
  • 网络Cold shower
  1. 用冷水澡把你从颓败中唤醒。

    Wake yourself up from your slump with a cold shower .

  2. 我是每天早上运动,然后洗冷水澡。

    I take a cold shower after exercising every morning .

  3. 冷水澡可以刺激身体,促进血液循环。

    A cool shower wakes up the body and boosts circulation .

  4. 我洗了个冷水澡。

    I took a cold bath .

  5. 中国龙是否需要洗个冷水澡?

    Does the Chinese dragon need to take a cold bath ?

  6. 经常洗冷水澡来帮助痊愈。

    Take frequent cool showers or baths to soothe the area .

  7. 他已习惯在冬天洗冷水澡。

    He is used to taking cold baths in winter .

  8. 洗了冷水澡后,我完全清醒了。

    After I took a cold shower , I was wide awake .

  9. 他一直在宣传洗冷水澡的好处。

    He 's always preaching the value of cold baths .

  10. 我痛痛快快地洗了一次冷水澡。

    I gave myself a good sloosh with cold water .

  11. 经常洗冷水澡可以抵御风寒。

    Taking cold baths regularly can heighten one 's resistance to colds .

  12. 洗冷水澡会让你生病的。

    You can get sick sitting in a cold bath .

  13. 他把每天洗冷水澡当成一种习惯。

    He makes it a ruleto take a cold bath every day .

  14. 洗冷水澡以后我发烧了。

    I had a fever after the cold bathe .

  15. 我的兄弟坚信洗冷水澡有益健康。

    My brother have a firm belief in the value of cold bath .

  16. 我们在早饭前洗个冷水澡吧。

    Let 's have a cold tub before breakfast .

  17. 今天早晨尝试洗洗冷水澡而不是热水澡。

    Try taking a cold shower instead of a warm one this morning .

  18. 我们喜爱在冬天洗冷水澡。

    We love to take cold baths in winter .

  19. 锻炼完冲个冷水澡很爽。

    It is great fun to take a cold bath after taking exercises .

  20. 上帝作证我再也不用洗冷水澡了。

    As God is my witness I 'll never take cold showers again .

  21. 你洗个冷水澡,马上就清醒了。

    A cold shower will soon wake you up .

  22. 我不愿听别人提出的洗冷水澡的主意。

    I do not relish the idea of a bathe in the icy water .

  23. 听起来有人需要冲一个冷水澡了。

    Sounds like someone needs a cold shower .

  24. 去冲个冷水澡。

    NO02 , Go take a cold shower .

  25. 他每天晚上都洗冷水澡。

    He have a cold bath every evening .

  26. 研究团队还建议要冲个冷水澡。

    The team also suggests capping off your shower with a blast of cold water .

  27. 他每天洗冷水澡对他的健康很有益。

    His taking a cold bath everyday does a lot of good to his health .

  28. 他喜欢洗冷水澡。

    He enjoyed taking cold baths .

  29. 你有病啊?天气这么冷,你怎么能洗冷水澡呢?

    Don 't switch on the water heater , I want to take a cold shower .

  30. 那个晚上好热,我冲了个冷水澡提提神。

    It was such a hot night that I had a cold shower to refresh myself .