
  1. 为燃气冷凝式热水器燃烧器设计提供参考。

    As a reference for designing condensing gas water heaters .

  2. 火孔热强度与火焰温度的实验数据等,通过上述试验数据为获得比较理想的天然气冷凝式热水器燃烧器模型提供依据。

    By comparing the above data , we 've got practical model of condensing gas water heaters .

  3. 通过以上的实验研究提出了燃气冷凝式热水器的燃烧器的设计与计算方法,以及维持火焰燃烧稳定性的措施及方法。

    We 've brought up the design and calculating methods of condensing gas water heater , and approaches of flame retention .

  4. 冷凝式热水器具有相当大的节能潜力,降低排烟温度可有效提高热水器热效率。

    The condensing water heater has a considerable energy-saving potential , and reducing the flue gas temperature can effectively enhance the thermal efficiency of gas water heater .

  5. 冷凝式燃气热水器的节能分析

    Energy Saving Analysis of Gas Water Heater with Condensation

  6. 通过对冷凝式燃气热水器进行理论和试验研究,证明冷凝式燃气热水器节能效果显著,与普通燃气热水器相比较可节能15%左右。

    Through the theoretical and experimental research on condensing type gas water heater , it is proved that its energy saving effectiveness is obvious an it can save energy by about 15 % as compared with the general gas water heater .

  7. 试验结果表明冷凝式燃气快速热水器有很好的实用价值。

    It is proved that gas instantaneous water heater with condensation has pretty practical value .

  8. 国外已经普遍使用冷凝式锅炉及热水器回收烟气中水蒸汽的冷凝潜热,有效地提高了燃气炉的热效率。

    Condensing boilers and water heaters have been widely used abroad to recover the condensation latent heat of water vapor within the flue gas . The thermal efficiency of the gas furnaces was improved greatly .

  9. 介绍冷凝式家用燃气热水器的实验研究结果,并结合实例对换热面积进行了优化分析。水蒸气在船用冷凝器中滴状冷凝的分析

    The experimental research results of condensation type domestic water heater are stated and the optimization of heat exchange surface area is analyzed through examples . The theory analysis of about marine condenser on its heat exchange surface to realize vapo 's drop condensing

  10. 冷凝式天然气快速热水器的应用探讨

    Practical Probing Into Gas Instantaneous Water Heater with Condensation