- 网络cleanroom;Cleanroom software engineering;clean room software engineering

Research on Application of Cleanroom Software Engineering in CMM
The cleanroom software engineering is a software engineering technology to develop software with high reliability .
In order to explain the function of cleanroom , a case for the Naval Underwater Systems Center ( NUSC ) named the Automated Production Control Documentation ( APCODOC ) system was studied in this paper .
Summary of clean room software project
The main concepts of cleanroom software engineering are increment planning , box structure specification , correctness verification and statistical test planning .
Introduced theory of clean room software engineering , and then researched some key technologies of clean room ; at last , the clean room model and disadvantages were studied .
Cleanroom software Engineering is a new software Engineering technology which emphasizes correct math verification and software reliability . In this paper , we introduces the principle of cleanroom software engineering and cleanroom reference model . and then gives some discussions about problems of the cleanroom technology .
Cleanroom software engineering is an engineering technology that apply mathematics and statistics to developing software efficiently and economically .