
  • sunflower
  1. 半枝莲(PortulacagrandifloraHook)又名太阳花,是马齿苋科马齿苋属一年生肉质草本植物,在我国各地广泛栽培,是典型的合成甜菜素类植物。

    Portulaca grandiflora Hook , also called as sunflower , is an annual succulent herb belonging to purslane family portulaca . As a typical of Betalains synthesis plant , Portulaca grandiflora Hook is widely cultivated in China .

  2. 种子,大,植物,西红柿,太阳花

    Seed , big , plant , tomato , sunflower

  3. 明媚的太阳花从高高的窗台上向行人微笑。

    Bright sunflowers are smiling to the passers-by from the high windowsill .

  4. 有许多太阳花,我妈妈种的。

    These are the sunflowers my mother planted .

  5. 太阳花是献给爸爸的花。

    Carnations are the flowers for mothers .

  6. 摘要:挤压模具设计是铝型材生产的关键技术,本文针对高密齿和空心太阳花两种典型结构的散热铝型材,对生产两种散热铝型材的挤压模具设计技术进行了系统的研究。

    Abstract : The design of extrusion die is the key technology for producing aluminum profiles .

  7. 成份:芙蓉(木槿)、蔷薇果皮、苹果、柑橘皮、香料、太阳花。

    Ingredient : hibiscus , hip pericarp , apple , orange pericarp , spice , purslane .

  8. 美国中部一种类似于一般向日葵的太阳花,其茎细长并且多枝。

    Similar to the common sunflower with slender usually branching stems common in central United States .

  9. 窗台上我要养一株太阳花,因为它就像阳光给我温暖。

    I will keep on windowsill a sunflower , because it is like sunshine to my warm .

  10. 成份:紫外线隔离因子、太阳花仔油、保湿因子、柠檬油。

    Content : uv separation gene , Portulaca grandiflora seed oil , moisture gene and lemon oil .

  11. 看看我的太阳花,你也可以叫他们死不了。

    Look at my sun plant , you also can call them " can 't be dead " .

  12. 太阳花午餐是一个可爱的太阳能用具。它能在同一时间冷却时间和加热食物。

    The Sunflower Lunchbox is a cute solar-powered appliance that heats and cools food items at the same time .

  13. 主要成分:山茶花粉、牛油果、太阳花、芦荟精华油、弹力素、玫瑰油等。

    Main ingredients : camellia powder , Avocado , heronsbill , aloe essence , elastin , rose oil and etc.

  14. 当他从梦中醒来时,发现树上花梗处闪烁着太阳花。

    As he emerged from his dreaming , he saw the flower stalk on the grass tree shining with sunlight .

  15. 专业设计师选用长丝带装饰新娘花球,花材包括缤纷玫瑰、马蹄兰、太阳花、百合、康乃馨及绿叶等,清雅怡人。

    Our professional designers create an elegant bouquet with colourful roses , calla lilies , gerberas , carnations and other varieties in tender pinks and greenery .

  16. 花圈用于祭祀墓葬,这被看作是太阳花;而不是折纸花,现在人们用长青柏树树枝象征生命之树。

    Wreath is used for sacrificial burials , which is seen as sun flower ; and instead of making paper posts , people now use ever green cypress twig to symbolize the tree of life .

  17. 黄色和奶油色调、米色以及卡其色搭配最相得益彰。所以太阳花色调的衬衫最好搭一件洗得发白的牛仔,金凤花色调的夹克与卡其色半身裙一起穿,再加一件裸色打底衫。

    The colour works best teamed with creams , beiges and khakis . So pair a sunflower shirt with pale wash jeans , or a buttercup yellow jacket with a khaki safari skirt and a nude top .

  18. 绿色:因其与自然和绿叶的关系,设计师常用它来充当中间色:绿色从不与大红或粉红的玫瑰、黄色太阳花、紫丁香、风铃草这些图案冲突。

    GREEN : Because of its association with nature and foliage , green in design can be used almost like a neutral colour : greens never clash with red or pink roses , yellow sunflowers , lilacs or bluebells .

  19. 比方说,如果听到“高兴”这个词,你可能会看到一张高兴的脸,甚至是太阳花或者彩虹这种东西;而如果这个人很生气,可能会看到乌云或者红颜色。

    For example , you may see a happy face , or you may even see something like a sunflower or rainbow if you 're being told " happy ," or a storm cloud or the color red if the person is angry .

  20. 本文以太阳花散热片为实例,以挤压模设计理论知识为基础,在总结大量散热片模具设计制造的经验上,详细论述了散热片挤压模具设计的具体步骤和关键点。

    In this paper , sunflowers radiator as an example , based on the knowledge of extrusion die design theory and a large number of radiator experience in mold design and manufacturing , the heat sink extrusion die design of the concrete steps and key points was discussed in detail .

  21. 一朵从來没看过太阳的花,和一朵曾经看过太阳的花,是不一样的。

    A flower that has never known the sun and a flower that has encountered the sun are not the same .

  22. 任何一个太阳观测者值得花时间和精力去跟踪观测太阳黑子的这种移动。

    To follow these movements of sunspots is worthwhile for every solar observer .

  23. 而她的新作《太阳和她的花》,自十月份发行以来也已卖出了一百万部。

    And her new work , " The Sun and Her Flowers , " has already sold a million since its release in October .

  24. 如果18岁时变成熟的方式是在伦敦汉普斯泰德石南园中无所事事地晒太阳,或者花上一年时间和康沃尔郡的渔夫一起工作,那么对于另外一个人来说将是有所收获的。

    If the18-year-old 's way of maturing is to slob out on Hampstead Heath soaking up sunshine or spending a year working with fishermen in Cornwall , then that 's what will be productive for that person .

  25. 太阳出来时,花以张开的形式作出反应。

    When the sun comes out , the flowers react by opening wide .

  26. 这个节日的主题是“人类的太阳金日成主席与太阳花一道永垂不朽”——难怪钱显然不是问题。

    Given the theme -- ' President Kim Il Sung , the sun of humankind , is immortal along with the flower of the sun ' -- no wonder money is apparently no object .