
  • 网络stage atmosphere
  1. 整台晚会节目丰富多彩,当中国预防艾滋病宣传员、著名表演艺术家濮存昕拉着艾滋病患者的手走上舞台时,现场气氛进入高潮。

    The atmosphere on the site reached its climax when well-known performing artist Pu Cunxi came on the stage holding hands of aids patients .

  2. 新颖美观的点火器,可容纳八支冷焰火,遥控点火,燃放时就像一朵盛开的鲜花一样绽放,极大的为你的舞台表演增添浪漫气氛。

    Beautiful and novel fireworks console , it can take eight pcs indoor fireworks , remote control , burn like a blooming flower in the stage , outstanding result .