
jiǎn shù
  • subtrahend;subtractor
减数[jiǎn shù]
  1. PH基因制约减数分裂前染色体的联会。

    Synapsis before meiosis is restricted by PH genes .

  2. 雄性小白鼠减数分裂中性染色体复制的规律&两条平行的DNA合成路线

    Replication of sex-chromosome in meiosis of male mice & the two parallel pathways of DNA synthesis

  3. 蛋白激酶C和MAPK/p90rsk对小鼠卵丘-卵母细胞复合体减数分裂成熟的调节

    Regulation of Protein Kinase C and MAPK / p90rsk Cascade on the Induced Meiotic Maturation in Mouse Cumulus Cell-Oocyte Complexes

  4. 丝裂霉素C诱发相互易位杂合中国仓鼠减数分裂过程中间节段交换的研究

    A study on the mitomycin C-induced meiotic crossing-over of the interstitial segments in the Chinese hamster heterozygous for a reciprocal translocation

  5. λDNA导入中国春后花粉母细胞减数分裂染色体行为及性状变异观察

    Observation on Chromosomal Behavior Among Meiosis of Pollen Mother Cells and Abnormal Characters by Introduced Lambda Phage DNA into Chinese Spring

  6. 玉米×四倍体多年生玉米F1减数分裂构型及不同构型的染色体来源研究

    Studies of Meiotic Behavior and the Chromosome Origin of Different Configuration in F_1 Hybrid of Maize × Z.perennis

  7. 此外,X、Y染色体间出现扩大配对,其长度随减数分裂的进行而降低。

    At pachytene stage the X and Y chromosome display an extensive side-by-side pairing segment with decreasing length as meiotic prophase progressed .

  8. 目的探讨用精子荧光原位杂交(FluorescenceinSituHybridization,FISH)分析男性染色体相互易位携带者减数分裂的分离。

    Objective To analyze the meiotic segregation results of male reciprocal chromosome translocation by fluorescence in situ hybridization ( FISH ) .

  9. Y染色体轴在减数分裂前期中有明显特征,易于与常染色体的SC区别。

    The X and Y chromosome axes have a clear morphological distinction from the autosomal SC.

  10. 此外,在雄性动物,精原细胞减数分裂早期也存在着短暂的X染色体失活现象。

    In addition , in males , the X chromosome is inactivated together with Y chromosome in spermatogenic cells shortly before or during early meiotic prophase .

  11. 减数分裂是有性生殖物种世代交替的转折点;减数分裂不仅维持了基因组的稳定性,而且通过重组创造了遗传多样性。在减数分裂过程中,DNA复制一次后进行两次连续的细胞分裂。

    Meiosis , an essential process in sexual life cycle , is necessary not only for the maintenance of genomic stability but also for the creation of genetic diversity .

  12. 杂交稻高产群体干物质的积累动态呈Logistic生长曲线,积累半量期在减数分裂期,以中期积累最多,后期次之,前期较少。

    Dry matter accumulation pattern of high yielding hybrid rice colony appeared as Logistic curve with the higheSt accumulation speed at meiosis stage .

  13. 航天诱变凤仙花嵌合突变体(SP2)的形态及减数分裂的观察

    Observation of Morphological Characters and Meiosis on Chimera Mutant ( SP_2 ) Induced by Space Flight in Impatiens balsamina

  14. 苎麻染色体核型和GiemsaC-带型及PMC减数分裂行为的研究

    Studies on the karyotype , Giemsa C-bands and PMC meiosis of Ramie

  15. 但草血竭水煮醇沉干浸膏与草血竭纯化部分能够明显杀灭病毒,即随药物浓度的增加,CPE特征逐渐减弱,病毒滴度也逐渐降低,而空斑减数率明显升高。

    As the dose of drugs increased , viral titers decreased and plaque inhibition rate increased correspondingly .

  16. 棕色田鼠XO雌体的减数分裂

    Meiosis of XO Females in the mandarin vole Microtus mandarinus

  17. Klebsiellaaerogenes染色体DNA的分离和纯化小麦细胞减数分裂染色体分离同步化遗传分析

    Isolation and Purification of Chromosomal DNA of Klebsiella Aerogenes Genetic Analysis of Synchronized Chromosome Separation in Wheat Meiosis

  18. MTT分析法、空斑减数法及CPE观察法评估药物体外抗病毒效果的比较与分析

    Comparison and Analysis of CPE Assay , MTT Assay and Plaque Reductive Assay for Evaluating Medicines in Antiviral Effects in vitro

  19. 进一步检测发现Cofilin1敲除后减数分裂进程受到了显著的影响,更多的卵母细胞被阻滞在前MI期和MI期。

    Further more study found the meiosis process was influenced significantly , more oocyte was arrested at pre-MI and MI of meiosis .

  20. FSH、EGF、胰岛素促进小鼠卵母细胞体外减数分裂恢复机制的研究

    A preliminary study on the mechanism of egf , fsh , insulin 's effect on the meiotic division of mouse oocytes

  21. 春砂仁(AmomumvillosumLour)大孢母细胞的减数分裂和胚囊发育的研究

    Investigation of Megasporocyte Meiosis and Development of the Embryo-sac in Amomum villosum Lour

  22. 杜仲(EucommiaulmoidesOliv)小孢子母细胞减数分裂属同时型。

    The meiotic division of the microspore mother cell of Eucommia ulmoides Oliv belong to simultaneous type .

  23. 联会复合体(SynaptonemalComplex,SC)是真核生物减数分裂前期I同源染色体配对时形成的一种核内临时结构。

    Synaptonemal complex ( SC ) is a transient structure which happened in eukaryotic nuclei during the first meiotic division when homologous chromosomes are pairing .

  24. 注射hCG后不同时间猪所排卵泡内COC的形态和卵母细胞减数分裂进程

    Morphology of Cumulus-complexs and Meiotic Dynamics of Porcine Oocytes in Preovulatory Follicules at Different Time after hCG Injection

  25. 根据染毒到制片的间隔时间判断,氟化钠和氯化主要作用于减数分裂前的G1和S期初级精母细胞。

    According to the time interval between treatment and slide preparation they mainly affected G1-and S-phase of primary spermatocytes in pre-meiosis .

  26. 著者等首次采用ASG法对家蚕卵母细胞减数分裂粗线期染色体进行G带分染,在染色体上显示出暗带明带共658条丰富的带纹,并绘制了G带组型模式图。

    The studies first used the ASG Method to obtain the G & band chromosomes at meiotic pachytene in oocyte , and the G-band Pattern was drawn .

  27. 用GT重复多态性诊断21三体患者中超数21号染色体减数分裂起源的研究

    Studies of Meiotic Origin of the Extra Chromosome 21 in Down Syndromes Detected by Using ( GT ) n Polymorphic DNA Markers

  28. 减数分裂中期Ⅰ、K、V、T型异源细胞质对杂合核型染色体配对的影响随父本遗传背景不同而异。

    In metaphase ⅰ, the effect of K 、 V 、 T types cytoplasm on the chromosome pairing of 1B · 1B / 1R hetero nucleus was different in different male parent genetic background .

  29. 本文阐述了小麦远缘杂交F1代自然结实的原因:一是形成未减数配子,产生双二倍体;

    This paper summarized the reason of selfed seed of F 1 hybrids in wheat distant hybridization . One formed unreduced gametes and produced amphidiploids .

  30. 作者就PKC在卵母细胞第1次减数分裂成熟过程中的作用综述如下。

    Here in this article , the recent advances of research in PKC in the process of Meiosis ⅰ during mammalian oocyte maturation is reviewed .