
  • 网络VAN;Van, VAN;City of Van
  1. 急救人员在凡城及凡湖周边地区奋力营救被困在倒塌房屋下的人们。土耳其境内最大湖泊凡湖的位置靠近土耳其与伊朗边境。

    Emergency workers battled to rescue people trapped in buildings in the city of Van and surrounding districts on the banks of Lake Van , near Turkey 's border with Iran .

  2. 耶稣知道他们的心意,就对他们说,凡国自相分争,必至荒凉;凡城或家自相分争,也难站住。

    But knowing their thoughts , he said to them , Every kingdom divided against itself becomes desolate , and every city or house divided against itself will not stand .