
wā rén
  • frogman
蛙人 [wā rén]
  • [frogmen] 为长时间在水下游动而戴着面罩、备有脚蹼、橡皮衣、氧气筒等的潜水者

  1. 定位浮标是为满足水下蛙人部队定位要求而设计的。

    The positioning buoy is designed to localize the underwater frogman army .

  2. 下载游戏珍惜蛙人和发挥是免费的!

    Download Arcade Game Treasure Frogman and Play for Free !

  3. 警方的蛙人搜索这个湖,寻找谋杀凶器。

    Police frogmen searched the lake for the murder weapon .

  4. 沉重的潜水装备使蛙人行动困难。

    The frogmen were encumbered by their diving equipment .

  5. 昨天警方的蛙人在公用草地上的一个小池塘里打捞。

    Yesterday police frogmen dragged a small pond on the Common .

  6. 包括蛙人和警犬训练员在内的50名警官正展开对她的搜寻。

    Fifty officers , including frogmen and dog handlers , are searching for her .

  7. 两个蛙人潜入深海中。

    Two frogmans slip into in the deep sea .

  8. 水下蛙人对于港口、码头和军事设施等目标构成了重要威胁。

    Underwater diver has been an important threat to the targets such as : port , dock and some military facilities .

  9. 4月16日,午夜刚过,美国蛙人在猪湾登陆同时设置好灯光指引接下来的入侵。

    S.frogmen land on Cuba 's beaches in the Bay of Pigs and set up landing lights to guide the coming invasion .

  10. 反蛙人防御作战是水面舰艇编队在作战初期完成兵力集结或近岸锚泊任务时的重要作战任务之一。

    Antifrogman defense combat is one of the important tasks in surface ship formation makes mass in early time of combat or anchors in shore .

  11. 任采珠的蛙人来去匆匆,任潮涨潮落波翻浪涌;这颗珍珠只在封闭的蚌里躲藏,迷失在茫茫深海无影无踪。

    The divers may come and go , The tides , they arise and fall ; The pearl in its shell lies sealed , And the Deep Sea covers all .

  12. 蛙人运载器是实现秘密运输蛙人到指定海域进行作战的一种装置,将在未来局部海战中发挥着重要作用。

    Frogman Carrier is a device for carrying the frogman to campaign in the designated area clandestinely , it must be an important part in locate naval warfare in the future .

  13. 三角洲部队中特别训练包括带降落伞的高跳低开跳伞和带有呼吸装置水底潜伏的蛙人项目。

    Specialized troops within Delta Force are trained for free fall / HALO ( High Altitude Low Opening ) jump scenarios in the sky with parachutes , as well as deep underwater ones with scuba gear .

  14. 针对潜艇、潜航器、蛙人等现代水下目标不断提高的隐身技术,本论文以水下被动组网探测技术为研究重点,研究了水下目标被动探测传感网系统。

    This paper focuses on underwater passive network detection technology with the background of continuously enhancement of stealth technology for submarines , AUVs , divers , etc. , which contains the underwater passive target detection sensor network .