
  • 网络operating environment
  1. VoIP基础电信服务的运营环境探讨

    Discussion on the Operating Environment of VoIP Basic Telecom Service

  2. 通过模拟Internet运营环境下的各种攻击测试表明,该安全解决方案能解决平台在数据传输过程中的安全隐患问题。

    Safety problems in the data transfer process are solved in the security solution , and it has been validated in the test under the simulated Internet operating environment .

  3. 针对公交车辆调度现状及所处的运营环境,利用遗传算法(GeneticAlgorithm,GA)的智能化特征,进行了公交车辆智能调度方法的研究。

    With regard to actual case and operation environment of public traffic vehicles ( PTV ), intelligent dispatching method of PTV is studied by using intelligent characteristics of genetic algorithm ( GA ) .

  4. 在2010年,我们开始开发一个后继平台,以利用IBM软件所提供的更优秀的功能,同时降低维护运营环境的成本。

    In 2010 , we began developing a successor platform to leverage the greater capabilities provided by IBM software , along with lowering the cost of maintaining the operational environment .

  5. 第三代移动通信系统(3G)的重要特点是支持覆盖全球的综合多媒体业务,包括高速到低速移动、室外到室内的各种系统运营环境。

    The important characteristic of 3G is that 3G support the integrated multimedia services that cover all the world , adapted for big moving or Random walk in outdoor or indoor surroundings .

  6. 该模型将信任区分为运营环境信任和交易信任,并分别采用支持向量机(SVM)和反馈评价的方法进行评估。

    The model classifies the trust into operation environment trust and transaction trust , and the SVM ( support vector machine ) algorithm and feedback evaluation method are adopted respectively to evaluate them .

  7. 首先,从现有网络的业务开发运营环境的缺陷出发,介绍了开放式API技术思想及其对于实现下一代网络目标的重要性;

    To begin with the limitation of service development and operation platform of current network , it introduces the thought of open API and its significance to implement the next generation network ( NGN ) goal .

  8. 阐明了VoIP运营环境中可能的资费组成具有的特征:VoIP业务使用与承载网络资源使用分别计费;

    Afterward , it describes the following characteristics of the possible tariff composition in VoIP operating environment : the occupation of VoIP service and that of carrying network resource will be charged separately ;

  9. 过去几个月,多名外企高管,包括跨国工业企业通用电气(GE)、西门子(Siemens)和巴斯夫(BASF)的首席执行官,都曾谈到外企在中国所处的更为艰难的运营环境。

    In the past few months , a number of executives , including the chief executives of industrial multinationals General Electric , Siemens and BASF , have made comments on the tougher operating environment for foreign businesses in China .

  10. 一些投资者说,由于运营环境恶化,巴西第三大非国有银行Unibanco接受了Itau的收购提议。

    Some investors said that Unibanco , Brazil 's third-biggest non-state bank , became receptive to Itau 's overtures as the operating environment soured .

  11. 考虑到铁矿石价格下降等运营环境的变化,该公司及其未上市的美国合作伙伴AMCI打算节省资金。

    It and closely held U.S. partner AMCI aim to conserve funding given changes in the operating environment , including a drop in prices for the steelmaking ingredient .

  12. 他说:房地产市场的整体运营环境日渐低迷。

    The overall operating environment in the property market is declining .

  13. 建立一个热情、友善、公平的运营环境。

    Build a warm , welcoming and fair operating environment .

  14. 全业务运营环境下接入网建设策略探讨

    Discussion on Access Network Construction Strategy in All-service Operation Environment

  15. 个体私营企业运营环境分析

    Making an analysis of operation enviroment for individual enterprises

  16. 全业务运营环境下的网络资源统一建模及应用

    Modeling and Application for Network Resource in Telecom Industry

  17. 全业务运营环境下传输网节能增效的探讨

    Discussion on Energy Conservation and Synergy of Transmission Network under Full Services Operating Environment

  18. 中国电信市场的格局不断变化,电信市场运营环境也是一个复杂的状态。

    The operational environment of Chinese telecommunication market is complicated and its pattern varies constantly .

  19. 服务模式:全业务运营环境下的精益服务体系

    Lean service system in All-service Operation Environment

  20. 对于空中食宿的“分享经济”业务模式来说,古巴或将是一个绝佳的运营环境。

    Airbnb 's " sharing economy " business model makes Cuba a potential sweet spot .

  21. 同时,论文还可为传输媒介在实际运营环境中的使用提供指导性建议。

    Simultaneously , this paper can also provide guiding advices for actual use of transmission mediums .

  22. 市场运营环境下电力价格的动态演化及定价机制研究

    Research on the Dynamic Evolution and Pricing Mechanism of Electricity Price in the Market Operation Environment

  23. 经济运营环境将进一步恶化,这将损及企业盈利能力。

    The operating environment will become more hostile going forward , which will hurt corporate profitability .

  24. 这导致了企业营销业绩和运营环境越来越恶劣。

    This results that the marketing performance and operating environment of enterprises become worse and worse .

  25. 这一评价指标体系的建立,不仅可以为地区人力资本运营环境的评价提供依据,也可以为政府以及用人单位人力资本运营环境的营造提供方向和思路。

    This appraisal index system may provide the basis for the area human capital operation environment appraisal .

  26. 公交车辆的运营环境非常复杂,经常会受到很多随机因素的干扰。

    The running environment of transit vehicle is very complicated and often affected by many stochastic factors .

  27. 这是由于全球汽车制造商如今所面临运营环境正在不断恶化。

    This is because of the deteriorating operating environment in which the global car makers now find themselves .

  28. 由于其特殊的运营环境,在应急救援和疏散方面有着先天性的不足。

    Because of its unique operating environment , its ' emergency rescue and evacuation has a congenital deficiencies .

  29. 跨国公司目前的运营环境日新月异,这也可能让埃克森美孚在商业上处于不利地位。

    It could also put it at a commercial disadvantage in the shifting environment where multinationals must now operate .

  30. 与西方同行相比,中国各银行的运营环境要好得多,但它们并非无懈可击。

    Chinese lenders operate in a far rosier environment than their Western peers , but they are not invincible .