
bīng fēng
  • ice bound;icebound;frozen;Freeze
  • freeze-over
冰封 [bīng fēng]
  • 千里冰封,万里雪飘。--毛泽东《沁园春.雪》

  • [congelation;freeze-over] 指江、河等冰冻覆盖

  • 冰封雪冻

  1. 嫩江冰封期BOD降解规律的研究

    Study on BOD Degradation 's Law of Nenjiang River in the Icebound Season

  2. 对冰封期河流中化学耗氧量(COD)削减问题进行了研究,提出冰层的冻结对COD的削减作用。

    The attenuation of chemical oxygen demand ( COD ) in rivers during the icebound season was examined , and how the freezing action of ice layer worked on the attenuation of COD was presented .

  3. 已经提醒开车的人当心冰封的路面。

    Motorists have been warned to beware of icy roads .

  4. 大雪纷飞,江河冰封。

    It is snowing hard , and rivers and streams have frozen over .

  5. 魔兽争霸III:冰封王座兽人战役续章&第二章和第三章发布,提姆·坎贝尔详细介绍了它们的内容以及与魔兽世界的联系。

    Now that acts II & III have been released , Tim Campbell spills the beans on them and their World of Warcraft connection .

  6. Howard这两者的区别是…在地狱被冰封之前,.Leonard有可能享受生日派对。

    Penny : Howard , here 's the difference the possibility exists that Leonard could have a birthday party before hell freezes over

  7. 提姆·坎贝尔:对兽人的爱好者而言&包括我自己,很遗憾的是,冰封王座中采用的是阿尔萨斯VS伊利迪安主线,而兽人的故事情节配合不上。

    Tim Campbell : Unfortunately for orc fans like myself , their storyline just didn 't work well with the Arthas-versus-Illidan direction that we took in the expansion .

  8. 这本最新版本的手册&联盟和部落纲要,发行于冰封王座(TFT)之后,WoW时期之前。

    In this latest book , the Alliance and Horde Compendium , the RPG has been brought to post-Frozen Throne , pre-WoW time .

  9. 您可以讲述一下促成冰封王座中附加兽人RPG战役的原因吗?

    Can you walk us through the reasoning that led to the creation of the bonus RPG orc campaign in The Frozen Throne ?

  10. SBR法常、低温下生活污水短程硝化的实现及特性池水温度较低,一年中有半年冰封期。

    Partial nitrification via nitrite at ordinary and low temperatures in an SBR treating domestic wastewater The water in the lake is comparatively cold and the lake remains frozen half of the time each year .

  11. 半致死浓度(LC50)池水温度较低,一年中有半年冰封期。

    Lethal concentration ( LC50 ) The water in the lake is comparatively cold and the lake remains frozen half of the time each year .

  12. 许多种土豆可以在凉爽的气候下种植,但是伊利诺斯州大学推广中心的JohnMasiunas说,土豆最好等到冬天最后一次冰封之后种。

    Most kinds of potatoes can be planted during cool weather . But John Masiunas of the University of Illinois Extension says it may be best to wait until after the last winter freeze .

  13. 冰封期河流中有机污染物削减模式

    Reduction Mode of Organic Pollutants in Rivers During the Icebound Season

  14. 在内陆地区北部的河流仍处于冰封期

    Inland , the northern rivers are still locked in ice .

  15. 几乎没有动物能在北极洲冰封的荒芜地区生存

    Few animal can exist In the freeze waste of the arctic

  16. 1千年前它就被冰封住

    A thousand years ago , it was covered in ice .

  17. 他们在冰封的湖面上用树枝标出一条安全通道。

    They bushed out a safe way across the frozen lake .

  18. 扎龙湿地冰封期水环境特征初步研究

    Preliminary Studies on the Characteristics of Water Environment of Ice Sealed

  19. 冰封之韧现在从减少伤害50%改变为20%。

    Icebound Fortitude now reduces damage by20 % instead of50 % .

  20. 看这块土地被冰封住

    You see this ground , it 's covered in ice .

  21. 没有什么太多的无奈,就已被亘古冰封。

    Not any too many helplesses , already through ancient times ice-bound .

  22. 再过1千年它还是被冰封住

    A thousand years from now , it will still be ice .

  23. 全村的人被冰封在村里达一星期。

    The whole village was frozen in for a week .

  24. 南极&终年冰封的不毛之地

    The Antarctic , a Desert of Ice All Year Round

  25. 这人生到底带点荒谬,冰封了所有的永远。

    This life brings an absurdness , Ice-bound all forever .

  26. 内心的火热却又想把这冰封的冷漠融化。

    Inward fervency wants to melt this icebound indifference but .

  27. 冰封期河流中污染物损耗估算模型

    Models for estimating pollutant reduction in rivers during freezing period

  28. 路面已给冰封住了,很危险。

    The roads had iced over and were very dangerous .

  29. 冰封海岸沿岸都是犬牙交错的冰。

    Description : The Frozen Coast is a treacherous coastline of ice .

  30. 凛冬之息将冰封海洋。

    The cold breath of winter will freeze the seas .