
  1. 汉承秦制是一个历史事实,但其局面的出现经历了一番曲折反覆。

    It is a historical fact that Han followed the Qin system , yet such a situation did not come in to being smoothly .

  2. 汉承秦制对周边少数民族继续加强控制和管理,并在此基础上开征赋役。

    After inherit the system of Qin dynasty , Han Dynasty continue to strengthen controlling and management minority in the border area , and levy the taxes and corvee on this basis .

  3. 阐述了汉代社会政治文化结构的三大特征,即:汉承秦制、汉继楚绪、独尊儒术。

    Three obvious characteristics of Han dynasty were described in the paper , namely , inheriting Qing 's political System in Han Dynasty , succeeding to Chu 's culture and respecting the Confucianism exclusively .