
  1. 明清传奇蕴涵着深刻的人文精神。

    There is deep spirit of humanism in the romaunt of Ming and Qing .

  2. 浅析西方剧场性戏剧和中国广场性明清传奇在情节形式上的差别

    On the Differences of the Plot Form Between Western Theatrical Drama and Chinese Legendary Drama

  3. 地方戏曲研究的新理念&马建华《莆仙戏与宋元南戏、明清传奇》评析

    New Ideas of Local Opera Research

  4. 元杂剧、明清传奇和欧洲传统戏剧都是文学的戏剧,地方戏是表演的戏剧。

    Zaju of Yuan , legends of Ming and Qing and traditional European operas all belong to literary drama , while local operas are performing drama .

  5. 明清传奇的市民形象鲜明地显示出与传统文学截然不同的地位和风貌,并表现出与资本主义萌芽同步发展的轨迹,具有深刻的社会时代特征。

    The figures of civilian were clearly imbued with times features , which was different from that of traditional literature and in step with the growing capitalism .

  6. 元杂剧舞台表演艺术对后世戏剧如明清传奇、京剧等,均产生了重要影响。

    Yuan zaju stage show art on later drama such as the legends of Ming and Qing , the Peking Opera and so on , have great impact .

  7. 戏曲形式的发生发展大致经历了元杂剧、明清传奇、花部等几个阶段。

    Chinese dramatic forms have undergone a number of stages in the development the Yuan plays , the tales of the Ming - Qing period , and a variety of melodies .

  8. 明清传奇作为中国古代戏剧的典型代表,具有独特的语言、文学和文化等多层面的美学特征,这也同时加剧了翻译的困难性。

    As a typical ancient Chinese literature genre , Chuanqi Drama of Ming and Qing Dynasty presents its distinctive features at linguistic , literary and cultural levels , which also adds difficulties to translation work .

  9. 秦腔至今还是西北地区最主要的地方戏曲形式,它继承了元杂剧和明清传奇的优秀传统,在秦文化的熏陶下具有着自身的独特魅力。

    As one of the main types of local operas in the northwest of China , Shaanxi Opera inherited the virtues of Zaju and Chuanqi and developed its own charm under the influence of the culture of Shaanxi province .

  10. 明清英雄传奇小说生成的商业经济基础

    Business and Economic Foundation of the Formation of the Hero-legend Novel in Ming-Qing Dynasty

  11. 明清英雄传奇章回小说在吸取前代文学各种艺术积累的基础上逐步形成。

    The Hero - legend novel Ming - Qing Dynasty gradually take form on the foundation of art accumulation of the previous literature .

  12. 明清小说戏曲传奇二题

    Two Aspects of Romance in Novels and Dramas of the Ming and Qing Dynasties

  13. 本文正文包括五章:第一章《明清山东杂剧传奇概说》,主要是厘清明清山东杂剧传奇作家、作品的基本文献材料,概括性地描述其历史发展过程、基本趋势等。

    The first chapter An Introduction to Shandong Zaju and Chuanqi in Ming and Qing Dynasties , mainly clarifies the basic material of the writers and works , concisely describes its development process , the basic trend and so on .

  14. 明清杂剧、传奇、京剧及地方戏中都有大量的水浒戏,表演形态也很丰富,除全本戏外,还有连台本戏以及大量折子戏演出。

    The legendary Peking Opera and the play have a lot of similar places as " Water Margin " . Performance is also very rich in form , besides all the drama , there are even sets and a number of opera performances in this drama .

  15. 首先,明清山东杂剧传奇有深厚的文化蕴含为基础,有著名的作家作品及文学群体作支撑,有不同时期、不同戏曲样式、不同文体特征的发展演变为其增色。

    Firstly , Shandong Zaju and Chuanqi opera in Ming and Qing Dynasties has profound culture as foundation , has famous writers , works and literature communities as strut , and has the development and evolution of different opera styles and stylistic features in different time to add color .

  16. 本文以明清时期山东杂剧传奇为研究对象。

    This article take the Zaju and Chuanqi Opera in Ming and Qing Dynasties in Shandong as research object .