
dāo bà
  • see also 刀把儿
刀把 [dāo bà]
  • (1) [handle of a knife;hilt of a knife]∶刀、剑的柄

  • (2) [handle;things that may be used against sb.]∶比喻把柄

  • (3) [military power]∶比喻权柄

  • 刀把子攥在他手里,穷人上哪里说理去

  1. 她用刀把盖子撬开了。

    She used a knife to prise open the lid .

  2. 用刀把它切开。

    Cut it with a knife .

  3. 他用刀把树皮从树上砍下

    He slashed the bark off the tree with his knife .

  4. 厨房用具KitchenUtensil这件礼物不仅实用,而且还有心理治疗的功效。“前任”刀架组包含了五把刀和一个刀架,采用不锈钢制造,锋利无比,刀把采用人体工程学设计,手感舒适实乃送礼之佳品。

    Not only functional , but also therapeutic , " The Ex " Knife Set and Holder is a five-piece knife set plus holder that makes for the perfect gift . Constructed with heavy-gauge durable stainless steel , each knife offers a razor-sharp precision , ergonomically designed for comfortable handle .

  5. 你用螺丝刀把螺丝拧几圈。

    You turn the screws round and round with a screwdriver .

  6. 他拿出螺丝刀把其余的螺丝卸了下来。

    He took a screwdriver and teased out the remaining screws .

  7. 这是把没用的小刀,刀把坏了。

    This is a useless knife - the handle has broken !

  8. 我用刀把自己剌伤了.这刀子很快.小心别剌着!

    This knife is sharp . Mind you don 't cut yourself !

  9. 用一把锋利的刀把圈切成两半。

    Cut the roll in half with a sharp knife .

  10. 螺丝刀把上带有一个十字卡座;

    The screw driver handle is provided with a cross-shaped card holder ;

  11. 你可以用螺丝刀把盖子打开。

    You can open the cover by a screwdriver .

  12. 她用裁纸刀把信拆开。

    She slit open the letter with a paperknife .

  13. 艺术家使用一种又精细又锋利的刀把图像刻在金属上面。

    The artist uses a fine sharp knife to cut through the metal .

  14. 查利用刀把棍子截短。

    Charlie cut the stick short with his knife .

  15. 那个用切肉刀把爸爸砍死的人?

    The one who hacked her father to death with a meat cleaver ?

  16. “你用刀把枕头戳破了吗”神父问道。

    ' Did you gut the pillow with a knife ? 'he says .

  17. 将会一刀一刀把龙割成碎片

    the man who is going to tear the dragon limb from limb .

  18. 用小螺丝刀把松掉的螺丝拧紧。

    Tighten loose screws with a small precision screwdriver .

  19. 他们用一把又长又平的刀把它切成很薄的薄片。

    They cut it themselves into very thin slices with a long flat knife .

  20. 在英国,用刀把食物送进嘴里被认为是粗鲁的行为。

    Putting food into one 's mouth with a knife is considered vulgar in England .

  21. 用刀把食物送入口中是不礼貌的。

    It 's not considered polite to put food into your mouth with a knife .

  22. 他用刀把椰子切开,椰汁流出来。

    He split the coconut with a knife to let the coconut milk flow out .

  23. 他用刀把自己弄伤了。

    He hurts himself with the knife .

  24. 他们要我的双手,用一把宰羊的刀把它们砍了下来。

    They asked for my hands and cut them off with a knife for butchering goats .

  25. 我的问题是用一把钝刀把子弹拿了出来

    My problem is getting a bullet dug out of my arm with a dull blade .

  26. GB/T959.2-1986挡圈技术条件&钢丝挡圈你用螺丝刀把螺丝拧几圈。

    Specifications for ring-Round wire snap rings You turn the screws round and round with a screwdriver .

  27. 当他剩下的鱼饵中有一块被咬住时,他就用自己那把带鞘的刀把钓丝给割断了。

    When something took one of his remaining baits , he cut the line with his sheath knife .

  28. 这条鱼被放在厨房的桌上,一位仆人用刀把它切开。

    The fish was put on the kitchen table , and a servant cut it open with a knife .

  29. 先用刀把肉切成丁,然后再加四分之一杯食用油。

    First use a knife to dice the meat , then add1 / 4 of a cup of oil .

  30. 每把刀采用不锈钢制造,锋利无比。刀把采用人体工程学设计,手感舒适。

    Constructed with heavy-gauge durable stainless steel , each knife offers a razor-sharp precision , ergonomically designed for comfortable handle .