
  1. 第八部分分析和探寻凤台小戏的处境与出路。

    The eighth part analyzes and inquires about the situation and the outlet of the Fengtai operetta .

  2. “凤台小戏”这朵太行艺术奇葩将在大家的努力下,越开越美。

    " Fengtai small theater " Taihang allow wonderful art will be the efforts of everyone , the more open the more the United States .

  3. 笔者从名称说,江南说,商路即戏路之说三个方面来探讨凤台小戏的起源。

    The author discussed the Fengtai operetta from three aspects , namely , the name , Jiangnan , the trade route which is the play road .

  4. 八年抗战和解放战争时期,“凤台小戏”濒临灭绝,致使部分剧目及一些特技表演失传。

    Eight-year war and the War of Liberation ," Fengtai small theater " on the brink of extinction , with the result that part of the repertoire and some stunt lost .

  5. 本文从角色体制、角色表演、音乐体制与乐队器乐、舞台艺术特征几方面来阐述;第六部分分析凤台小戏的剧目与剧本。

    This thesis elaborated from the role system , the role performance , music system and the orchestra instrumental music , stagecraft characteristic several aspects . The sixth part analyzes the plays and the script of the Fengtai operetta .