• frog
  • 两栖动物的一科,无尾,后肢长,前肢短,趾有蹼,善于跳跃和泅水。种类很多:青~(俗称“田鸡”)。牛~。~泳。~人。


{动} (两栖动物) frog:

  • 池蛙

    green frog;

  • 虎纹蛙

    tiger frog;

  • 巨蛙

    goliath frog;

  • 食用蛙

    edible [table] frog;

  • 雨蛙

    tree frog [toad]

  1. 固定剂和蛋白激酶C活性对蛙骨骼肌纤维三联体超微结构的影响

    Effects of fixative and protein kinase C activity on ultrastructure of triad of frog skeletal muscle fibres

  2. 能明显增强离体蛙心收缩力(P<0.01);

    It can strengthen the contractility and increase the stroke volume of unorganized frog hearts significantly ( P < 0.01 ) .

  3. 我买了面镜、蛙鞋和一个呼吸管。

    I did buy a mask and fins and a snorkel .

  4. 一天,他翻阅《淮南子》,读到书中这样一句话:蛙螂捕蝉,全靠有一片能遮身的树叶。他想,人要是能得到这片树叶,就能隐身了。

    One day , when he was leafing through the book Huainan Zi , he came across a line saying : " When the mantis1 preys2 on the cicada , it relies entirely3 upon a leaf to conceal4 its body . " He thought that if one could get such a leaf , one could become invisible .

  5. 饲粮对林蛙蝌蚪的生长发育有明显影响,组间差异极显著(P<0.01)。

    Dietary treatments had significant effect on the growth and development of tadpoles ( P < 0.01 ) .

  6. 从细胞色素b基因序列探讨我国林蛙属动物的系统发生关系

    Phylogenetic Relationships of Chinese Brown Frogs ( Rana ) Based on Sequence of Mitochondrial Cytochrome b Gene

  7. 豚鼠交感神经节非胆碱能迟慢兴奋性突触后电位与蛙皮素、P物质的关系

    The Relationship between Non-cholinergic , Late Slow-excitatory Postsynaptic Potential and Bombesin or Substance P in Sympathetic Ganglia of Guinea-pig

  8. 实验结果表明:甲基汞可使中国林蛙的DNA甲基化率有不同程度的降低。

    The experimental results show that : methylmercury can make the DNA methylation rates of Rana chensinensis reduce at different levels .

  9. 中国黑斑蛙种群的线粒体DNA多样性和生物地理演化过程的初探

    Mitochondrial DNA diversity and preliminary biogeographic inference of the evolutionary history of the black-spotted pond frog Rana nigromaculata populations in China

  10. 方法腹腔注射蛙皮素制成AP大鼠模型。

    [ Methods ] AP was induced by injection of Cerulein .

  11. 不同浓度和pH利多卡因对蛙离体坐骨神经复合动作电位的影响

    Effects of Lidocaine in Different Concentration and pH on Compound Action Potential of the Sciatic Nerve Isolated from Frog

  12. 中国林蛙四亚种血清LDH同工酶电泳研究

    A Comparative Study of LDH Isoenzyme of Four Subspecies of Rana chensinensis

  13. 应用RAMP标记分析长白山地区中国林蛙的遗传多样性

    Genetic Diversity of Rana chensinensis from Changbaishan Based on RAMP Markers

  14. 除蛙皮缩胆囊肽诱发的AP外,其余各组机能毛细血管密度(Functionalcapillarydensity,FCD)均减少。

    Except cerulein-induced pancreatitis , other groups were found to have reduced pancreatic functional capillary density ( FCD ) .

  15. ICP-AES法测定林蛙组织中多种微量元素方法研究

    Study on the Determination of Microelements in Forest Frog by Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectroscopy

  16. 泽蛙单倍体细胞RNA含量对胚胎发育和成活的影响

    The influence of the RNA content of the haploid cell on the development and the viability of the haploid embryos of the frog Rana limnocharis

  17. 采用聚丙烯酰胺凝胶平板电泳(PAGE),对黑斑蛙的五种不同组织器官和五种不同发育时期的个体进行了酯酶(α&EST)和过氧化物酶(PO)同工酶的差异比较研究。

    The differentiation of α & EST and PO isoenzymes in five different organs and five different developing periods of Rana nigromaculata was studied by PAGE .

  18. 镉对中国林蛙(Ranachensinensis)和黑斑蛙(Rananigromaculata)幼体生长发育的影响

    Effect of Cadmium on Growth and Development in Larval Rana Chensinensis and Rana Nigromaculata

  19. 应用Cole-Cole公式分析蛙血液细胞介电谱

    The dielectric spectra of frog blood cell analysis by Cole-Cole formula

  20. 据美国“生活科学”网5月18日报道,这些幸存者是人们在哥伦比亚境内的山脉中发现的。它们或许是最后一批仅存于世的油彩蛙(paintedfrog)。

    The survivors , discovered in the mountains of Columbia , might be the last holdouts of the painted frog ( Atelopus ebenoides marinkellei ) .

  21. 林蛙人工繁育及18S测序的研究

    Forest Frog Artificial Breeding and 18S Sequence Research

  22. 除草剂阿特拉津(Atrazine)溶液中弹琴蛙蝌蚪(Ranaadenopleura)的行为模式

    Behavior pattern of Rana adenopleura tadpoles exposed to the herbicide atrazine

  23. 黑斑蛙(Rananigromaculata)不同组织器官和不同发育时期同工酶的比较研究

    A comparative study on Isoenzymes in different organs and different developing periods of Rana nigromaculata

  24. LAS和KMnO4对黑斑蛙蝌蚪的毒性研究

    Acute Toxicity and Combined Toxicity of LAS and KMnO_4 on Rana nigromaculata Tadpoles

  25. 硒盐对黑斑蛙蝌蚪(Rananigromaculata)毒性效应的研究

    The Study of the Toxic Effects of Sodium Selenate / Selenite Anhydrous on Rana Nigromaculata Tadpoles

  26. 结论4℃时蛙皮素能抑制IL-1β发热,其机制有可能是通过抑制cAMP合成或释放实现的。

    CONCLUSION : Bombesin can inhibit IL-1 β - induced fever at 4 ℃ , and the mechanism may be related to the inhibition the synthesis and release of cAMP .

  27. 本文用PHA液一次性注入黑斑蛙腹腔的方法,研究不同剂量PHA对黑斑蛙的细胞学效应。

    A comparative research was made to discover the cytologic effects of phytohemagglutinin ( PHA ) in different doses injected into rana nigromaculata in vivo .

  28. DFP预处理表明,鸽顶盖的Ⅲ层细胞含丰富的AChE,其他层细胞和蛙顶盖细胞含有中等和低浓度AChE。

    DFP-treatment shows that tectal cells , with the exception of cells in layer III containing rich AChE , have moderate or low concentrations of AChE .

  29. 将~(51)Cr标记蛙红细胞技术应用于加速度生理学研究,测定+3Gz对麻醉兔内脏器官血流的影响。

    This article states that the technique of 51Cr labelled frog red blood cells can be applied to studying acceleration physiology to measure the effects of + 3Gz acceleration on internal organs blood flow in anesthetized rabbits .

  30. 检测结果表明在延边地区32只林蛙中,IFA的阳性数为14只,阴性数为18只。

    Test results show that 32 frog in the Yanbian area , IFA positive number is 14 , and the negative number is 18 .