
  • 网络traditional chinese philosophy
  1. 该系列珠宝由谭燕玉联袂珠宝品牌TSL谢瑞麟共同打造,其推出的以「五行」为主题的珠宝将中国传统哲学与时装完美融合。

    Produced in partnership with TSL Jewellery , the designer 's fashion and jewellery combination has been fused with modernity , yet also with the essence of traditional Chinese philosophy .

  2. 中国传统哲学的主要问题和哲学基本问题

    Major Questions of Traditional Chinese Philosophy and Basic Issues of Philosophy

  3. 中国传统哲学观在古建筑中的体现

    The reflection of the Chinese traditional philosophy in the ancient buildings

  4. 中国传统哲学中意象思维方式的成因初探

    Preliminary Research on Imagery Thinking Approach in China 's Traditional Philosophy

  5. 论圣人崇拜及其对中国传统哲学思维的影响

    On Sage Worship and Its Influences to Chinese Traditional Philosophical Thinking

  6. 中国传统哲学思想对我国现代竞技体育的影响

    The Traditional Philosophy Put Great Effection on China 's Modern Sports

  7. 关注人生是中国传统哲学的特色

    Focusing on Human Life : A Characteristic of Chinese Traditional Philosophy

  8. 中国传统哲学属于全人类的精神财富

    Chinese Traditional Philosophy : A Spiritual Wealth Belongs to the Whole Mankind

  9. 中国传统哲学对文人和文人画的影响

    The Impact of Traditional Chinese Philosophy on the Literati and Their Painting

  10. 中国传统哲学认识论的理论成就及其当代价值

    The Theoretical Achievement and Contemporary Value of Chinese Traditional Philosophy on Epistemology

  11. 它的形成和发展深受中国传统哲学的影响。

    Its formation and development were deeply influenced by Chinese traditional philosophy .

  12. 谈冯契对中国传统哲学价值的认识

    On Feng Qi 's Understanding of the Value of Chinese Classical Philosophy

  13. 中国传统哲学要实现现代化就必须用西方哲学的理性主义思维方式解释自己的传统。

    Contemporary Chinese traditional philosophy is faced with the problem of modernization .

  14. 中国传统哲学的天人之争探析

    Probing on relation between the heaven and man in traditional Chinese Philosophy

  15. 马克思主义哲学教学中的中国传统哲学渗透

    Traditional Chinese Philosophy Penetration into the Teaching of Marxist Philosophy

  16. 人性问题是中国传统哲学的直接主题,否认了人性可以成为哲学思考的出发点,也就抹杀了中国哲学的特质。

    Humanity is a direct topic of traditional Chinese philosophy ;

  17. 中国传统哲学是“生”的哲学。

    Chinese traditional philosophy is " life " philosophy .

  18. 论太极拳理论的中国传统哲学基础

    On the Chinese Traditional Philosophical Foundation of Taijiquan Theory

  19. 谈中国传统哲学思想中的华夷之辩

    On the Debate Between Traditional Chinese Philosophic Ideas and Non - Chinese Ones

  20. 论中国传统哲学与文化的世俗性

    On China 's Traditional Philosophy and Culture 's Secularity

  21. 本体论与中国传统哲学的终极探求

    Ontology and Searching the Ultimate of Chinese Traditional Philosophy

  22. 从中国传统哲学中的天人合一论,寻觅自然与人的和谐

    On the Concept of the Harmony between Nature and Human in Traditional China

  23. 武术的内外兼修和它的中国传统哲学基础

    Philosophical Basis for the Integration of Internal and External Exercises in Chinese Wushu

  24. 中国传统哲学是这样,西方现代哲学也是这样。

    Traditional Chinese philosophy is the case , modern Western philosophy as well .

  25. 马克思主义视域中的中国传统哲学及其当代观照

    Chinese Traditional Philosophy under Marxism and Its Current Meaning

  26. 现代经验主义与中国传统哲学的现代化

    Modern empiricism and the modernization of Chinese traditional philosophy

  27. 汉语成语体现的中国传统哲学精神

    The Chinese Traditional Philosophical Spirit Reflected in Chinese Idioms

  28. 中国传统哲学思想对古代建筑的影响

    Impacts of Chinese traditional philosophy thoughts on ancient architecture

  29. 中国传统哲学范式的现代转型

    The Modem Transformation of Traditional Paradigms in Chinese Philosophy

  30. 言意之辨与中国传统哲学

    The Distinguishment Denotation of Language and Traditional Chinese Philosophy