
  • Iced Tea;Ice Tea;Ice black tea
  1. 这里有汽水,冰红茶,柠檬汁……

    We have soda , iced tea , lemonade ...

  2. 我要主厨沙拉加千岛酱和冰红茶。

    I want a chef 's salad with thousand island dressing and iced tea .

  3. C:一份水果沙拉,噢,还要一杯冰红茶。

    C : A fruit salad , oh , and one Iced Tea .

  4. 因在《X战警》中扮演充满阳刚之气的金刚狼而举世闻名的休·杰克曼即将在其为立顿冰红茶拍摄的全球宣传广告中展示他温柔的一面。

    Hugh Jackman , the actor most famous as the testosterone - fuelled Wolverine in X-Men , is to show his softer side in a global advertising campaign for Lipton Ice Tea .

  5. 服务员马上会把你们的两杯冰红茶送来

    Your waiter will be right over with two iced teas .

  6. 十分钟后给我拿杯冰红茶来

    run me up an iced tea in about 10 minutes .

  7. 我刚做了一点冰红茶,午餐时喝。

    I just made some iced tea to go with our lunch .

  8. 冰红茶谢谢

    Iced tea , thank you . So , um ..

  9. 我想要把咖啡换成冰红茶。

    I 'd like to substitute coffee with ice tea .

  10. 现在来一杯冰红茶听起来棒极了。

    An iced tea sounds good to me right now .

  11. 服务生:我们有柠檬水、冰红茶、可乐和雪碧。

    Waiter : We have Lemonade , lce Tea , Coke and Sprite .

  12. A:一杯冰红茶,还需要什么吗?

    A : One Iced Tea , anything else ?

  13. 我去弄杯冰红茶

    I 'm gonna make myself an ice tea .

  14. 蔗糖素在冰红茶饮料中应用的感官鉴评

    Sensory evaluation of iced black tea drink containing sucralose

  15. 口感优雅,气味芳香,适合与冰红茶或脉动混合后饮用。

    Elegant taste , fragrance , suitable for pulse and ice tea or mixed drink .

  16. 这可能是我喝过的最棒的冰红茶。

    And that just may have been the best iced tea I 've ever had .

  17. 你要喝冰红茶吗?

    You want someiced teaor something ?

  18. 用甜菊糖以不同比例取代冰红茶饮料中的蔗糖,采用喜好排序法对冰红茶饮料进行感官评定。

    The iced black tea with different ratios of Stevia and sucrose was evaluated by hedonic ranking sensory method .

  19. 并且调制成酸性冰红茶或低糖纯红茶在规定的保质期内没有悬浮物和沉淀。

    Furthermore , modulated it into an acid and low sugar ice tea or pure tea within the shelf-life , there is no suspended solids and sediments .

  20. 夏日送杯冰红茶,让它带走您的炎热;冬日送杯热露露,让它给您温暖;此时送杯高兴就好,祝福您百事可乐!

    Summer sent Cup ice tea and let it take away your hot , hot winter sent Cup Lulu , let it give you warm ; just glad at this time sending Cup , Pepsi bless you !

  21. 塑料瓶里面的可乐、雪碧、冰红茶已被清空经分类后,再被送走,被磨碎并转化为聚酯纤维,用来做新衣服,或填充被子和枕头。

    Plastic bottles   emptied of their Coke , Sprite , iced tea are sorted before being sent away to be ground and turned into polyester for new clothes , or the filling of duvets and pillows .

  22. 立顿冰红茶欧洲推广执行官弗兰克斯·巴齐尼透露,会找到杰克曼,是因为在去年奥斯卡颁奖典礼上他载歌载舞的表演。

    The European marketing director for Lipton Ice Tea , Francois Bazini , said that it was Jackman 's singing and dancing performance as a host at last year 's Academy Awards that convinced the company to sign him up .

  23. 茶吸收了全世界各种不同的方式&加或不加牛奶,如印度拉茶、绿茶、冰红茶、红茶或如草本茶来减轻喉咙疼痛或严重感冒。

    Tea is imbibed around the world in various ways-with or without milk , as " masala chai ", green tea , iced tea , black tea or as a herbal tea to ease a bad throat or severe cold .

  24. 我想要点炒饭和一杯冰的柠檬红茶。

    I would like some fried rice and a glass of iced lemon tea .