
  • 网络Ice Sculpture Festival;Ice festival
  1. 哈尔滨吸引旅游者的主要景致是冰雕节。

    Harbins major tourist attraction is Ice Sculpture Festival .

  2. 例如,第一届的冰雕节主题构思就是围绕“繁荣的中国和腾飞的黑龙江”展开的,冰雕作品反映了国家的快速发展。

    For example , in its first year the festival 's layout was designed around the idea of " Prosperous China and High-flying Longjing ", with the ice carving depicting the rapid development of the country .

  3. 国家媒体周三报道,地方政府是在星期二的午夜命令停止供水的,哈尔滨因其每年一度在一月份举行的冰雕艺术节而闻名世界。

    State media reported Wednesday that the local government ordered the shutdown starting at midnight Tuesday in Harbin , which is internationally known for its annual ice sculpture festival in January .