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fán lì
  • notes on the use of a book, etc;guide to the use of a book, etc;notes on the use of a book,etc.
凡例 [fán lì]
  • [notes on the use of a book,etc.] 书前说明本书内容、体例的文字

凡例[fán lì]
  1. 《现代汉语词典》(增补本)凡例部分也要修订

    Notes on the Use of " Modern Chinese Dictionary " ( the Enlarged Edition ) Must Be Revised

  2. 凡例部分,以经为单位,分析了御纂诸经纂修的纲领和宗旨。

    The part of the explanatory notes takes each scripture as unit , to analysis the creed and tenet .

  3. 体例方面,笔者主要论述了《凡例》编纂不规范问题、符号使用不规范等问题。

    About the style , the author elaborates the non-standard problems on the explanatory notices and the symbol use .

  4. 《宋元语言词典》的凡例及释义体例商榷基于神秘解释的或以神秘解释为例证的。

    On the Explanatory Notes and Interpretation Style in Song and Yuan Dynasties Language Dictionary based on or exemplifying anagoge .

  5. 《周韶华全集》仅凡例、总序以及绘画、摄影作品的说明文字安排中英文对照。

    Only the explanatory notes , the general preface and the description of paintings and photographic works are written in both Chinese and English .

  6. 论文总体分四大章,分别从诗语、题名凡例、人物思想、叙事境地几个方面来分析。

    The paper has four big chapters : the poem language , the autograph legend preface , the character thought , and the narrative region .

  7. 副词的条目分立基本上遵循了其凡例所定的“形同音同但意义不同”则分立条目的原则。

    Separation of entry of adverbs basically keeps to the principle made by foreword , 'same form and same tone but meaning different , then separates entry .

  8. 论文从该书编选背景入手,通过对其自序、凡例、诗人评价作讨论分析,探讨其作为元诗选集的独到之处。

    The paper begins from the editorial background of the book and analyzes or discusses the autobiography , notes on the use of a book and comments of the poets .

  9. 第一章为绪论,对“湖南境内的客家人”和“湖南境内的客家方言”等概念进行了界定,并简要介绍了本研究的意义和方法、发音合作人的情况及凡例。

    The first chapter gives an introduction on some concepts such as " the Hakkas in Hunan province " and " hakka dialects in Hunan province ", the meaning and methods of this research , the persons who pronounced for me , and the symbols used in this paper .