
  • 网络Sports industry;sportsdom
  1. 对sport这个英语词或概念的含义,我国体育运动界多有误解或曲解,这对体育教学、学术研究和体育运动政策法规的制订均有甚大影响,实在需要加以分辨清理。

    The meaning or conception of the English word sport has been misunderstood or misinterpreted in China 's sports field for a long time , which is harmful to physical education , sports academic research and sports policy-making in our country .

  2. 目的延迟性肌肉疼痛(DOMS)是困扰运动界多年的问题,DOMS会造成肌肉酸痛、肌肉收缩力量下降、肌肉肿胀、关节活动范围减小等现象。

    Objective Delayed onset muscle soreness ( DOMS ) is a troubled sector over the years and the issue of exercise , DOMS can cause muscle soreness , muscle contraction force declined , muscle swelling , decreased range of joint activities and so on .

  3. 为了争夺他,一时间联盟狼烟四起,堪比运动界版本的《单身汉》。

    The bidding war for his services was like a sports-world variation of " The Bachelor . "

  4. 公司治理机制:主动监督(激励)与退出威胁的选择挂靴(退出职业运动界)

    The Management Mechanism of Company : The Choice between Initiative Supervision ( Prompting ) and Withdrawal Menace ;

  5. 事实上,他被允许在赛车运动界混这么久真是一种耻辱。

    The fact that he has been allowed to operate within motor sport for so long is a disgrace .

  6. 与其成为运动界的顶尖运动员,很多大学生运动员不过是需要更多的人文关怀。

    Rather than being stars at the peak of their game , many college jocks are deeply in need of some TLC .

  7. 兴奋剂是自行车运动界的传染病,在其他运动中也相当普遍,特别是棒球和田径领域。

    Doping in cycling is an epidemic , but it is also pervasive across sports , especially in baseball and track and field .

  8. 当然这些人不都是;,而是各领域的杰出人士,包括政界,运动界,医药界,法律界,工程界等等。

    CEO Suddenly they were not all CEOs ; they were people of politics , sports , medicine , law , engineering and so on .

  9. 我谨代表香港帆船运动界,衷心感谢香港特别行政区政府,尤其盛事基金的鼎力支持及协助,并预祝帆船赛圆满成功。

    And on behalf of that community I would like to sincerely thank the HKSAR Government for their endorsement and assistance in bringing this event to fruition and I wish the regatta great success .

  10. 运动医学界有着对警告信号熟视无睹的历史。

    Sports medicine has a history of ignoring warning signs .

  11. 竞技体育中的攻击与暴力:运动心理学界的一次争论

    Aggression and Violence in Competitive Sport : A Controversy in Sport Psychology Circles

  12. 焦虑问题,一直以来都是国内外运动心理学界研究的热点。

    Anxiety has always been the research focus of domestic and international sports psychology .

  13. 但是无论如何,我们应当清楚的看到,机体的低氧感受机制是一个未来的研究方向,也是运动医学界未来发展的一个重点和热点。

    But in any case , the molecular mechanism of adaption to IH is the future directions of research .

  14. 间歇性低氧训练是近些年来国际运动医学界研究的重点。

    Recently , IHT ( intermittent hypoxia training ) has been a highlight in the international academia of sports medicine .

  15. 当前我国运动训练界存在两种错误倾向,试图通过提高训练强度和增加比赛数量来解决训练质量不高的问题。

    It is not possible to increase training intensity and quantity of competition with an intention of improving training quality .

  16. 近年来,国际运动心理学界围绕竞技体育中攻击与暴力的问题展开了一次争论。

    In recent years , there is a debate on aggression and violence in sports in the field of sports psychology .

  17. 目前,运动员踝关节急性扭伤后疼痛的治疗,仍然是运动医学界的难题之一。

    At present , the treatment of athletes with acute ankle sprain pain is still one of the problems of the sports medicine community .

  18. 目前,如何提高学习记忆能力已经成为医学界、生物学界乃至运动科学界研究的热点。

    At present , it is hot spot in medicine , biology and sports fields that how to improve the ability of learning and remember .

  19. 自由基理论在运动医学界与生物界受到广泛的关注,自由基与运动的研究已成为一个重要的课题。

    With the development of the theory of free radicals , research on exercise and free radicals has become an important question in the field of sports medicine or biology .

  20. 该理论在世界许多国家运动训练界引起强烈反响,促进了许多运动项目运动训练实践改革。

    The theory has been aroused strong repercussions by many countries in the world sports training sector , and promoted a number of sports training in the practice of the reform movement .

  21. 新近诸多研究发现马拉松选手的冠状动脉斑块水平偏高后,运动医学界正在打破这样一种误解:长跑会对心脏病起到一种近乎绝对的防护作用。

    Following the recent emergence of studies finding high levels of coronary plaque in marathon runners , sports medicine is debunking the myth that distance running confers near-absolute protection against heart disease .

  22. 近年来,运动医学界开始重视借助中药来消除疲劳与提高机体运动能力的研究,并已取得显著成果。

    In recent years , the athletic medicine started to attach importance through the Traditional Chinese Medicine to eliminate fatigue and improve exercise ability of the body , and had achieved significant success .

  23. 索薪运动激起教育界的自觉意识,使教育独立运动在20世纪20年代成为教育界共同的声音;

    The campaign made the educational circles conscious and made education independence become a unanimous view in the educational circles .

  24. 以更客观的态度,更多维的视角和学术研究方法来关注新生活运动为学界所重视和认可。

    At present , in the more objective attitude , more dimensional perspectives and academic research approaches to concerning the movement is emphasized and admitted .

  25. 在琳达画廊,尼科亚克图斯卡的“发动,调入,退离”汇集了来自拉丁美洲的艺术家,但并没有界定成为特殊的运动或艺术界对话。

    At Linda Gallery , Nicoykatiushka 's " Tune in , Turn on , Drop out " brings together artists from across Latin America without delineating a specific movement or dialogue in the art .

  26. 六十年代末西方尤其是北美兴起的女权主义运动在翻译界引发了性别与翻译研究,并形成女性主义的翻译理论。

    Studies on gender and translation have been triggered off by the Women 's Movement in the west , particularly in the North America , in the late 1960s , resulting in the formation of the feminist school of translation theories .

  27. 他当时曾发起一次运动以解决足球界的贪污现象。

    When he led a campaign to tackle corruption in football .

  28. 关于非基督教运动研究,学界已有许多论著问世,但是这些研究仍然不能说是足够的和充分的。

    A great deal of works concerning the Anti-Christian Movement studies have been published , but the previous studies are neither enough nor sufficient .

  29. 1948年的文艺运动是左翼文艺界发起的一场政治整风运动。

    The 1948 " Literary and Artistic Movement " was a political rectification movement initiated by the left wing of the literary and artistic circles .

  30. 近年来,禁烟运动一直是学术界研究的热点,但是对于禁烟运动中戒烟方面的研究却不多见。

    In recent years , the Anti-opium Movements has been a hot academic research , but for the Anti-opium Movement " quit " the study are rare .