
  • 网络realization of law;rerwirklichung;lawenforcement
  1. 同时道德法律化是克服道德的天然弱点的必然要求,是法的实现的必然要求,也是社会主义市场经济的必然要求。

    Moreover , the legislation of morals is the external requirement of conquering the natural weakness of morals , the inevitable requirement of the realization of law and the development of socialistic market economics .

  2. 法的运行目的是为了法的实现。法的实现应是过程与结果的统一。

    The purpose of functioning of law is the realization of law , which should be the integration of process and result .

  3. 试论WINDOWS3.1中文平台上汉字输入法的实现

    On the implementation of a Chinese character input method on windows 3 . 1 Chinese platform

  4. 分析了羊毛衫CAD系统中为计算任意款式工艺单所创建的区域分步计算法的实现方法,并进行了数学论证。

    Introduces the practical method about how calculating the arbitrary style with sweater CAD system , and builds the whole mathematics model on it .

  5. 无锁相环d-q谐波电流检测法的实现

    Realization of harmonic current detection of d-q transformation without phase lock loop

  6. GIVENS正交三角化列超前并行消去法的实现

    Implementation of the column ELIMINATING-AHEAD parallel algorithm for givens orthogonal reduction

  7. 将推进波前法的实现简单和快速的特性引入到Delaunay三角剖分法之中,构建一种基于Delaunay三角剖分的算法。

    A new triangulation algorithm based on Delaunay triangulation and the advantage of simplicity and rapidness of advancing front method is constructed .

  8. 其中在防碰撞法的实现方面,本文基于时隙ALOHA法的基本思想并结合实验调试结果提出了一种改进的方法。

    Among them , on the half of anti-collision method realization , according to the slotted ALOHA algorithm idea and the experiment debugging result , this paper proposes an improved method .

  9. 通过介绍光伏电池的工作原理及等效模型得出了光伏电池的输出特性曲线,在此基础上,分析了一些常用的MPPT算法,其中重点阐述了扰动观测法的实现。

    Through the introduction of the working principle and the equivalent mode of photovoltaic battery , the output characteristic curve of photovoltaic battery is obtained . On this basis , some commonly used MPPT algorithm is analyzed , which Emphasis on the Implementation method of perturbation and observation method .

  10. 曲线识别的变形匹配法的实现

    On the Implementation of the Transformative Matching Algorithm for Curves Recognition

  11. 分枝限界法的实现及改进方案

    Implementation of branch and bound algorithm and it 's ameliorative scheme

  12. 一种多操作系统下软件组合加密法的实现

    Realization of a Method to Combined Encrypt of Software Under Multi-OS

  13. 复合源电磁测深法的实现和解释方法研究

    Implementation and Interpretation Method of Multisource Electromagnetic ( EM ) Sounding

  14. 多用户静止式电能表走字试验法的实现

    The realizing of counter test for multi - users Watt-hour meter

  15. 基于斯宾塞法假设的临界滑动场法的实现及应用

    Realization and application of critical slip field based on Spencer hypothesis

  16. 基于单片机的汉字输入法的实现

    Realization of Chinese characters input method based on embedded system

  17. 油指纹鉴别中主成分分析法的实现与可视化表达

    Realization and Visualized Representation of Principal Component Analysis in Oil Fingerprinting Techniques

  18. 超大字库输入法的实现

    Implementation of Input Methods for Very Large Chinese - Character Font Library

  19. 本文提出了一种空间傅里叶分解法的实现算法。

    This paper presents an algorithm for the spatial Fourier decomposition method .

  20. 线性规划内点法的实现

    An implementation of the dual interior algorithm for linear programming

  21. 基于小波变换的模极大值降噪法的实现及改进

    Realization and Improvement of the Modulus Maximum De-noising Method Based on Wavelet Transformation

  22. 保密通信中混沌遮掩法的实现方案研究

    New Realization Scheme of Chaotic Masking for Secure Communication

  23. 用于谐波检测中移动窗积分法的实现

    Implementation of slipped-window integral in harmonic current detection

  24. 第一部分研究配电网空间负荷预测中用地仿真法的实现过程。首先详细介绍了用地仿真法的理论和模型以及预测步骤;

    Firstly the theory model and forecast step of the Land Usage Method was introduced .

  25. 满文矢量字库和罗马转写满文输入法的实现

    Implementation of Vector Database of Original Manchu Characters and Manchu / Roman Characters Transform Inputting

  26. 计算机辅助人脸像表示法的实现

    Displaying human face images by computer

  27. 本文介绍了在C++Builder中自动切换输入法的实现。

    This paper introduces realization of automatic switching of input methods in Borland C + + Builder .

  28. 针对分布式多数据库系统的数据一致性,提出了一种复制控制法的实现策略。

    Firstly , this paper gives a strategy to implement control method of copy for data consistency of distributed multi-database system .

  29. 其输入法的实现技术是从系统底层修改阿拉伯语输入法或者挂钩控制键盘布局和覆盖阿拉伯字库。

    The implementing techniques of IME are system-low-level changing Arabic IME or controlling keyboard layouts with plug-in programs , then screwing Arabic fonts .

  30. 根据测量系统的实际情况采用了基于标记点的三维形貌拼接方法,并详细推导了该法的实现过程。

    A 3D profile mosaic method based on tag points according to the actual situation of measurement system is proposed , and derive its implementation in detail .