
  • 网络cleanroom;Cleanroom software engineering;clean room software engineering
  1. 净室软件工程在CMM中的应用技术研究

    Research on Application of Cleanroom Software Engineering in CMM

  2. 净室软件工程法是一种开发高可靠性软件的软件工程技术。

    The cleanroom software engineering is a software engineering technology to develop software with high reliability .

  3. 为了解释净室软件工程的功能,本文给出了一个国家地下水系统中心(NUSC),名称为自动化生产控制文档系统(APCODOC)的例子。

    In order to explain the function of cleanroom , a case for the Naval Underwater Systems Center ( NUSC ) named the Automated Production Control Documentation ( APCODOC ) system was studied in this paper .

  4. 未雨绸缪&净室软件工程技术

    Summary of clean room software project

  5. 净室软件工程中包含的主要概念有增量计划、盒构说明、正确的验证和统计测试计划。

    The main concepts of cleanroom software engineering are increment planning , box structure specification , correctness verification and statistical test planning .

  6. 文中介绍了净室软件工程的理论基础,探讨了净室工程的关键技术,研究了净室参考模型及其不足。

    Introduced theory of clean room software engineering , and then researched some key technologies of clean room ; at last , the clean room model and disadvantages were studied .

  7. 净室软件工程是一种强调正确性的数学验证和软件可靠性的新型软件工程技术,本文介绍了净室软件工程的原理和净室参考模型,并就净室技术的&些问题进行了探讨。

    Cleanroom software Engineering is a new software Engineering technology which emphasizes correct math verification and software reliability . In this paper , we introduces the principle of cleanroom software engineering and cleanroom reference model . and then gives some discussions about problems of the cleanroom technology .

  8. 净室(cleanroom)软件工程是一种应用数学和统计学方法以经济有效的方式开发高质量软件的工程技术。

    Cleanroom software engineering is an engineering technology that apply mathematics and statistics to developing software efficiently and economically .