。

    This article offers three essentials for achieving judiciary impartiality : secured judiciary independence , emphasized legal techniques and guaranteed procedure justice , and improved quality judiciary .

  15. 行政主体制度是西方国家行政分权的法律技术,行政分权制度决定着行政主体的范围。

    The systems of administrative subject are the legal technique of administrative separation in western countries . The systems of administrative separation decide the scope of administrative subject .

  16. 实务中的操作显示人力资本的重要,却缺乏市场准入体系以及责任机制等可以通过法律技术实现的基本制度安排。

    Operation in practice shows the importance of human capital , but lacks market access system and accountability mechanism which are basic systems arrangements achieved through legal technology .

  17. 一般人格权实际上是一种法律技术,它所体现的价值取向对人格权进行全面保护可以通过人格权立法的多元模式实现。

    The right of general personality is a legislative technique actually in which the value to protect , personality universally Can be realized by adopting diversified method in legislation .

  18. 作为法律技术的连带责任解决了围绕无意思联络数人侵权行为而展开的共同侵权行为概念的争论。

    The joint and several liability as legal technology has settled the disputes on the definition of the joint tort which has arisen around the tort by multiple tortfeasors without conscious cooperation .

  19. 违约精神损害赔偿完全可以跨越政策考量和法律技术的种种障碍,在民法领域实现实质正义上的理性回归。

    The regime of spiritual and moral damages in contractual situations should and can transcend policy barriers and legal techniques and achieve a rational return to actual justice in the field of civil law .

  20. 谨就电子病历的概念、发展现状、电子病历应涵盖的内容、电子病历结构、存在问题及电子病历相关法律技术等问题,简述如下。

    This paper presents a brief review of the concept , the current development , the coverage and the structure of electronic medical record , along with its existing problems , especially those related with laws .

  21. 分析救济制度缺陷之原因,既有结构性制约因素,又困于落后理论的障碍,还有法律技术不足等问题。

    The reasons of the defects of the system of rights remedy of civil servants in China include : structural restriction elements , obstacle and obfuscation of legal theory and the technicality problem of legal institution itself .

  22. 除去其他因素,单就法律技术而言,环境公害本身具有的复杂性和损害广泛性的特点,也给环境公益诉讼的解决带来一系列诉讼程序方面的难题。

    Eliminate all other factors , sheet is legal technology in environmental hazards itself has the complexity and damage characteristics of universality , also gave the environmental public interest litigation solutions bring a series of procedural issues .

  23. 从那时候起,危机已蔓延到了意大利和西班牙,试图将EFSF杠杆化的努力遇到了法律和技术上的困难。

    Since then , contagion has spread to Italy and Spain and the efforts to leverage the EFSF have run into legal and technical difficulties .

  24. 最后,本文将SD模型与其他模型进行了比较分析,得出SD模型在进行复杂系统优化上具有优势,并提出了促进西安高新区建设用地合理利用的经济、法律以及技术等措施。

    Meanwhile , this paper has analysis of other models and found that SD model has an advantage on complex systems . Finally , this paper put forward to promote Xi ' an high-tech zone construction land reasonable use of the economic , legal , and technical measures .

  25. 起初这个建议被当成了笑话,然而,在2009年,Soghoian博士被美国联邦贸易委员会聘用,帮助其职员进行法律和技术间的沟通。

    At first this suggestion was ridiculed . In 2009 , however , Dr Soghoian was contracted by the FTC to provide lawyer-to-geek translation for its staff .

  26. 论法律与技术政策、技术伦理的协同对策&以技术法律控制边界为视角

    The Synergetic Countermeasures between Law and Technical Policy , Technical Ethics

  27. 生物物种多样性问题特设法律和技术专家工作组

    Ah Hoc Working Group of Legal and Technical Experts on Biological Diversity

  28. 今天法律和技术正为残疾人提供了教育和工作的机会。

    Today laws and technology are providing access to education and jobs .

  29. 国际航空法律专家技术委员会

    International Technical Committee of Legal Experts on Air Questions

  30. 但是,让无人驾驶汽车上路的努力,面临着法律、技术和社会层面的种种挑战。

    But getting driverless vehicles on the road faces legal , technical and social challenges .