
  • 网络water-reducing;slushing;set-down
  1. 测试结果表明ASL-Ⅰ减水性能优于TJ和TJ-Y,ASL-Ⅰ与水泥适应性较好。

    The water-reducing performance and compatibility with cement of final product obtained ASL-I were better than that of TJ and TJ-Y.

  2. 减水疏松剂在过磷酸钙生产中的应用研究

    Application of water-reducing bulking agent in the production of calcium superphosphate

  3. 利用IR表征了其结构,并考察了产品对水泥净浆流动度和混凝土减水率的影响。

    Structure of superplasticizer was characterized by IR and effects of the product on fluidity of cement paste and water reduction for concrete were investigated .

  4. 粉煤灰(PFA)在砂浆中的减水效应探索

    Discussions on water - reducing effect of PFA in mortar

  5. 自制PAA系列的减水机理主要为其长侧链引起的空间位阻作用及其带电离子的静电斥力作用。

    Space steric hindrance resulted by length lateral chain and electrostatic repulsion of charged ion made the main contribution to water-reducing effect of PAA .

  6. JUS是一种由聚羧酸系组分与其它具有减水功能的组分复配而成的高性能减水剂。

    JUS which is composed of polycarboxylic component and other components having water reducing capability is a kind of high performance water reducing agent .

  7. 研究了超细粉煤灰的粒径分布和颗粒形貌特征,结果表明UFA具有令人满意的减水增强作用。

    Particle size distribution and particle morphologies of UFA were also studied . Results show that UFA has satisfactory water reducing and reinforcing role .

  8. 结果表明,ASH-JD在降低成本17%的同时,具有良好的减水增强效果。

    Testing results showed good water-reduction and strength increase while its cost was decreased by 17 % .

  9. 当Pi30>50mm2/min,i30>0.28mm/min时,水平梯田的减水减沙效益随着Pi30的增大而减小。

    When Pi 30 50 mm 2 / min and I 30 0.28 mm / min , the soil and water conservation benefit of level terrace is decreasing in pace with Pi 30 increasing .

  10. 研究表明:MPC具有梳形分子结构,应用MPC后混凝土的减水率能达到25%以上,其分散性与分散保持性能与减水剂的PEO侧链长短有关,其主要通过立体位阻起作用。

    Results indicate that the water reducing ratio for the MPC with comb-like molecular structure are obtained over 25 % and the high dispersing and flowing retention property are mainly affected by the length of side chains of PEO through steric repulsive force .

  11. 实验测试了GCL1-3的水泥净浆流动度、减水率、流动度损失和抗压强度等性能。

    The influences of GCL1-3 on the flowability of cement paste , water reducing ratio , slump loss , setting time and compressive strength were tested .

  12. N-2000掺量为05%~10%,减水率为15%~28%,使混凝土拌合物坍落度保持2h基本不损失。

    The dosages of N-2000 are 0 5 % ~ 1 0 % by mass of cement . The water reducing ratio of N-2000 is 15 % ~ 18 % , which let the fresh concrete have basically no slump loss within 2 hours .

  13. 本文主要介绍了CS-SP1型超塑化剂在南水北调保定漕河段工程中以高减水率、高性能、低收缩为主要技术指标的水工大体积薄壁混凝土中的应用。

    The application of superplasticizer CS-SP1 in the hydraulic structure of mass concrete in this project is introduced in this article . The major technical indicators are high water reducing rate , high performance and low shrinkage .

  14. 木质素磺酸镁的改性及其对水泥的减水性能研究

    Modification of Magnesium Lignosulfonate and Its Performance of Water-Reduction on Cement

  15. 实验表明,所选乳液具有减水效果。

    Experimental results indicated that the emulsion can reduce mixing water .

  16. 减水河段水力生态修复措施的改善效果分析

    Effectiveness of hydraulic ecological rehabilitation measures in flow reduced river reaches

  17. 混凝土减水缓凝剂3FG-2的研究与应用

    Study and application of water reducing retarder 3fg 2 for concrete

  18. 水平梯田减水减沙效益计算探讨

    Discussions on Calculation of Water and Sediment Reduction Benefits of Terraces

  19. 选择含不同官能团的多种单体,合成一系列多羧酸型高效减水保塑剂;HSP-2005新型聚羧酸系高效减水剂研制

    Research and Manufacture of HSP - 2005 Polycarboxylate - Type Superplasticizer

  20. 发酵法黄腐酸磺化产物减水性能的研究

    Study on the Water-reducing Property of Sulfonated Fermenting Fulvic Acid

  21. 掺量为0.4%时,减水率高达40%,增大掺量,减水率可以进一步提高。

    The water reduction rate will be further improved with increasing dosage .

  22. 黄河流域水土保持减水定额研究

    Water reduction norm of soil and water conservation in Yellow River basin

  23. 碱木素改性及其减水分散性能的研究

    Study on Modification of Alkali Lignin and its Water-reducing and Disperse Properties

  24. 改性物的减水性能达到普通减水剂的标准。

    Product reached the level of common water reducing agent .

  25. 混凝土外加剂减水率的快速测定方法

    The Rapid Determination Method of Water - reducing Ratio of Concrete Admixtures

  26. 一种超细粉料的减水性

    The Effect of Reducing-Water of a Kind of Fine Powder

  27. 高强减水速凝剂及其应用

    Super water-reducing quick - setting agent and Its Applications

  28. 海岸带风暴潮减水的统计分析

    Statistical analysis of negative storm surge in coastal zone

  29. 并分析了降雨特征对不同植被措施的减水、减沙效益的影响。

    The influence of rain to the different reduction benefits was also analysed .

  30. 磺化丙酮甲醛缩聚物合成参数对其减水分散性能的影响

    Effect of synthesizing technology of sulfonated acetone formaldehyde polycondensate on its dispersing performance