
  • 网络lengshuijiang;Lengshuijiang City
  1. 冷水江市土地利用与区域经济发展研究

    Study on Land Use and Development of Regional Economy in Lengshuijiang City

  2. 冷水江市矿业开发与环境保护初探

    Mining Development and Environment Protection in Lengshuijiang City

  3. 冷水江市矿业开发现状及发展对策

    Exploitation present situation and development countermeasure of mine industry in Lengshuijiang

  4. 冷水江市10711名青年学生乙肝感染情况分析

    Analysis of 10 711 young students ′ HBV infection status in Lengshuijiang

  5. 冷水江市土地利用总体规划修编实施保障措施的研究

    The Lengshuijiang land utilization overall plan repairs arranges the implementation safeguard measure the research

  6. 资源型城市核心竞争力的演变与调控&以冷水江市为例

    Study on the evolution and adjustment of the nucleus competitiveness power in the resource-based city

  7. 发挥矿产资源优势促进冷水江市经济发展

    Fully Displaying the Advantage of Mineral Resources and Promoting Development of Economy of Lengshuijiang City

  8. 冷水江市某村饮水因砷污染所致亚急性砷中毒的调查

    Investigation on the subacute arsenism caused by arsenic contaminated drinking water in a village of Lengshuijiang City

  9. 公共图书馆如何为农家书屋服务&对冷水江市农家书屋的调查与思考

    How the Public Library to Serve the Village Book Houses & Investigation and Consideration about the Village Book Houses in Lengshuijiang City

  10. 但这次湖南省官员表示,冷水江市的矿场和加工厂至今还在停业之中,这给价格带来了上涨压力。

    But officials in Hunan officials say the Lengshuijiang mines and process facilities have stayed closed this time , leading to price pressure .

  11. 最后提出了冷水江市经济转型的方针路线和经济转型实施的保障措施。

    Based on the policy route of economic transformation in Leng Shui-Jiang City . At last , the paper proposes the safeguard mechanism of economic transformation .

  12. 冷水江市依托资源开采带动经济快速增长的同时,区域内空气、土壤和水体污染严重,尤其是重金属污染严重,土地闲置数量较大,开展农村闲置土地利用研究迫在眉睫。

    Relying on the exploitation of resources led the rapid economic growth , air , soil and water pollution is serious in Lengshuijiang , especially the heavy metal pollution .

  13. 本文以湖南省冷水江市锡矿山周边地区为对象,通过实地调查、网格采样、重金属全量测定以及经典统计学、地统计学和生态风险评价,研究了该区重金属污染的来源和空间分布。

    Through field surveys , snake-like sampling , Determination of heavy metal , classical statistics , geostatistics and ecological risk assessment to define heavy metal pollution in the area and spatial distribution of sources .

  14. 本研究对作为资源枯竭型城市的冷水江市顺利实现经济转型和可持续发展有重大的理论和现实意义,同时可为其他资源枯竭型城市的经济转型提供借鉴和参考。

    In this study , as resource-exhausted cities City is a smooth economic transition and sustainable development of great theoretical and practical significance , while for other resource-exhausted cities to provide a reference for economic transformation .