
  • 网络medium pressure boiler
  1. 中压锅炉给水泵故障分析

    The failure analysis on feeding water pump of medium pressure boiler

  2. GB3087-1982低中压锅炉用无缝钢管

    Seamless steel tubes for low and medium pressure boiler

  3. 低中压锅炉用焊接管的研究

    Research of welded pipe for low and medium - pressure boiler

  4. GB3087-1999低中压锅炉用无缝钢管标准述评

    Commentary on the standard of seamless steel tubes for boiler

  5. 中压锅炉煤粉经济细度的确定

    The confirmation on pulverizer economical degree of middle pressure boiler

  6. 低、中压锅炉用电焊钢管的开发与推广应用

    Development and Dissemination of Welded Tubes Used in Low or Middle pressure Boiler

  7. 有电厂中温中压锅炉操作证,三年以上工作经验。

    Have boiler operation license , have above three years of working experience .

  8. 中压锅炉汽包浅插式接管应力计算的一种简化方法

    A Simplified Stress Calculation Method for Shallowly Inserted Nozzles in Medium Pressure Boiler Drums

  9. 电焊钢管张力减径热轧生产低中压锅炉钢管的开发与应用

    Development and Application of Low or Middle Pressure Boiler Tube Produced by Electric Welding

  10. 开发低中压锅炉用电焊钢管是扩大焊管品种和调整钢管产品结构的重要内容。

    Developing electric weld pipes for lower / medium-pressure boilers is important in expanding weld tube categories and optimizing steel tube product mix .

  11. 以75t/h中压锅炉为对象,介绍了水冷异型分离循环流化床的压火、启动特性。

    The start-up and hold-down performance of water cooled square cyclone CFB boiler is introduced with the object of a 75t / h capacity one in this paper .

  12. 针对中压锅炉和具有类似工作条件的余热锅炉,讨论肋片管应用于过热器的使用条件以及应当注意的问题。

    The paper based on the operation conditions of middle pressure boiler and waste heat boiler which conditions are similar to the boiler discuses the possibility of ribbed tube to be used in superheater and the problems should be considered .

  13. 但现状是大多数中温中压锅炉的运行效率还达不到设计要求,一方面是由于锅炉运行效率控制技术正处于发展阶段;

    But the current status of most the medium temperature , medium pressure boilers cannot achieve for the designed operational efficiency goal , on the one hand the operating efficiency control technologies of the boilers are at the stage of development ;

  14. 通过对哈尔滨钢管厂所生产的低中压锅炉用电焊钢管,在材料质量、几何尺寸、常温及高温性质、金相组织、实用加工性等方面的试验,结合相关标准进行综合分析与比较。

    Based on relevant tests and applicable standard , comprehensive analysis and comparison relating to the electric welded steel tube for low / medium pressure boiler service are made in terms of material quality , geometric dimension performance under ambient / elevated temperatures , metallographic structure and workability , etc.

  15. ECS-100系统在转炉中压余热锅炉的设计与应用

    Design and application of ECS-100 system in medium-pressure waste-heat boiler of converting furnace

  16. 简要叙述了云铜股份公司在转炉中压余热锅炉应用ECS-100系统的实践,并介绍了ECS-100系统的功能、软硬件情况。

    This paper describes briefly the application of ECS-100 system in medium-pressure waste-heat boiler of the converting furnace in Yunnan Copper Co. , Ltd. and presents also function , software and hardware of the ECS-100 system .

  17. 介绍FR-4T-4/39-450型中压废热锅炉在硫铁矿制酸装置中的使用情况,装置生产能力原为40kt/a,后扩大为60kt/a。

    The operation of FR-4T-4 / 39-450 medium-pressure waste heat boiler in a sulphuric acid plant is described , which had a original capacity of 40 kt / a and was expanded to 60 kt / a.

  18. 中压燃煤锅炉的微机实时控制

    Microcomputer Real Time Control System for Midium Pressure Coal-fired Boilers

  19. 喷水式减温器用于中压电站锅炉的可行性研究

    Feasible Study of the Spray Type Desuperheater Used in a Boiler of a Medium-Voltage Power Station

  20. 介绍了双燃料中温中压中型锅炉的自动控制系统。

    The automatic control system of dual-fuel boiler of medium temperature and medium pressure and medium size is introduced .

  21. 本文结合上述原因的分析,对自备电厂次中压发电锅炉水处理问题提出了具体看法。

    In this paper , some practical measures on water treatment are given and the mentioned reason is analyzed .

  22. 中压余热锅炉管板结构的优化设计及应力分析压力容器生产制造过程中的余料管理技术研究

    Optimum Design and Stress Analysis of Structure of Middle Pressure Waste Heat Boiler ; The Research of the Excess Stock Management in the Process of Pressure Vessel Manufacture

  23. 介绍了为某公司设计的30MW中温中压循环流化床锅炉的设计方案和设计特点。

    The design scheme and characteristics of30MW CFB boiler for a certain power plant are introduced herein .

  24. 这是我国糖厂中首次采用中压参数的锅炉。

    Paper concentrates on the descrip-ion of this boiler .

  25. 最近国内新建的几套400-800kt/a硫磺制酸装置均采用中压参数火管锅炉。

    Recent several 400 - 800 kt / a sulphur-burning sulphuric acid plants in China all adopted fire tube boiler operating at medium pressure .