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  1. 这二十一篇文献及其简介由冯媛选编。

    These initial twenty one materials have been selected by Feng Yuan .

  2. 资深女权主义者冯媛也看了这部纪录片,她说《无家可归》有一定的帮助,但是首先需要的是汉人改变态度。

    Feng Yuan , a longtime women 's rights advocate who has seen the film , said " Nowhere to Call Home " can help , but it requires a change in Chinese attitudes first .

  3. 它能引发一场对话,但是对话需要的不只是一部好电影,冯媛说,它需要各个民族互相尊重,保持平等,目前我们缺乏这种环境。

    It can start a dialogue , but a dialogue needs more than a good film , Ms. Feng said . It needs a sense of respect and equality between minorities , and right now these conditions are lacking .

  4. 面对法律上的真空,家暴的受害者可以将他们的经历发表在微博上,致电相关热线,或向有关部门寻求帮助,北京帆葆的董事会主席冯媛说道。

    In face of a legal vacuum , victims of domestic violence can publicize their sufferings on Weibo , call relevant hotlines and turn to those they trust for help , said Feng Yuan , Chairperson of the board of directors from Beijing Fan Bao Culture Development Co.