
  • 网络Net Primary Productivity;npp
  1. 预测样带北部的净第一性生产力的变化范围大于样带南部。温度变化比降水变化对样带的生产力具有更强的控制。

    The predicted range of NPP variation in the north is much larger than that in the south .

  2. 该模型最初建立来估算全球的净第一性生产力,是基于全球尺度的模型,在本论文的研究中证明将其应用到流域范围仍然具有高的准确性。

    CASA initially was established to estimate global NPP , the thesis proves its high accuracy in watershed scale according to applying it to Heihe Basin .

  3. 生态系统净第一性生产力(NPP,netprimaryproductivity)研究是评估生态系统碳平衡的基础。

    The research of Net Primary Productivity ( NPP ) was the base for assessing the carbon balance in ecosystem .

  4. 本文探讨了全球变化对塔里木盆地北部盐化草甸净第一性生产力(NPP)和群落演替的影响。

    The impact of global change on net primary productivity ( NPP ) and community succession of salinized meadow in north of Tarim Basin was discussed .

  5. 基于NDVI的中国天然森林植被净第一性生产力模型

    A forest vegetation NPP model based on NDVI

  6. 四川植被净第一性生产力(NPP)对全球气候变化的响应

    Response of net primary productivity ( NPP ) of Sichuan vegetations to global climate changes

  7. 基于IBIS模型的东北森林净第一性生产力模拟

    Simulation of forest net primary productivity in northeastern China with IBIS

  8. 利用CASA模型估算我国植被净第一性生产力

    Application of CASA model to the estimation of Chinese terrestrial net primary productivity

  9. 不同区域的草本植被恢复到特定盖度有明显的时间分异,所需时间与区域NPP(植被净第一性生产力)值呈负相关。

    The grassland vegetation restoration to the specific degree of coverage has the obvious time differentiation in the different regions .

  10. 准确地评估森林净第一性生产力(NPP)对于评估全球收支有着十分重要的作用。

    Accurately estimating forest net primary productivity ( NPP ) plays an important role in study of global carbon budget .

  11. 结果表明,当前四川植被的净第一性生产力(NPP)从总体上沿东南向西北呈逐渐递减趋势。

    The result indicated that the net primary productivity ( NPP ) - values of natural vegetation in Sichuan decreases gradually from southeast to northwest .

  12. 采用MODIS遥感数据,针对内蒙古半干旱草场生态环境特征,以光能利用率模型为基础与生态模型相结合,研究区域尺度下半干旱草地净第一性生产力遥感模型;

    This paper presents a regional net primary productivity ( NPP ) model parameterized with remote sensing information of MODIS , and tests it in areas of Inner Mongolia semi-arid grassland .

  13. 当温度升高25℃,降水量增加10%时,四川省的植被净第一性生产力将增加1376%,随着降水量增加到20%,其值将进一步升高,达到10922TDM·hm-2·年-1。

    When the temperature and the precipitation increase by 2.5 ℃ and 10 % , respectively , the NPP-values will increase by 13.76 % .

  14. 植被的净第一性生产力(NPP)反映了植物每年通过光合作用所固定的碳总量,目前NPP研究是全球变化研究的重要内容之一。

    Annual net primary productivity ( NPP ) of terrestrial vegetation is the net amount of carbon fixed by plant photosynthesis . NPP is an important index in global change ecology .

  15. 在Miami模型和Thornthwaite模型的基础上,采用直接搜索法改进了自然植被净第一性生产力模型。

    This paper modifies natural vegetation NPP model on the basis of Miami model and Thornthwaite model , using directly seeking optimal parameters .

  16. 重点研究用气象卫星AVHRR遥感方法估算目前中国的净第一性生产力(NPP)水平。

    Net primary productivity ( NPP ) is one of the cruces for global changes studies , utilizing remote sensing data from meteorological satellite is an objective way to estimate NPP .

  17. 本文建立了气候变化对中国不同地区净第一性生产力(NPP)的影响模型,在模型中考虑了臭氧减少对农业NPP的影响。

    In this paper , the distribution of NPP of agriculture in China was given according to a new NPP model . This NPP model considers the effect of climate changes and Ozone reduction .

  18. 植被净第一性生产力(NPP)的研究有助于碳循环和碳动态的研究,其敏感性对全球气候系统有着重要的影响。

    The study of the net primary productivity ( NPP ) will contribute to the study of the carbon cycle and the carbon dynamic changes . Its sensitivity has a great influence on the global climate system .

  19. 阐明不同季节陆地植被净第一性生产力(NPP)对全球变化的响应将有助于理解陆地生态系统和气候系统之间的相互作用以及NPP变化机制。

    Study on seasonal responses of terrestrial net primary production ( NPP ) to climate changes is to help understand feedback between climate systems and terrestrial ecosystems and mechanisms of increased NPP in the northern middle and high latitudes .

  20. 净第一性生产力(NPP)是评价地表植被状况的重要指标之一,对分析和评价全球和区域生态环境、碳循环等变化具有重要作用。

    Net primary productivity ( NPP ) is one of the important indicators to evaluate the condition of surface vegetation , and has great influence on analyzing and evaluating the global or regional ecological environment changes and carbon circle .

  21. 同时利用遥感影像反演出海岸带地区NDVI和植被覆盖度等参数,进一步计算出生态系统的植被净第一性生产力和基本反映生态系统质量状况的调整系数。

    In addition , based on the calculated parameters , such as NDVI , vegetation coverage based on RS images , the net primary productivity ( NPP ) and adjustment factor were calculated , which could reflect the status of ecosystem quality basically .

  22. 冀西北地区(坝下)土壤侵蚀卫星遥感应用研究基于地理信息系统和卫星遥感应用技术,利用CASA模型估算了我国1997年植被净第一性生产力及其分布。

    The application of satellite remote sensing technique in the survey of soil erosion in northwest hebei The net primary production ( NPP ) of Chinese terrestrial vegetation in 1997 was estimated based on the CASA model .

  23. 改进后的模型被用于研究中国东部南北样带(NSTEC)植被和净第一性生产力对未来气候变化的响应。

    The model was applied to a forest transect in eastern China ( NSTEC , North-South transect of eastern China ) to investigate the responses of the transect to possible future climatic change .

  24. 气候变化对中国陆地植被净第一性生产力影响的初步研究

    Effect of Climate Change of Terrestrial Net Primary Productivity in China

  25. 基于气象模型的黑龙江省植被净第一性生产力

    Net Primary Productivity of Vegetations in Heilongjiang Province Based on Meteorological Model

  26. 长江流域植被净第一性生产力及其时空格局研究

    NPP and its spatio-temporal patterns in the Yangtze River Watershed

  27. 全球气候变化的中国自然植被的净第一性生产力研究

    Study on NPP of natural vegetation in China under global climate change

  28. 西双版纳热带人工雨林生物量及净第一性生产力的研究原发性骨髓纤维化(附5例报告)

    Biomass and net primary productivity of artificial tropical rainforest in Xishuangbanna .

  29. 草地净第一性生产力估算的研究进展

    Research advances in the evaluation and estimation of grassland Net Primary Production

  30. 自然植被净第一性生产力模型及其应用

    NPP model of natural vegetation and its application in China