
  • 网络net debt;n.d.
  1. 出现赤字的90多个国家的净债务(根据飞机租赁调整)平均是EBITDAR(衡量航空公司利润的指标)的6倍。

    The 90-odd that are in the red have on average six times as much net debt ( adjusted for aircraft leases ) as EBITDAR ( a measure of airline profits ) .

  2. 从国民账户的数据来看,当前美国企业总净债务为国内生产总值(gdp)的80%。

    According to national accounts data , aggregate corporate net debt is currently 80 per cent of gross domestic product .

  3. 根据IMF的数据,2007年英国净债务为GDP的38%,为七国集团(GroupofSeven)第二低。

    In 2007 , according to the IMF , UK net debt – at 38 per cent of GDP – was the second-lowest in the Group of Seven leading economies .

  4. 举例来说,爱尔兰明年净债务占GDP的比重预计约为50%,是希腊的一半。

    Net debt to GDP , for example , in Ireland is projected to be about 50 per cent next year , half the level of Greece .

  5. 今年第三季度,福特汽车(fordmotor)继续华丽扭亏,业绩强劲得出人意料,并表示年底前将实现净债务为零。

    Ford Motor sustained its dramatic turnround in the third quarter , reporting unexpectedly strong earnings and saying that it would be free of net debt by the end of this year .

  6. 此外,人们会预期,美国净债务水平较去年底约占gdp22%的水平上升,将迫使资产价格大幅变动。

    Moreover , one would expect a rise in net liabilities from about 22 per cent of GDP at the end of last year to force substantial changes in asset prices .

  7. 要让美国的经常帐户赤字保持在接近GDP的7%,美国的净债务额可能需要稳定在大大超过GDP100%的水平。

    If the current account deficit were to remain close to 7 per cent of GDP , US net liabilities would probably stabilise at substantially more than 100 per cent of GDP .

  8. 雷曼兄弟(LehmanBrothers)倒闭后的萧条期,在港上市内地房企的净债务平均为税息折旧及摊销前利润的(EBITDA)的四倍;如今,这一比例已降为两倍,财务状况可控程度大大提高。

    In the slump that followed the collapse of Lehman Brothers , net debt averaged 4 times earnings before interest , tax , depreciation and amortisation for the Hong Kong-listed groups .

  9. 这家矿业集团新上任的董事长吉姆•棱(JimLeng)已经辞职,在如何解决该集团390亿美元净债务的问题上,他与公司首席执行官艾博年(TomAlbanese)闹翻了。

    The mining group has lost Jim Leng , its incoming chairman , who fell out with Tom Albanese , chief executive , over how to tackle the group 's $ 39bn net debt burden .

  10. 然而,随着ebitda的衰减,诺里尔斯克镍业的困境令投资者更加头大:净债务是第三季度年化ebitda的20多倍。

    As EBITDA slumps , however , the Norilsk conundrum weighs more heavily on investors : net debt is over 20 times annualised third-quarter EBITDA .

  11. 但竞争对手们也并非手头拮据;就连最极端的纽约-泛欧交易所,其净债务水平也仅为息税折旧及摊销前利润(EBITDA)的1.6倍。

    But its rivals are hardly stretched ; the most extreme is NYSE Euronext with net debt worth just 1.6 times earnings before interest , tax , depreciation and amortisation .

  12. 根据穆迪的数据,9月底来宝集团经调整后的净债务为42亿美元,是其息税折旧及摊销前利润(EBITDA)的3.6倍。

    At that time Noble 's adjusted net debt stood at $ 4.2bn , or 3.6 times its earnings before interest , tax , depreciation and amoritisation , according to Moody 's.

  13. 巴克莱资本(BarclaysCapital)驻纽约(Freeport的上市地)矿业分析师彼得沃德(PeterWard)表示:他们的净债务基本为零,而且拥有大量现金,能够同时用来返还股东和发展业务。

    They are essentially net debt zero , and they have plenty of cash both to return to shareholders and to grow the business at the same time , said Peter Ward , mining analyst at Barclays Capital in New York , where Freeport is listed .

  14. 没错,净债务已增长55%,至132亿美元,以支持资本支出、收购、股息和股票回购,但它仍低于一倍的年度ebitda。

    True , net debt rose 55 per cent to $ 13.2bn to fund capex , acquisitions , the dividend and share buybacks , but it is still below 1 times annualised EBITDA .

  15. 也许必和必拓担心,在现金流不断减少的情况下,接手更多债务是不明智的:力拓对加拿大铝业(Alcan)的纯现金收购,使其背负了近400亿美元净债务。

    Perhaps BHP was worried that diminishing cashflows made taking on additional debt unwise – Rio 's all cash purchase of Alcan , the aluminum producer , left it with almost $ 40bn of net debt .

  16. 根据穆迪的数据,9月底来宝集团的净债务为42亿美元,是其在经调整后的息税折旧及摊销前利润(EBITDA)的3.6倍。

    At the end of September , Noble 's net debt stood at $ 4.2bn , or 3.6 times its earnings before interest , tax , depreciation and amortisation on an adjusted basis , according to Moody 's.

  17. 从中石化的角度看,如果包括约15亿美元的净债务,中石化相当于以每桶油气当量20美元的峰值价格购买了Addax的储备。

    From Sinopec 's point of view , after including some $ 1.5bn of net debt , it has bought Addax 's reserves for almost $ 20 per barrel of oil equivalent a peak valuation .

  18. 该公司净债务与股本比率不足50%。

    Its net debt to equity is shy of 50 per cent .

  19. 万科的净债务与股东权益的比率只有16%。

    Vanke 's net debt to equity is a mere 16 per cent .

  20. 只是最近的一次配股才使净债务从高水平回落;

    Only a recent rights issue has brought net debt down from high levels ;

  21. 例如,恒大集团的净债务股权比达到120%。

    Net debt to equity at China Evergrande , for instance , is 120 per cent .

  22. 太阳能电池板生产商的净债务经常超过其总资本的一半。

    Net debt is often equivalent to more than half of solar-panel makers ' total capital .

  23. 因此,尽管是一个净债务国,美国仍能产生巨额收入盈余。

    So , despite being a net debtor , the US generates a big income surplus .

  24. 萨默斯此前已评述过美国的超级大国地位与净债务(外债)国身份之间的矛盾。

    Mr Summers has previously remarked on the tension between superpower status and net foreign indebtedness .

  25. 该交易将使力拓有钱偿还其390亿美元巨额净债务中的很大一部分。

    The deal will allow Rio to clear a significant amount of its $ 39bn net debt .

  26. 解决这个问题,首先是要防止一个国家成为净债务国。

    The solution then is to prevent the country from becoming a net debtor in the first place .

  27. 只有美国能够成为一个巨大的净债务国,而不会危及其本国金融体系的健康。

    It alone is able to be a vast net borrower without risking the health of its financial system .

  28. 来宝集团表示目前其农产品部门的股东权益为28亿美元,净债务为25亿美元。

    Noble said its agricultural unit currently has shareholders ' equity of $ 2.8bn and net debt of $ 2.5bn .

  29. 这不会对社会整体造成债务负担,因为净债务仍然近乎为零。

    That would not impose an overall burden on a society , since net debt would remain close to zero .

  30. 如今,5家上市芯片制造商的净债务已达到其总市值的4倍。

    The combined net debt of the five listed chipmakers is now three times bigger than their aggregate market capitalisation .